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Enager Industries


Submitted By essie2000
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Portfolio Management Control SystemsHoofdstuk 11: Performance Measurement | | Naam :Docent : Klas : |


Gebruikte informatie bij Control
Managers: Zijn verantwoordelijk voor de effectiviteit en efficiency van het werk. Managers beheersen niet de kosten, maar beïnvloeden activiteiten van mensen die verantwoordelijk zijn voor de kosten.

Managementactviteiten zijn gebaseerd op:
1) Informele informatie
Observatie, face-to-face, vergaderingen en management by walking around
2) Operationele (output) informatie
3) Budgetrapportages: verschil in verwachtingen, plafonds en bodems.
4) Non financials

Key variables, strategische factoren, key en kritische succesfactoren, key performance indicators

Hoofd doel van prestatiemeting is om een hulpmiddel te zijn om de strategie te implementeren. Als de KSF’s zijn verbeterd dan is blijkbaar de strategie geïmplementeerd.

Balanced Scorecard
Voorbeeld: balanced scorecard, mixt financiële met niet-financiële informatie.

Functie van balanced scorecard:
1) goal congruence (alle neuzen één kant op)
2) communicatiemiddel, interne communicatie verbetert
3) bepaling van organisatiedoelen
4) terugkoppeling vanuit realisatie naar strategie

Grootste waarde: ermee bezig zijn, over nadenken en communiceren
Gevaar: immuun worden, te gemakkelijk aan de kant schuiven

Opstellen van de balanced scorecard, een set maatstavenkiezen:
- die de kritische factoren van strategie-implementatie reflecteert
- die de relatie tussen de individuele maatstaven laat zien
- die een overzicht van de huidige situatie verschaffen

Opstelling van balanced scorecard:
- Resultaat- en stuurgrootheden (lagging en leading indicators)
- Financiële en niet-financiële grootheden
- Interne en externe grootheden
- 4 perspectieven:financieel, klant, ontwikkeling, intern

Implementeren van een balanced scorecard
1) Definieerstrategie (bij multibusiness firm: vanuit de business unit beginnen)
2) Bepaal strategische grootheden
3) Integreermaatregelen in management systeem
4) Evalueer maatregelen en resultaten frequent (inhoudelijk en procesmatig)

Case 11-4
Enager Industries, Inc


Enager Industries Inc is een jong bedrijf met een omzet van meer dan $ 222 miljoen. Dit bedrijf bestaat uit drie divisies die allemaal worden beschouwd als onafhankelijk van elkaar. De eerste en oudste afdeling van het bedrijf is de divisie Consumer Products, ze produceert en verkoopt een verscheidenheid aan keukengerei. De divisie Industrial Products richt haar op het creëren van machines die uniek en specifiek zijn ontworpen in een job shop omgeving. De divisie Professional Services voegt een ander aspect toe aan het bedrijf in vergelijking met de andere twee product basis divisies. Professional Services biedt een verscheidenheid van: planning en consultancy diensten, waaronder: ruimtelijke ordening, landschapsarchitectuur, structurele architectuur en consulting engineering services. Strategie
Enager heeft een snelle groei mogen ervaren, dit heeft bijgedragen tot hun huidige succes. Met ingang van 1992, bereikte zij een bruto rendement op de activa van 9,3 procent. In de ogen van Henry Hubbard, de Chief Financial Officer, bruto rendement op activa voor Enager bereikt niveaus van boven de 12 procent voor alle divisies van het bedrijf. In 1992 veranderde het bedrijf de doelstellingen en prestatie-evaluaties van elke divisie van profit centers naar investeringen centra. Dit werd gedaan om beter in staat te zijn te profiteren van elke afdeling. Ze hebben betrekking op het vermogen van de divisie en gebruikt het om zijn winst te genereren; althans dat is wat het topmanagement geloofd. Als alles goed is, werd elke divisie gemeten op basis van het rendement op de activa te beginnen in 1992 - op Hubbard's overtuiging dat deze methode "maakte de som van de [divisie] onderdelen gelijk aan het [zakelijke] geheel." Met rendement op het vermogen in gedachten te verplaatsen in de toekomst. Het topmanagement kwam tot de conclusie dat elke nieuwe investering voorstellen zou hebben om een rendement van ten minste 15 procent te laten goedgekeurd. Dit sluit nauw aan bij Enager hoge groeistrategie, en werkt in de richting van het brutorendement van 9,3 procent tot 12 procent.


