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Employer Branding


Submitted By freshfor88
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Pages 5
Employer branding

Employer brand denotes an organisation's reputation as an employer.[1] The term was first used in the early 1990s, and has since become widely adopted by the global management community.[2][3][4] Minchington (2005) defines employer brand as "the image of your organisation as a 'great place to work'". Employer branding is concerned with enhancing your company's employer brand.[2]

Just as a customer brand proposition is used to define a product or service offer, an employee value proposition is used to define an organisation's employment offer. Likewise the marketing disciplines associated with branding and brand management have been increasingly applied by the human resources and talent management community to attract, engage and retain talented candidates and employees, in the same way that marketing applies such tools to attracting and retaining clients, customers and consumers.


The term "employer branding" was first publicly introduced to a management audience in 1990,[5] and defined by Simon Barrow, chairman of People in Business, and Tim Ambler, Senior Fellow of London Business School, in the Journal of Brand Management in December 1996.[6] This academic paper was the first published attempt to "test the application of brand management techniques to human resource management". Within this paper, Simon Barrow and Tim Ambler defined the employer brand as "the package of functional, economic and psychological benefits provided by employment, and identified with the employing company". By 2001, of 138 leading companies surveyed by the Conference Board in North America, 40% claimed to be actively engaged in some form of employer branding activity.[7] In 2003, an employer brand survey conducted by the Economist among a global panel of readers revealed a 61% level of awareness of the term "employer brand" among HR professionals and

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