...If you want to be in a more workplace like or industrial scenario, there is an environment like that for this field as well. Therapists in this setup, help employees return to work from injury or to improve their health, improve safety, and increase productivity in their workplace (Brightfind 2017). This wouldn’t be a job you can find in a smaller town so if a bigger city isn’t part of the plan, this isn’t the right job choice. This might not be such a rarity in a bigger city. If you are searching for a way to serve your country or your service men and women, local, state, and federal government employs physical therapists to do various things for them. There are federal agencies like the Veteran’s Health Administration, the VHA, and the Department...
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...The Physical Therapist job description starts with being a health care provider first and foremost. As a Physical Therapist the primary focus is on relieving the patient’s pain as prescribed by the doctor. The Physical Therapist and patient work as a team to restore the patient’s function, mobility, relieve pain and prevent or limit permanent physical disabilities. Physical Therapists will communicate with doctors on the patient’s progress or lack of progress and make adjustments. Physical therapists will shorten a patient’s recovery period by providing the correct physical therapy treatment allowing patients to get back to their normal life as quick as possible. Every patient is different. Patients will have lots of questions that will...
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...Through narrative therapy a counselor can help clients gain access to preferred story lines about their lives and identities taking the place of previous negative and self-defeating narratives that destroy the self. Presented in this paper, is an overview of the Narrative therapy and the Social Construction Model and several facets of this approach including poststrucuralism, deconstructionism, self-narratives, cultural narratives, therapeutic conversations, ceremonies, letters and leagues. A personal integration of faith in this family counseling approach is presented and discussed also in this paper. NARUMI AMADOR’S FAMILY CONSELING APPROACH Introduction Narrative therapy is found under the Social Construction Model. Using the Narrative approach, the therapist will not be the central figure in the therapeutic process, instead he will be influential to the client, helping him/her internalize and create new stories within themselves to draw new and healthier assumptions about who they are. This process enables clients to distract from focusing on the negative narratives which defined their past, redefining their lives into future positive stories. Narrative therapists define the problem as the problem instead of defining the client as the problem. The therapy process begins redefining the problem, externalizing it and getting it out in the open. The narrative therapist uses the questioning technique and creates alternative narratives to connect...
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...reality of communal exchange, thumbing back to historical debates of empirical and rational schools of thought, delineations from dualism to social interchange and collaboration refine hypothesis’ of undisputable truth. Reminiscent of the psychoanalytic movement with greats such as Freud, Jung and Adler, therapy, more of an art than science, and current day philosophies drive which models influence today’s truth. Reality is fashioned by language, how we feel, act and think, revealing “stories” we tell the self as contextual meanings. These beliefs now evolve one’s creation and truth. The therapist, joining in recognition of new perspectives, empowers and helps the client see that forward progress is strength within oneself. In a social constructivist point of view, the therapist detaches from the expert status of defining the problem. From family therapy and the multicultural lens, therapists now challenge cultural factors that, in turn, shape the client’s perceptions in the format of brief therapies. Keywords: brief therapies, collaborative, family therapy, social constructionism Postmodern Approach to Social Constructivism In the 21st century a paradigm shift motivated the field of psychology to unlock a fresh world view revealing the objet d'art of collective exchange. Referring to the modernistic creation of self, it is said that the anthropological essence and the search for truth is being reworked within a flowing social change (Young and Collin, 2004,...
Words: 4358 - Pages: 18
...Introduction In this essay, I will discuss my experience of interviewing a family and constructing a genogram guided by their narrative. For this task, I purposely chose a family that is very different from my family of origin in terms of their cultural heritage. I will reflect on differences and similarities between our families as well as my prejudices and hypothesis that I inevitably constructed before and during the process. To identify this family, I had to approach some colleagues proposing to them to participate in the interview. Fortunately, one of them introduced me to her friend. Francesca had an interest in psychology, and since she was free and not much committed, I did welcome her with a cup of coffee to share more about the interview. After I formally introduced myself to her, I laid down to her the framework of the interview, and she agreed to participate with her husband, Matteo. Family context The family I interviewed comes from Italy, but they moved to the UK 3 years ago. I noticed that knowing these few details I was already constructing hypothesis based on stereotypes. I was dreading the interview because I was expecting to have difficulty in stopping them talking since I was concerned about getting enough information to construct the genogram. I also hypothesized whether being new to the UK makes them consider participating in projects like mine to increase a sense of belonging. Another hypothesis where I imagined them to have very firmly attachments to...