Vraag 1: Eis is om 15% van de ROA te hebben, voor nieuwe investerings voorstellen. Enager moet de haalbaarheid van de projecten op basis van de netto contante waarde (NCW) bepalen. Daarom moet elk project met een rendement op de investering groter zijn dan de kosten van de kapitaal. Economic Value Added (EVA) is een betrouwbare meeting die ook leidt tot een betere doel congruentie omdat EVA specifiek is voor een afdeling. Het is niet vergelijkbaar voor de afdelingen; de managers zullen dan in staat zijn om zich meer te richten op operationele efficiëntie. Het nieuw product voorstel van Sarah McNeil van de divisie Consumer Products bereikt een positieve EVA. Op hetzelfde moment, heeft het 13% ROA die moeten worden geaccepteerd omdat het groter is dan het interne rendement van 12% van de onderneming; zelfs als het niet af stemt met de beslissing van Hubbard's waarbij er een rendement van ten minste 15% moet zijn.

Vraag 2: Er moet Identieke prestatiemeting en doelstelling voor alle divisies zijn. Elk van de divisies voert verschillende bedrijfsactiviteiten uit, en hebben ook verschillende risico's. Daarom moeten ze ook worden geëvalueerd met verschillende normen. Bijvoorbeeld omdat Industrial Products divisie meer risico oploopt dan Consumer Products divisie welke sterk afhankelijk is van elk individueel project, een hogere ROI moet verplicht zijn om projecten goed te keuren. Enager moet het ROA doelgroep op basis van EBITDA instellen voor het hele bedrijf, ook voor Consumer Products divisie en de Industrial Products divisie. Dit zal resulteren dat de divisiemanagers meer over de werking en minder op de fiscale en schuldbeheer focussen. Aan de andere kant, de professionele service divisie heeft minder vermogen, welke wordt opgenomen in de ROA berekening. Hun activa is voornamelijk immateriële activa in de vorm van menselijk kapitaal en middelen. Om deze reden is het meten van prestaties op basis van ROA niet effectief bij het beschrijven van de werkelijke prestaties. Door de ROA heeft de divisie Professional Services de neiging om te overdrijven en een ongunstig beeld van de werkelijke prestaties te geven, in vergelijking met andere afdelingen. In plaats daarvan kunnen procentuele marktaandeel en / of de omzet per verkoper meer geschikt zijn om de divisies prestaties te meten.

Vraag 3: Collectieve administratieve kosten distributie
Corporate hoofdkantoor lasten worden toegerekend naar de afzonderlijke divisie op basis van de inkomsten. Kan echter dat de divisie daadwerkelijke sterk varieert van de administratieve lasten, afhankelijk van zijn operationele activiteiten. Bijvoorbeeld, de divisie Professional Service vereist waarschijnlijk meer administratieve diensten, deze divisie moet een groter deel worden toegewezen van de administratieve dienst uitgaven.

Vraag 4: ROA prestatie berekening die de NBV van activa Bruto boekwaarde bevat moeten in plaats daarvan worden gebruikt voor het ROA om het gebruik van oude machines voor het doel van het verhogen van ROA prestaties te ontmoedigen. Als gevolg hiervan zal de Consumer Product divisie worden gemotiveerd om minder van de lagere kwaliteit producten te produceren uit de oude machines, en worden aangemoedigd om nieuwe fabriek, eigenschappen en uitrusting wat resulteert in hogere kwaliteit van producten te produceren.

Vraag 5: Spanningen tussen de divisiemanagers en de corporate hoofdkantoor Zodra een eerlijker systeem van prestatiemeting is op zijn plaats, zou de spanning tussen de divisies te verlichten. Als goed, het meten van prestaties op basis van de balans scorekaarten zorgt voor een meer rechtvaardige norm die specifiek is voor elke divisie (zie Bijlage E). Een groot deel van de in de zaak spanning werd gegenereerd door de frustratie van de algemeen directeur van Industrial Products divisie. Met de balanced scorecard in plaats als een andere prestatiemeting, wordt hij aangemoedigd en ondersteund door het topmanagement om nieuwe planten, goederen en apparatuur aan te schaffen.

