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Personal Narrative: A Career As A Career

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I currently work at a hair salon as a receptionist, i really enjoy what i do there on a regular basis. That is how i came about thinking of job shadowing a hair stylist for my project. Knowing that you cannot do your project on something you are already doing and you cannot be getting paid for your hours, i thought of a woman who has been in my life for a while and has been a positive role model. She works at a hair salon and is an independent hair dresser, while everyone else at the salon she work as an employee to the company she is her own employee and rents the space she uses. If i was to decide to be a hairdresser i would want to be independent like her. So for my project i decided to see what she did on an day-to-day basis. I talked …show more content…
That was very unsettling and caused so much stress.Also getting all the hours that are required, at first 15 hours sounded like at a lot but when you are doing something you really enjoy it goes by really fast. Since i started my job shadowing, i have been able to get a lot of hands on experience and really get to know the career. I have scheduled Lisa's appointments all the way until and year from now. I have even received a tip from one of her clients i was helping, they said i did a great job and looked forwards to seeing me again. It's amazing to see that something seeming so simple really impacts a person, and can make them have a completely different outlook on life. My next step is to see if i can find volunteers who are willing to let me do their hair, simple things like buzz cuts and styling hair and using styling tools. Lisa is very efficient and has a lot people whom olny go to her for their hair, she tells me they are persistent some even schedule their appointments weekly/ monthly. Lisa also explains to me that it's hard to build up clientele and keep them, she has a lady whose hair she has been cutting since she first started the career as a hairdresser. Throughout the rest of my project I will continue to learn the skills of reliableness and

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