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Emperor Penguin Research Paper

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Almost parallel to situation of the polar bears, the emperor penguin is also at risk of extinction. The penguin, similar to the polar bear is also a top predator in the arctic food chain that is being greatly impacted by the loss of sea ice. Just as the polar bear is starving as a result of other species dying off, the emperor penguin has also been experiencing the loss of krill. Krill, a small crustacean, akin to a shrimp, is the main food source of the emperor penguin. When the ice melts, the penguins are unable to track down krill, because the krill are unable to find a steady source of algae. This further support the notion that when one food source goes so does the one before it. An article from the Guardian expresses that “by 2100, all …show more content…
If scientists were able to convince enough politicians to want to take action based on the knowledge that climate change is effecting the physical environment, animal species, and humans, then the next step would be to instill a long-term plan that would ensure sustainable living for years to come. However, at this point in time there are not enough people to socially back the cause, nor is there a current political interest in the topic. Researchers have evidence that the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased exponentially since the Industrial Revolution from 280 parts per billion to 390 parts per billion. In factories CO2 is a byproduct of burning fossil fuels, a direct cause of the earth’s rising surface temperature. Researchers admit that at this point in the global warming issue, the scale of the situation is too extreme, and there is no feasible way to reverse the process entirely. An article from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology uses the word “mitigate” rather than reverse. Mike Szulczewski offers his explanation of how to go about mitigating climate change and CO2 usage: “In order to do that,” Szulczewski says, “we must reduce our energy usage, increase the efficiency of the energy we do use, and look at solutions like carbon capture and storage” (Jensen). Now that climate change is too big for humans to handle by themselves, scientists are using technology to sustain the

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