Words: 2003 - Pages: 9
...TABLE OF CONTENT CONTENTS | PAGES | 1 Question 1: Three-generational genogram | 2 | 2.Question 2: Ecomap | 4 | 3. Question 3: a) Story as seen from perspective of each family members | 6 | b) The story from the vantage point of the family position in the family life cycle | 7 | 4. Question 4: First-order cybernetic description | 9 | 5. Question 5: Second-order cybernetic description | 12 | 6. Reference | 15 | Ecosystemic Assignment no: 3 PYC4808 UNIQUE NO: 536936 QUESTION 1 Three-generational genogram of the Bird family Mavis’ stepmom Mavis’ stepmom John’s mom John’s mom Family A (John’s family) Family B(Mavis’s family) Mavis’s father Mavis’s father Mavis’s mom Mavis’s mom ? ? John’s father John’s father Alex Alex ? ? B.F’ Mom B.F’ Mom S S B2 B2 Alexandra (John' stepbrother Alexandra (John' stepbrother John (45yrs) John (45yrs) B3 B3 B.F B.F Mavis (42) Mavis (42) Howard (50yrs) Howard (50yrs) Weak relationship April (15yrs) April (15yrs) KEY : Male: Female: Marriage: Divorce: Relationship abuse: Moved to: Foster home: S: Mavis’s sister B1: Mavis’s brother number 1 B2: Mavis’s brother number 2 B.F: Mavis’s best friend Mavis’s deceased friend : B.F mom : Best friend’s mom Weak relationship: _ _ _ Affected: alcoholic: QUESTION 2 Ecomap of the Bird family John’s dad John’s dad Mavis’s brother Mavis’s brother Mavis’s dad Mavis’s dad Mavis’s stepmom Mavis’s stepmom ...
Words: 2946 - Pages: 12
...Existential counselling is a philosophical form of counselling which addresses the situation of a person's life and situates the person firmly within the predictable challenges of the human condition. Existential counselling considers human living to take place within four dimensions: physical, social, psychological and spiritual. It shows each of these dimensions to be constituted like a force field, within which predictable paradoxes, tensions and dilemmas play out. Human beings can learn to deal with these tensions and conflicts more effectively by facing up to the negatives as well as the positives of their lives, including the tensions of life and death, love and hate, strength and weakness and meaning and absurdity. Best known authors on existential counselling are Irvin Yalom in the USA through his book Existential Psychotherapy (1981) New York: Basic Books and Emmy van Deurzen, who created the British School and who published her bookExistential Counselling and Psychotherapy in 1988 (London: Sage Publications; second edition 2002, third edition 2011). Existential therapy essentially helps deal with the problems of everyday living, such as relationship difficulties (both with Individuals & in Couple Therapy), anxiety/fear, food/body-image issues, addictions, mood disorders, social anxiety, panic, trauma, low self-esteem, unresolved childhood issues, sexual issues and others. It is a clear, direct and honest approach helping clients work on their particular, unique...
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...Personal Philosophy of Nursing Cindy Lucas Jacksonville University November 12, 2012 Personal Philosophy of Nursing The nursing profession is not just a job, it is a higher calling. The amount of work, time, and emotion that goes into nursing practice holds nurses to a much higher standard than the average nine to five office job. Nurses must be proficient in a background of anatomy, physiology, and the way drugs and diseases work. Nurses must also combine that knowledge with sharp critical thinking skills and an unconditional compassion for humankind. While every nurse is unique in their own way, I hope the values that I have in my daily living can affect the way I conduct myself while on duty as a practicing nurse. The same theme seems evident in most nursing philosophies; caring, health and wellbeing, environment, and clinical excellence through education. As I contemplate what my philosophy of nursing is I have discovered that I also incorporate these aspects of nursing into my own personal values of what I believe it is to be a nurse. My personal belief system has always been that a nurse should possess strong ethical and moral values, a passion for caring, and a commitment to lifelong education. Ethical and Moral values One of the greatest challenges in nursing is how to integrate appropriately one’s own values and beliefs into the professional practice. The nurse’s primary commitment is to the patient and the patient’s family. Patient respect, advocacy...
