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En1320 Lab 2.1 Drafting an Essay


Submitted By dseneschal
Words 689
Pages 3
Lab 2.1
Drafting an Essay
June 25, 2015
Duane Seneschal
June 25, 2015
Duane Seneschal

Ever feel like you are in a dead end job, your life is at the bottom of a pit? That is how I felt before I decided to go back to school. I realized that without a college education that my life was going nowhere. I had no future. I had to break out of this pit that had become my life and chosen job. Without a college degree I was going nowhere had no future. Deciding to get a degree is all good and well, but what degree what path? How does one go about making a decision of this magnitude? It is an overwhelming task that can be frightening. It’s like looking up from the bottom of a hundred foot deep pit and trying to figure out how to get out of the pit and back into the sunlight, it’s scary. Well I know that I enjoyed working with and building computers, and I enjoyed the security field. I started searching to see if combining these 2 fields was feasible or possible. To my delight and pleasure there was a degree program that did cover both of these fields together it was called Cybersecurity. After reading up on Cybersecurity I felt it was a field that I would enjoy. But what exactly is Cybersecurity? After much research what I discovered is that Cybersecurity is different technologies, processes and practices designed to protect networks, computers, programs and data from attack, damage or unauthorized access. One of the most problematic elements of Cybersecurity is how quickly and constantly security risks to our data and systems that hold that data evolve. The federal government has allocated over thirteen billion annually over the next five years to develop the technology and train the people understand that technology to combat this battle we have on our very lives. To deal with current

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