University of Phoenix Material
Employee Portfolio
Complete one matrix for each employee.
Employee name: _________Sherri L Rounds________________
|Self Assessment |Results Summary |Strengths |Weaknesses |
|How Satisfied Am I |She scored a 71, Borderline of |She does what she can to please her|She gets too emotional |
|with My Job? |satisfaction with her job |supervisor | |
|Am I Engaged? | She scored a 34,Highly Engaged |Enjoys researching information for |Low motivation in the morning to go|
| | |her job |to the office |
|How Are You Feeling |She scored a 34, I see her as an |When she is in a bad mood she will |She wears her heart on her sleeve |
|Right Now? |extravert |put it aside and do the job that |and has a very thin skin. |
| | |she is supposed to do without | |
| | |letting her mood affect her job | |
|What’s My Affect |Scored a 43, her emotions are high |When she is passionate about her |She may tend to get too emotional |
|Intensity? | |job, she puts her heart into it. |about things or situations in the |
| | | |workplace |
|What’s My Emotional |She scored a 39, her EI show that |She is good at managing her |She has very high ethics and |
|Intelligence Score? |she has a higher EI and would make |workload and plans her day in a |becomes personally involved with |
| |good management material |very productive manner |the people she works with. She may|
| | | |tend to get too close to someone |
| | | |that she would end up having to let|
| | | |go at a later time. |
|Am I A Deliberate |She scored a 30 showing that she is|She thinks before she reacts to |Sometimes she may take a long |
|Decision Maker? |indeed a deliberate decision maker |situations and makes her decisions |period of time to make a decision |
| | |accordingly to what is best for the|on something when a decision is |
| | |company and what is going on at the|needed right away. |
| | |present time. | |
Management recommendations:
Employee name: _____Shane A Cutcher____________________
|Self Assessment |Results Summary |Strengths |Weaknesses |
|How Satisfied Am I |He scored a 42 showing that he is |Although he is unhappy with his |With moral that low, it is likely |
|with My Job? |not at all happy with his current |job, he still gets up and goes to |that he will be looking for |
| |position. |work on time every day. |employment elsewhere. |
|Am I Engaged? |He scored a 28, he is not very |The job is not boring, is it hard |He is not happy with the amount of |
| |engaged with his job. |work that makes the time go by |pay for the work he does and for |
| | |quickly. He go in gives it the |the chance to advance within the |
| | |best he can and helps other |organization. |
| | |employees as well. | |
|How Are You Feeling |He scored a 24, showed a very |The fact that he goes into work |He could quit at any minuet. |
|Right Now? |negative attitude towards his job. |everyday for low pay and never | |
| | |calls off despite how unhappy he | |
| | |is, is a strength. | |
|What’s My Affect |He scored a 26. He was right in |He is a pretty laid back guy with a|He holds in his emotions and will |
|Intensity? |the middle of the scale |good personality. |not allow outsiders see how he is |
| | | |feeling |
|What’s My Emotional |He scored a 32 showing that he is |He has a good perception of others |Since he is so quiet and laid back,|
|Intelligence Score? |in the middle of the spectrum. |around him and the environment at |if he sees something going on, he |
| | |work. |may not mention it to the proper |
| | | |personnel. |
|Am I A Deliberate |He scored a 34 showing that he is a|He thinks before he acts, he looks |He may second guess himself |
|Decision Maker? |deliberate decision maker |at the before and after effects of | |
| | |any decision before he makes it. | |
Management recommendations:
Employee name: __Jim Hoover_______________________
|Self Assessment |Results Summary |Strengths |Weaknesses |
|How Satisfied Am I |He scored an 85. Very high on the |He will do the best he can for the |He may tend to not want to allow |
|with My Job? |scale. He is very happy with his |company and he will work all of the|someone to cross train on his |
| |position |hours he needs to, to get the job |position. |
| | |done | |
|Am I Engaged? |He scored a 39, he is very engaged |Once he sits down to work, he will |Being that engaged and detail |
| |with his job |not get up until the job that he is|orientated may create some negative|
| | |working on is done. Even if he is |reactions from co-workers who may |
| | |there until the middle of the |look down on him for being such a |
| | |night. |hard worker |
|How Are You Feeling |He scored a 47 on this assessment. |Jim is always cheerful and happy. |If there is a problem, no one knows|
|Right Now? |He is a very happy guy. |Even if something is bothering him,|about it because he does not share.|
| | |he does not allow it to interfere |He wants everyone to think he is |
| | |with his job. |the “Happy Guy” |
|What’s My Affect |He scored a 36 on this scale. He |He does not allow emotions run his |It’s hard to get close to him |
|Intensity? |works at showing no emotions. |job or make his decisions for him. |because he does not want anyone to |
| | | |believe that he’s got feelings. |
|What’s My Emotional |He scored a 38 showing that he |He is very good at planning not |He wants to take charge of |
|Intelligence Score? |would make great management |only his day to day list items, but|everything and he wants it all done|
| |material. |he is also good at planning |his way. |
| | |different things throughout the | |
| | |organization. | |
|Am I A Deliberate |He scored a 34 showing that is a |He always stops and thinks |He may take an extended period of |
|Decision Maker? |good decision maker. |carefully before making any |time in making a final decision. |
| | |decision | |
Management recommendations: