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Emerging Dulthood


Submitted By Grishu
Words 776
Pages 4
Emerging adulthood and culture
Class: Lifespan Development
Name: Grishma Patel
Week four assignment

Meaning of Emerging Adulthood
Emerging adulthood is the period of life from about age 18 through age 25, during which young people are exploring the possibilities of their lives and beginning to define themselves as adults, rather than teenagers. They shared the perception of “feeling in between” – knowing they were pulling clear of the struggles of adolescence and starting to feel responsible for themselves,, but still closely tied to their parents and family.
Emerging adulthood can be defined as an:
Age of identity exploration: young people decide who they are and what they want out of work, school and love.
Age of instability: young people either go to college or live with their friends or a romantic partner. For most frequent moves end as a families and careers are established in mid 30’s.
Age of feeling in between: many emerging adult say they are taking responsibilities for themselves, but still do not completely feel like an adult.
Age of self focus: freed of the parent and society directed routine of school, young people try to decide what they want to do, where they want to go, who they want to be with – before those choices get limited by the constraints of marriage, children and career.

Culture influences in India in emerging adulthood
In my culture as I m from India, examination of (a) whether or not they feel they are adult (b) the criteria they deem necessary for becoming an adults, (c) the extent to which they feel optimistic about their future. There are some conditions that seem to be necessary for emerging adulthood to exist in a particular society. Firstly, emerging adulthood is most likely to exist in industrialized and post industrial nations. Secondly, emerging adulthood most likely to exist in countries where there has been

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