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Personal Narrative: Achieving My Goals

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Over the span of my eighteen year-long lifetime, I have set hundreds of goals for myself, from scoring goals in soccer games to getting an “A” on this next math exam. Goals are a great tool to use to focus one’s attention towards things that benefit one who needs to get something done. Back in July, I wrote a few goals that I wanted to achieve during my first semester of sophomore year in West Virginia University. My first of these goals was to earn at least a 3.5 grade point average over the semester. All throughout school back in my hometown, I had gotten one “C”, one “B”, and many “A”s. I was used to being one of the smart kids with the good grades. In college, I assumed that everything would be different, and that I would struggle a lot more than I had. Just recently, in the middle of the second half of the semester, I calculated my expected GPA. If I end with the grades that I expect to have for the semester, I will have a 3.7! When I wrote down my goal, I thought that I was setting the bar too high so that I would push myself to achieve the goal. Now I realize that I really can do better than I expected, and plan to push myself similarly in the future! I also wanted to stick out to my teachers during my first semester. I have met …show more content…
I did not expect college courses to be easy, and they are absolutely more than just a ‘walk in the park’. I have studied for many hours during the day and throughout the night. Exams require a lot of attention, and it is hard to know when enough is enough and that it is important to have fun too. As for meeting people, I had to adjust to just talking to people. Almost everybody here had very few close friends within miles of here the first few days, and I had to be courageous to try starting conversations. I already know that I will not be living with anybody that I knew two months ago for all of next year. That is crazy to me, but it is just how college is working for

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