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Submitted By cailouden
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Pages 7
Describe the following tissue types:
Epithelial - Epithelial tissue covers the entire surface of the body. It is made up of cells nearly pressed and extended in one or more layers. This tissue is specific to structure the covering or coating of all inward and outer body surfaces. Epithelial tissue that happens on surfaces on the inside of the body is known as endothelium. Epithelial cells are packed firmly together, with practically no intercellular spaces and just a little measure of intercellular substance. Epithelial tissue is generally divided from the underlying tissue by a meagre sheet of connective tissue; cellar layer. The basement membrane gives structural backing to the epithelium furthermore ties it to neighbouring structures. Epithelial tissue can be divided into two groups depending on the number of layers of which it is creates. Epithelial tissue which is stand out cell thick is known as basic epithelium. On the off chance that it is two or more cells thick, for example, the skin, it is known as stratified epithelium. There are also nerve supplies to the epithelia but they are supplied with oxygen and nutrients from deeper tissues by diffusion.
There are three types of epithelial tissue, which include cuboidal, columnar and squamous
Simple cuboidal epithelia are a type of epithelium that refers to a single layer of cube-like cells. These cuboidal cells have large, spherical and central nuclei. The cells of this sort of tissue can withstand more trauma than basic squamous epithelia and are adjusted for dispersion and discharge. This is one of the specializations found in epithelial tissues. Straightforward cuboidal epithelium is found in organs that are specific for emission, for example, salivary organs and thyroid follicles, and those that are particular for dispersion, for example, the kidney tubules. As its name concludes, this tissue comprises of a solitary layer of cuboidal cells on the storm basement membrane.
Simple columnar epithelial cells are longer than they are wide. Characteristically, their nuclei are found at the base of the cell. The cells are connected by tight junctions. The cells receive nutrients through the basement membrane, which separates the cells from the capillary basal layer. Simple columnar epithelial cells can specialize to secret mucus that coats and protects the surrounding surface from damage. They are usually found in the lining of the intestine and gallbladder. Basic squamous epithelial cells are slim and level (the most slender of all epithelial cell-sorts), which allows them to have a large surface zone. The cells, scale-like in appearance, have a tendency to have bigger, circularly formed cores. As a basic sort of epithelium, straightforward squamous epithelium is one cell-layer thick, and in this manner each cell of the tissue comes in immediate contact with the basement membrane. Likewise with different sorts of epithelia, basic squamous epithelial cells are bound together by tight intersections, framing a specific boundary, which is significant to its capacity. Connective
Connective tissue is made up of cells and extracellular matrix. The extracellular matrix is made up of fibres in a protein and polysaccharide matrix, secreted and organised by cells in the extracellular matrix. Variations in the composition of the extracellular matrix, determines the properties of the connective tissue. For example, if the matrix is calcified, it can form bone or teeth. Specialised forms of extracellular matrix also makes up tendons, cartilage, and the cornea of the eye. General connective tissue is either loose, or dense, depending on the arrangement of the fibres.
Blood - Every tissue in the body needs a blood supply. Many of the white blood cells leave the blood vessels and migrate into the connective tissue and epithelia.
Cartilage is usually found in close association with bone in the body. It is a type of connective tissue which is tough, semi-transparent, elastic and flexible. The matrix or ground substance of cartilage consists mainly of glyco-protein material, chondroitin. The cartilage cells (chondrocytes) lie scattered in the matrix. Cartilage is covered by a dense fibrous membrane, the perichondrium. No nerves or blood vessels occur in cartilage. In some vertebrates, such as sharks, the entire skeleton is made up of cartilage. In mammal embryos, the skeleton first forms as cartilage tissue. Cartilage acts as a model and is gradually replaced by bone as the embryo grows. Such cartilage is known as temporary cartilage. The process by which bone tissue follows the cartilage model and slowly replaces it is known as ossification. Permanent cartilage (cartilage which does not become ossified) is found in the tip of the nose, in the external ear and in the walls of the trachea (windpipe) and the larynx (voice-box)
Adipose tissue forms a thick layer under the skin and around the kidneys. Adipose Tissue is a loose fibrous connective tissue packed with many cells (called "adipocytes") that are specialized for storage of triglycerides more commonly referred to as "fats". Adipose tissue acts as an insulating layer, helping to reduce heat loss through the skin. It also has a protective function, providing mechanical protection ("padding") and support around some of the major organs, e.g. kidneys. Adipose tissue is also a means of energy storage. Food that is excess to requirements is converted into fat and stored within adipose tissue in the bod
Nervous tissue is responsible for sensing stimuli and transmitting signals to and from different parts of an organism. Neurons are the basic unit of nervous tissue. As we have previously discussed, structure and function are very much intertwined within biology and the structure of a neuron is uniquely suited to its function within nervous tissue. A neuron consists of two major parts:
Cell Body
The central cell body contains the neuron's nucleus, associated cytoplasm, and other organelles. Nerve processes are "finger-like" projections from the cell body that are able to conduct and transmit signals. There are two types:
Axons - typically carry signals away from the cell body.
Dendrites - typically carry signals toward the cell body.