Vraag 6: Doel congruentie Enager blijkt een verschil van belang bij het topmanagement hebben. Aan de ene kant, de voorzitter van het bedrijf, de heer Randall, is meer bezig met de aandeelhouders en het maximaliseren van de EPS dan andere prestatie-indicatoren. Aan de andere kant, de CFO, de heer Hubbard, is meer gericht op het ROA. Daarom is dit verschil in doelstelling veroorzaakt verwarring onder de ondergeschikten, als Sarah McNeil van het consumentenproduct divisie. De oplossing is voor de voorzitter en de CFO om te communiceren en te standaardiseren de meting doelstellingen op maat van elk individu divisie binnen de organisatie.

conclusie Het is belangrijk te vermelden dat er geen financiële prestatiemeting is perfect. Er zijn altijd gebreken in verschillende situaties en de economische omstandigheden kan een financiële prestatie-meting die nuttig was gisteren irrelevant te maken vandaag. Maar het hebben van meerdere prestaties metingen kunnen eventuele lacunes of ontbrekende gaten, zoals de balanced scorecard die wij aangeboden als een andere meting of ROA doelgroep op basis van EBITDA (EBITDA) te minimaliseren. Voor elke bedrijven of organisaties, het gaat om het vinden van de juiste balans voor iets. Het is de taak van het topmanagement om een praktische financiële prestatiemeting die het beste past bij de industrie en het bedrijfsleven, dat een divisie is in vinden. Ze hebben ook in gedachten te houden dat als de doelstellingen op korte termijn, lange termijn doelen en het voortbestaan van het bedrijf zijn belangrijke factoren; dus zorg ervoor om financiële prestatiemeting dat de doelstellingen op lange termijn weerspiegelt hebben.

Balanced Scorecard voor Customer Products Division

maatregelen Belang van Measure Innovatie en leren perspectief Innovatie is belangrijk voor de groei Enager's. Daarom moet het nauwkeurig gemeten worden, door eerst, het tellen van het aantal nieuwe producten uitgebracht en de hoeveelheid geld besteed aan R & D. Aan de andere kant kan de groei werknemer worden gemeten met een aantal opleidingsdagen per werknemers, omzet tarieven, en het aantal workshops.

Vanwege het feit dat de keuken waren industrie is een volwassen men moet Enager zich onderscheiden nieuwe producten aan het publiek te vangen. Aan de andere kant, een betere opgeleide, betrouwbare arbeidskrachten staat om hun taak vervullen efficiëntie en lagere kosten. Interne Zaken perspectief

De kwaliteit van het product kan worden gemeten op basis van het aantal geretourneerde producten en garantie kosten. Aangezien de winstgevendheid van deze divisie is afhankelijk van het product, is het van vitaal belang dat de kwaliteit wordt gehandhaafd. Meer productinformatie keert signalen ontevreden klanten en verlies van vertrouwen in het merk. Ook de productie van hoogwaardige producten vermindert de potentiële kosten van defecte producten.

klant Perspectief Een goede meting indicator van het klantenbestand is het marktaandeel van de producten keukengerei. Ook, herhaal aankoop, verwijzingen zijn allemaal goede metingen ook. Een goede marktaandeel betekent meestal winstgevendheid voor een productie-industrie, zoals keukengerei. Aan de andere kant kan keukengerei producten worden gekocht door dezelfde klant meerdere keren, dus het is van cruciaal belang om trouwe klanten te hebben.

financiële vooruitzichten Procentuele omzetgroei en ROI gemeten resterende inkomen kan zowel worden gebruikt als prestatie-indicatoren.

Stabiele verkoop groei is het belangrijk om het vermogen van de onderneming om winst te verdienen, en de ROI signaleert de lange termijn overlevingskansen van het bedrijf.

Balanced Scorecard voor Industrial Products Division

maatregelen Belang te meten Innovatie en leren perspectief - De uitgaven voor onderzoek en ontwikkeling als percentage van eerdere verkopen - Personeel ontwikkeling dagen per werknemer per jaar Innovatie binnen deze divisie is absoluut cruciaal. Deze divisie werkt als een grote job shop omgeving waarin alle ontwikkeld voor klanten producten zijn een van een soort producten ontworpen met state of the art technologie; daarom continue investering in nieuwe activa en apparatuur is cruciaal voor innovatie en de mogelijkheid om te reageren op vragen van klanten Net zoals nieuwe apparatuur moet worden aangeschaft om gelijke tred te houden met de eisen van de klant, Enager moet ook de opleiding van haar personeel op nieuwe processen en apparatuur

