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Malala Heroism

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When our society thinks of what a hero’s like that often think of abnormal humans. One also might imagine a hero as an athlete or celebrity because they envy their success or fame. They are looked up to because the media is a major aspect of our lives,and it formed a distorted image in our minds of what a true hero is. However, in reality a hero is someone who genuinely cares for others, without trying to seek attention or fame. Heroism is the benevolent attitude a person who is concerned for the welfare of others, and fights through obstacles withholds.

Malala is a teen girl who fought for the right of education to be equal for not only her but thousands of other girls too. She stood firm in the belief that the inequality of girls “must be …show more content…
Many Israelites feared the Philistine giant, Goliath. The Israelites were desperate to kill the Philistine in order to be guaranteed safety. David did the unthinkable and “approached the Philistine” (The Story). Goliath was powerful due to his height and size so it was hard for the Israelites to fight against him. David whom is of smaller size, shape ,and has less experience "struck the Philistine [and killed him]” (The Story). A hero such as David protects others from evil and showed bravery and leadership in the face of danger. The story of Ana connects to David's story because they both show fearlessness and absolute no sign of weakness. Ana, is a mother with cancer, who continuously sets a model for her kids. She shows that there's more to life than to break down to the overwhelming challenges that may occur in their lives. David and Ana Face beyond unimaginable roadblocks, and overcame the challenges without hesitation. Their actions are out of love for their families/communities. Such as being brave through the pain, that even when it hurts Ana “still was going [on] strong” (An Everyday Hero). They both did not let anything such as cancer, or the giant’s size slow them down from achieving their

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