Words: 1450 - Pages: 6
...couple comes in for treatment: Look for; 1) strengths in the marriage as well as 2) areas that need improvement. Assessment takes three sessions- a conjoint session that lasts an hour and a half, and two individual sessions, one with each spouse, each a half-hour long. Investigate 7 different questions; - Overall, where is each in the marriage? - Martial satisfaction - Divorce potential - Each person’s commitment to the marriage - Their hopes and expectations for the marriage (including potentially getting out of their marriage) - Their hopes, expectations and theory of the therapy - Their big cost/benefit analysis of the marriage. Discrepancies between spouses? - Pattern of emotional abuse? Therapist to confront this. - Marital Therapy Contraindicated? - An ongoing extramarital or disengagement? - Ongoing physical abuse? - Other betrayals? - What is the nature of their marital friendship? - Is there emotional engagement or disengagement? - Lifestyle needs similar or different? - Passion and romance in the marriage? - Sexual satisfaction and intimacy? - Fun? - Spiritual connection? - Loneliness - Parallel lives? - Other salient areas? (eg. Finances) - Positive affect? - The Fondness and Admiration System? - Phsycial affection - We-ness versus me-ness? - Cognitive room (Love Maps)? - How do they talk to each other in a nonconflict context? - What do they see as the strengths of this marriage? ...
Words: 12671 - Pages: 51
...victimization ▪ Share details of the abuse/neglect with therapist as able to do so ▪ Learn about typical long term/residual effects of traumatic life experiences ▪ Develop two strategies to help cope with stressful reminders/memories Alcohol/Drugs and Other Addictions Goal: Be free of drug/alcohol use/abuse ▪ Avoid people, places and situations where temptation might be overwhelming ▪ Explore dynamics relating to being the [child/husband/wife] of an [alcoholic/addict] and discuss them each week at support group meetings ▪ Learn five triggers for alcohol & drug use ▪ Reach ____ days/months/years of clean/sober living Adoption/Foster Care Placement Goal: Explore and resolve issues related to adoption/out-of-home placement ▪ Discuss ongoing concerns and issues related to adoptive and/or biological parents during weekly sessions ▪ Talk about his/her wishes with regard to permanency planning Anger Goal: Increase and practice ability to manage anger ▪ Walk away from situations that trigger strong emotions (100%) ▪ Be free of tantrums/explosive episodes ▪ Learn two positive anger management skills ▪ Learn three ways to communicate verbally when angry ▪ Be able to express anger in a productive manner without destroying property or personal belongings ▪ Be able to express anger without yelling...
Words: 3267 - Pages: 14
...and parenthood. These findings have significant implications for new clinical and educational interventions. The study we report here begins with the first no-fault divorce legislation in the nation and tracks a group of 131 California children whose parents divorced in the early 1970s. They were seen at regular intervals over the 25-year span that followed. When we first met our young participants, they were between ages 3 and 18; by the mid- to late 1990s, when our study ended, they were 28–43 years old. They were the vanguard of an army of adults raised in divorced families who made up one quarter of the American population between the ages of 18 and 44, as reported in 1991 in the National Survey of Families and Households (personal communication, Norval...
Words: 10773 - Pages: 44
...Critical Reflection on current clinical knowledge and development Within this assignment I will critically reflect on my clinical knowledge to date and consider my future development needs with a focus on my final management placement and future career as a registered nurse. I have chosen two areas which I feel are relevant to my future development needs namely Quality Assurance and Multidisciplinary/Agency team working and using the Gibbs model (fig. 1)as a framework will reflect upon my own learning experiences and achievements to date and write an annotated reflection highlighting my development needs from which I will formulate a Personal Development Plan. This undertaking demonstrates my commitment to the need for continuing professional development in order to enhance my knowledge, skills values and attitude needed for effective nursing practice (proficiency 4.1) and will address deficits in my knowledge and skills and identify any shortcomings within my own or others practice and help me cope with practice related issues experienced within my previous placements. I have chosen Gibbs reflective model as a basis for reflection as I feel it is easily understood and encourages a clear description of the situation, analysis of feelings, evaluation of the experience, conclusion and reflection upon the experience to consider a solution if the situation arose again (Brooker & Nicol 2003). It has been advocated that reflective practices are a method of bridging the gap between...
