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Tissue Engineering

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Tissue engineering is a branch of biomedical engineering that focuses on isolating and amplifying the natural ability of the human body to heal injuries. The paradigm of tissue engineering is composed of three major components: a tissue scaffold; biological factors; and cells. Among these three components, the source of the cells used in the medical device is the largest source of controversy. Not only can the origin of the cells affect the funding of an engineering project, but it can even lead to the overall rejection of the project by society if they feel that the source is morally objectionable. This essay will explore two common sources of pluripotent cells used in tissue engineering, the laws that are set in place in accordance with …show more content…
In tissue engineering in particular, the overall architecture that has the defect is the human body. Although the building material may be a little different than what the average engineer is used to, there are a lot of similarities between the construction of a building and an implantable tissue. Both a tissue engineering device and a building require a strong foundation or scaffold. Much like a building, a tissue engineering scaffold also requires consideration to air and water flow. Additionally, both structures are composed of individual building blocks that make the overall architecture. Although both concepts have a large number of similarities, it is the difference in building material and where they originate that creates the overall moral …show more content…
A majority of public opinion focuses on a very narrow scope of tissue engineering, where were the stem cells derived from? As science advances, the United States legislators and president create new laws and executive orders to address the ethics and usage of these advances. In 2001, President Bush became the first president to enact an executive order over embryonic stem cells (1). This executive order allowed for federal funds to be used on stem cell research, as long as it pertained to the embryonic stem cells registered by the National Institute of Health. In essence, this allowed for researchers to study only 78 cell lines. In 2009, President Barack Obama signed an executive order which allowed for the private creation of 1,000 more lines of embryonic cells (10). This legislation required that government-funded scientist were not allowed to create these lines of cells, which emphasized that the government was neither creating nor destroying embryos in the name of science (10). The prevention of governmental employees from creating embryonic stem cells highlights the controversy embedded in one of the sources of stem cells. We can see how there is hypocritical attitude to the use versus the creation of embryonic stem cells. Not only is this true in the government, but most Americans are split of even the usage of all stem cells. In a Gallop Poll reporting public opinion of stem

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