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Employee Welfare


Submitted By ananyazia
Words 3146
Pages 13
International Journal of Research in Business Management (IJRBM) Vol. 1, Issue 1, June 2013, 1-10 © Impact Journals


Assistant Professor, Knowledge Business School, Salem, Tamil Nadu, India

Director, Knowledge Business School, Salem, Tamil Nadu, India

Labour health, safety and welfare are the measures of promoting the efficiency of labour. The various welfare measures provided by the employer will have immediate impact on the health, physical and mental efficiency alertness, morale and overall efficiency of the worker and thereby contributing to the higher productivity. Some of the facilities and services which fall within the preview of labour welfare includes adequate canteen facilities, accommodation arrangements, recreational facilities, medical facilities transportation facilities for traveling from & to the place of work. This paper highlights the welfare measures taken in the chemical industry, the employees’ satisfaction level, and to identify the overall quality of work life of the employees. The Data collection was done through schedule. In some cases personal interview was needed at the time of filling up of questionnaire. To analyze, the collected data the researcher used simple percentage analysis, one way ANOVA and Chi-Square test. Different charts and graphs were drawn to interpret the collected data.

KEYWORDS: Job Satisfaction, Safety Requirements, Employee Health, Human Resource Management INTRODUCTION OF THE STUDY
Labour health, safety and welfare are the measures of promoting the efficiency of labour. The various welfare measures provided by the employer will have immediate impact on the health, physical and mental efficiency alertness, morale and overall efficiency of the worker and

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