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Emerging Adulthood: Article Analysis

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When I first saw the title of this week’s article to read, I wasn’t sure what “Emerging Adulthood” was. This is a newer idea in sociology and I think that overall this article does a great job arguing that we need to add this to Erik Erikson’s stages of human development. The fact that people are waiting to get married and to have children until later in their lives is evidence that we need to have 9 stages of human development. I feel that when the norms in society change like they have that we need to change our way of classifying people. Jeffery Arnett describes that the stage emerging adulthood is in the age range 18-25. This is when a person is able to explore their self independently through society and influence by cultures.
There was a time in my own life …show more content…
I was never home and never had any authorities figure that was telling me what to do. My parents got a divorce when I was 12 and then my dad was dead by the time I turned 14. My mom had a crappy marriage. She got married very young to a guy 10 year older then him, just in spite of her parents. Well when my mon was finally free from his abuse she started going out, drinking and partying. So, she really didn’t pay much attention to me. I could lie, sneak out, and party myself. I feel that because of this freedom that I had unlike most of my peers, I didn’t fit. I ended up being allowed to drop out of high school when I turned 17. This really gave me independence and pushing me more in the emerging adulthood stage. I have always had a job since I was 15 and this wasn’t because my mom made me. I always worked so that I had my own money and not need my mom’s support fully. Arnett does suggest some risky behaviors that are associated with the e.d. stage and I was so surprised that I experienced all of them during this stage. The behaviors that he suggests are unprotected sex, substance abuse, and risky driving. I am shocked I don’t have like 20 or so kids and a much of STD’s. I of course

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