Interne Zaken Perspectief - Efficiëntie, effectiviteit, en het gebruik van de capaciteit Maken veel gebruik van materialen, apparatuur en andere kapitaalgoederen is van cruciaal belang in de richting die de continue investeringen en vermindering van de totale kosten Als je in een job shop omgeving, de producten worden vervaardigd zijn meestal langere termijn projecten die kan oplopen tot enkele maanden in beslag met tientallen podia in het hele proces; daarom, in staat om effectief projecten te beheren is de sleutel tot tevreden klanten en het gebruik van de capaciteit om de kosten te verlagen

klant Perspectief - Feedback van klanten door middel van customer relationship management (CRM) De industriële divisie is ontworpen om een unieke specifieke apparatuur / producten voor klanten met behulp van state of the art technologie. Het houden van contact met klanten, controle op producten, en het betrekken van klanten in alle stadia van een ontwerp en de fabricage van projecten is van cruciaal belang. Bovendien is een grote job shop omgeving bestaat uit lage hoeveelheid geproduceerd product met een hoge flexibiliteit bij het ontwerpen van producten en daarom minder klanten met grotere projecten. Customer relationship management is van cruciaal belang voor een continue verbetering en succes in de toekomst

financiële vooruitzichten - Return on Investments (ROI) Return on investment is een standaard evaluatie van de prestaties van bedrijven die de industriële divisie gewoonlijk moeten herzien om goed te kunnen bepalen waar en wanneer hun investeringen moeten worden gedaan, welke investeringen waren financieel goede beslissingen te nemen, en die arme waren

Balanced Scorecard voor Professional Services Division

maatregelen Belang te meten Innovatie en leren perspectief Werknemer groei kan worden gemeten met een aantal professionele opleidingsdagen per werknemers, omzet tarieven, en het aantal ontwikkelingsstoornissen workshops hebben de know-how, vaardigheden, capaciteiten en kennis zijn de sleutels tot het hebben van de winnende kant in deze industrie. Om te concurreren tegen concurrenten, moeten de medewerkers in deze divisie te nemen op persoonlijke ontwikkelingen en bij te houden met de micro / macro-economie van de industrie.

Interne Zaken Perspectief De kwaliteit van de dienstverlening kan worden gemeten op basis van het aantal beëindigde projecten, klachten van klanten, en enquêtes van de cliënten. Ook het meten van de tijd gebruik voor bedrag van de omzet ten opzichte van het aantal gewerkte uren is belangrijk. De kwaliteit van de dienstverlening is het van belang in de industrie die deze divisie is in. Ze moeten concurreren op de diensten en het overleg dat aan de klanten te bieden. Ook verkrijgen de capaciteit van de werknemers te profiteren van de groei belangrijk voor de groei van deze divisie dus moet maatregel.

klant Perspectief Een goede meting indicator van het klantenbestand en loyaliteit is het marktaandeel van soortgelijke diensten. Ook terugkerende klanten en doorverwijzingen zijn allemaal goede metingen ook.

Mond tot mond reclame is erg belangrijk bij een bedrijf is de verkoop van haar diensten. Mensen meer afhankelijk van wat andere mensen zeggen en aan te bevelen. Een goede marktaandeel betekent meestal het rendement voor de diensten die deze divisie biedt. Deze diensten kunnen worden gekocht door dezelfde klant meerdere keren, dus het is van cruciaal belang om Koninklijke klanten.

financiële vooruitzichten Optredens kunnen maatregel door een van beide of beide - De omzet per verkoper - Groei van het marktaandeel Stabiele verkoop groei staat centraal in het vermogen van de onderneming om winst te verdienen, en het benutten van het marktaandeel is van vitaal belang voor de lange termijn overleven. Maar ook motiverend en stimulerend marktkapitalisatie van elke verkoper zijn belangrijk.

Vraag 7:

There are few advises Enager might find useful. First of all using of ROA approach (Return on Assets) might not be appropriate for Enager. Three different division work in very separate industries and setting same target gross ROA rate of 15 % is not reasonable. Each division has different amount of assets, profitability and nature of business. Professional services division has no assets and thus using ROA rate is seen more profitable than other divisions which have assets. On the other hand balance sheet values are used when calculating the fixed assets, the division containing more new assets (thus higher net value) showed ROA lower than for the division which uses older equipment (with lower net value due to higher accumulated depreciation). Also if the company insists on using investment centre approach, it at least can be enhanced their performance measurement by implementing ABC costing system within each division and separate overheads on cost drivers rather than adapting blanket allocation approach which does not give realistic results. Company might also look at it the project appraisal system and base it upon discounted cash flows rather than the target return on assets percentage which is only an accounting ratio not giving the clear value of project. Each division has different risks and that’s why should have different costs of capital and different target returns.