Words: 2155 - Pages: 9
...investigate the use of pastiche in modern satire. As popular situation comedies fulfil the generic conventions of using multiple cameras, linear narratives, stand alone catchphrases and aspirational ideologies, the essay will deliberate whether post modernism is legitimate in television comedy. "As Hollywood agents worry about the demise of the town's lowing cash cow, the multi-camera, staged sitcom, here to save the day is Arrested Development, a farce of such blazing wit and originality, that it must surely usher in a new era in comedy." —Alison Powell, The Guardian (UK), March 12, 2005 Television situation comedy has always appealed to mass market audiences. From ‘The Brady Bunch’(1969 – 1974), which centred on a blended family, perhaps the best-known domestic comedy in US television history to ‘Cheers’(1982 – 1993), the show set in a bar in Boston. Sitcoms usually consist of recurring characters in a common environment such as a home or workplace. Sitcoms provide the audience with iconic moments in television history. The longitivity of this genre of programming allows the audiences to build up relationships with the characters, therefore becoming an active audience by engaging with Blumer and Katz (1974) uses and gratifications theory, as the familiarity allows the audience diversion, social interaction and provides personal identity. The characters also evoke, in the audience, a sense of empathy unlike any other type of television comedy as the viewer experiences the...
Words: 3725 - Pages: 15
...Chapter 1 SIGMUND FREUD AN INTRODUCTION Sigmund Freud, pioneer of Psychoanalysis, was born on 6th May 1856 in Freiberg to a middle class family. He was born as the eldest child to his father’s second wife. When Freud was four years old, his family shifted and settled in Vienna. Although Freud’s ambition from childhood was a career in law, he decided to enter the field of medicine. In 1873, at the age of seventeen, Freud enrolled in the university as a medical student. During his days in the university, he did his research on the Central Nervous System under the guidance of German physician `Ernst Wilhelm Von Brucke’. Freud received his medical degree in 1881and later in 1883 he began to work in Vienna General Hospital. Freud spent three years working in various departments of the hospital and in 1885 he left his post at the hospital to join the University of Vienna as a lecturer in Neuropathology. Following his appointment as a lecturer, he got the opportunity to work under French neurologist Jean Charcot at Salpetriere, the famous Paris hospital for nervous diseases. So far Freud’s work had been entirely concentrated on physical sciences but Charcot’s work, at that time, concentrated more on hysteria and hypnotism. Freud’s studies under Charcot, which centered largely on hysteria, influenced him greatly in channelising his interests to psychopathology. In 1886, Freud established his private practice in Vienna specializing in nervous diseases...
Words: 155674 - Pages: 623
...Running head: LEADERSHIP STYLES IN NURSING Leadership Styles in Nursing Zehra Madhany Georgia State University Leadership Styles in Nursing Leadership Defined Leadership, as a concept, has long been studied. Various attempts have been made to define the term using traits, behaviors, personalities, and situations. Although a single definition has not been reached, various common themes have emerged (Nursing Leadership in a Changing World, 2005). These themes include: courage, change, vision and goal-setting, enabling and inspiring, enlisting others to get things done, relationships, honesty and integrity, and fostering leadership in others (Porter-O’Grady, 2003). There are other common features within leadership. “Leadership is a process, involves influence, usually occurs in a group setting, involves the attainment of a goal, and leadership exists at all levels” (Faugier & Woolnough, 2002). Leadership can further be designated as formal or informal. A formal leader is one that is associated with a particular title or position while informal leaders guide through their ability to influence others. They make a positive contribution or inspire others despite the strains of the healthcare system (Gillis, 2003). Kouzes and Posner have found that for people to follow someone willingly, they must believe the leader is honest, competent, forward-looking, and inspiring (2002). The nursing profession faces many challenges in developing future nurse leaders...
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