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Stereotypes In College Athletes Essay

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College athletes are under a huge amount of stress from balancing school, their sport and their health. Athletes self-identity usually revolves around being an athlete and this can have negative consequences even before they graduate college. “However, through self-affirmation exercises, athletes can feel better about themselves, and be more willing to accept criticism” therefore they will be more prepared to deal with stress (Harrison and Rasmussen, p. 81). When an athlete is told they fall short academically, whether it is true or not, they begin to develop a negative self-identity. Take for example, about a week ago my Sociology professor asked the class about things we do to “cheat” the system. A classmate said that athletes do it all the time because they take easier classes and get special treatment for being an athlete. There are a few athletes in my class and I could tell this really bothered them. Now we can try to change the stereotype that athletes are stupid or get better treatment, but honestly there will always be people out there who believe the stereotypes. The best thing we can do is teach athletes how to deal with these stereotypes through self-affirmation exercises. The truth is the athletes are the only ones effected by these negative comments about athletes, …show more content…
Peer mentors can help athletes see themselves more in the academic field as well as branching their connection outside of athletics. Many athletes are isolated in the way that they are surrounded by only other athletes or coaches, which makes it harder for them to develop an academic identity. Peer mentors can help introduce athletes to the other side of the college experience and help them set goals for the future. Having someone outside of their athletic sphere is the first step to reaffirming their identity as being more than just an

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