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John Marquis Abortion Analysis

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In the end, Marquis would consider abortion to be wrong because it keeps the fetus from having a valuable future, and for him, that is what determines whether killing is moral or not. The problem with Marquis is that his writing does not take into account many of the different angles of abortion, such as, the right of the woman to control her body and whose right trumps the other. In the end Marquis would argue that it is morally wrong because it is killing one who would, otherwise, have a valuable future ahead of them. However, his paper and arguments leave a lot left to the discussion on abortion.

Thomson considers abortion in three different situations, abortion because of rape, abortion when the mother’s life is at stake, and abortion after …show more content…
The key tie …show more content…
She has the reader imagine a situation where a mother is trapped in a extremely tiny house with a very big baby that continues to grow faster and faster. In minutes the mother will be crushed up against the walls of the house. However, the life of the baby is not at risk, as it continues to grow, it is clear that it will simply burst through the house after killing the mother by crushing her. Thomson argues that it should be the right of the mother to kill that baby, in this way, stopping it from growing and, in turn, save her own life from an otherwise certain death. It is clear to see that this scenario outlines an example where the mother’s life is at risk and where they only way for her to live is to end the life of the baby. Through this example, Thomson shows why she believes it is morally permissible for the mother to get an abortion if her life is at

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