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Personal Narrative: A Career In Football

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Snap I felt a crack and a sharp pain shot from the tip of my finger to my shoulder. I looked around and the game continued around me. I shook off the hit and went to the huddle where my teammates stood discussing plays and gearing up for the next play. I was used to pain and I would never let it pull me away from an important game. I always knew sports, especially football, had many physical risks. However, I never realized how many I would personally encounter. A few years later and I still feel the effects of breaking my nose several times, a broken hand, and a broken wrist. These memories standout as times in my athletic career, that definitely changed not only my playing dynamic but also the mindset that I had going into games. Breaking …show more content…
I woke up on October 30th, a Thursday, excited for the fight the Graham Steers were about to put up against the Hirshi Huskies. I packed my bags and headed for school, knowing good and well that school would not be my top priority for the day. After a what seemed to be unbearably long day the time finally came to suit up. We were playing on our home field so I knew that we would have the momentum from the start. Just as I expected we jumped out to an early lead, scoring on back to back possessions making the score fourteen to zero. My teams energy levels were boosted with confidence after getting a stop on third down forcing the Huskies to punt the ball away. I was standing alone forty yards from the line of scrimmage, waiting with anticipation for the ball to be booted into the air. Finally I see the ball soaring towards me. Instinct took over, and before I knew it I held it tightly in my grip. I take off up the sideline, and quickly but calmly scan the field to look for any possible openings. It didn’t look like I would get an opportunity but I finally saw my chance at the last second. I plant my right foot hard into the turf cutting back to the inside breaking through the initial line of players screaming towards me. Only a few …show more content…
Sports had always been a major part of my life and in a few minutes the opportunity to do what I loved was taken from me. I felt a great responsibility to lead my team on the field and I felt I had let them down. However, I realized that although I am no longer on the field I can still set an example for them. At this point in time, I learned how to be a leader and handle unfortunate situations. These are lessons that are relevant every day of my life. I learned that a true leader has depth. They do not lead in only one aspect of life, but are well rounded. To be a true leader I needed to lead in places other than on the field. No longer being able to play allowed me to step back and truly understand this. I realized that encouraging my teammates and helping them strive to the be the best they can be was even more important than making a good play that benefitted the team. My feeling of importance now, did not come from the actions and plays I made, but the effects my attitude and guidance had on those around me. I also learned that a bad situation can result in positive outcomes. This is a hard lesson to learn, but once realized, allows people to try to look for the best when things are not necessarily happening in their

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