Striated muscle, also called voluntary muscle, striped muscle, or skeletal muscle , most common of the three types of muscle in the body. Striated muscle is attached to bone and produces all the movements of body parts in relation to each other; unlike smooth muscle and cardiac muscle, striated muscle is under voluntary control. Its multinucleated fibres are long and thin and are crossed with a regular pattern of fine red and white lines, giving the muscle its distinctive appearance and its name. The skeletal muscles are composed of muscle fibers, long fused cells containing multiple nuclei. The muscle fibers are packed together in bundles by connective tissue and are packed with myofibrils.
Non-striated muscle lacks visible striations. Smooth muscle is the only muscle of this type and without striations, other less obvious characteristics are used to identify this tissue. Before we examine smooth muscle in longitudinal or cross-section, it might be worth our while to determine why some myofibers are striated while others are not. Smooth muscle can be identified in cross-section or longitudinal sections by keeping some structural features of these cells in mind. Smooth muscle cells are spindle-shaped. In longitudinal sections, this spindle shape may not be immediately obvious because membranes of smooth muscles do not stand out.
Cardiac muscle tissue is made up of many interlocking cardiac muscle cells, or fibres, that give the tissue its properties. Each cardiac muscle fibre contains a single nucleus and is striated, or striped, because it appears to have light and dark bands when seen through a microscope. The dark bands represent areas of thick protein filaments made of myosin proteins that block light passing through the cell and appear dark. Between the dark bands are thin filaments made of actin protein that allow light to pass through and appear light. When the muscle fibres contract, myosin pulls the actin filaments together like an accordion to shrink the muscle cell and make it contract. While each cell is not very strong by itself, millions of cardiac muscle cells working together are easily able to pump all of the blood in the body through the heart in less than a minute. Cardiac muscle tissue is able to set its own contraction rhythm due to the presence of pacemaker cells that stimulate the other cardiac muscle cells. The pacemaker cells normally receive inputs from the nervous system to increase or decrease the heart rate depending on the body’s needs. However, in the absence of nervous system stimulation, the pacemaker cells can produce a regular heart rhythm.

Eroschenkodi, V. P. (2005). diFiore's Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations (10th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.

Hart, K. (2007). "Epithelial tissue: Simple Cuboidal Epithelium". Histology Photomicrographs. Peninsula College 14/10/14<>

Gartner, L.P. & Hiatt, J.L. (2007). Color Textbook of Histology (3rd ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Saunders Elsevier.

Wiechmann, A. & Pillow J. "Female Reproductive System". Interactive Histology Atlas. University of Oklahoma Health Science Center. 14/10/14 <>

Wiechmann, A. & Pillow J. "Respiratory System". Interactive Histology Atlas. University of Oklahoma Health Science Center. 14/10/2014.

Dr. Karen Bernd. (2010). Simple Cuboidal Epithelium. Available: Last accessed 14/10/2014.

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