Question 1) Why was McNeil's new product proposal rejected? Should it have been? Explain. McNeils' proposal was rejected because it did not meet the target return 15%, which was decided by Hubbard. However, the EVA is unfavorable under 15% return. Hubbard also states that a company like Enager should have a 12% return on EBIT. With this being said, McNeil's proposal demonstrates a return of 13% (ROA = EBIT/Assets = $390,000/$3,000,000), and a favorable EVA will be provided under this return figure. If cost of capital can be had for under 13%, then McNeil's proposal is a money maker for the Enager. In this case, McNeil’s proposal should not have been rejected. Additionally, an important goal of a business enterprise is to optimize shareholder returns, Anthony and Covindarajan (2007, P460) indicated that, however optimizing short-term profitability does not necessarily ensure optimum shareholder returns since shareholder value represents the net present value of expected future earnings. The consideration of this project did not take into account the time value of money. In this case, the decision may be misleading. To calculate the NPV of the project, there is more information needed (e.g. discount rate).

Question 2) What inferences do you draw from a cash flow statement for 1993? Is a break down by division useful? (Cf. Appendix 1)

Operating activities
In 1993, the operating activities have provided a positive cash flow of $24,711,000. The operating cash flow statement helps us to identify why this cash is not high enough to reach the management’s R.O.A. requirements. Indeed, depreciation ($9,864,000) represent 53,6% of the Net Profit after interest before tax ($18,414,000). The level of depreciation is high and the value of each division’s assets is certainly affected by the accumulation of depreciation. Therefore, the Industrial Products Division is right to wonder about the actual way of evaluating each division’s performance. The fourth part of this report provides a deeper analysis concerning this inference. Investing activities

The cash generated by the operating activities has totally been absorbed by the investing activities particularly through $25,230,000 purchases of plant and equipment. Again, these purchases have certainly increased the value of assets in the buying division. If the Industrial Products Division, as a new activity, is the one to require such investment, therefore, it is quite difficult for it’s manager to achieve a quick Return On Assets. Financing activities

The financing activities have generated a positive cash flow ($3,642,000) thanks particularly to a long-term debt cash inflow ($8,478,000) and the sale of share capital ($6,432,000). We can infer that the company has decided to raise more capital in order to cover its investments in plant and equipment. The investments have not damage the dividend payment ($12,546,000), which represent an important part (68,1%) of the Net Profit after interest before tax ($18,414,000).

A break down by division would be very useful and would allow to identify the cash flow generated by each department without taking into account depreciation in the operating performance. More over, it would lead to identify the life cycle (growth, maturity, and decline) of each division. Then, the performance measurement criteria should be unique to each division.

4- Evaluate the manner in which Randall and Hubbard have implemented their investment center concept. What pitfalls did they apparently not anticipate? Investment center concept:
Managers of investment center concept pay more attention on profits and investment. There are two approaches to measure their performance which is return on Asset (ROA) and residual income (RI). The calculation of ROA & RI:

ROA is the EBIT (operating profit) divided by average investment in the assets associated with the center. RI = EBIT (operation profit) - capital charge x investment center assets where the capital charges is the minimum acceptable rate of return Enager industry has three profit centers. For consumer product it is very stable, there are some older equipments. They can benefit from the depreciation of equipments. If they speed up the depreciation, it will have more earning profits. Moreover, in order to improve the efficiency industrial products division may buy some new plant and equipment. This may also affect the replacement cost. Therefore, the problem is that there is no one correct way for caculate fixed asset and depreciation. Although ROA is widely used in measuring performance, this method still has some disadvantages. The main disadvantage for ROA is that it only concern about short run profit. Because managers may only take the project that have higher return on short term and reject the "profitable" opportunity which may be benefit for the company as a whole. With the current ROA approach Hubbard is taking, managers can not accept the new project which is lower than minimum return of 15%. The RI has a conceptual advantage to ROI When use investment center to evaluate division's performance because it contributes more to the overall corporate wealt The calculation of Economic Profit (economic value added):

EBIT-Taxes=Net Operating Profit after Tax (NOPAT)
NOPAT-Capital Charge (Invested Capital x WACC) = EVA
The economic value added (EVA) is also known as ecnomic profit which is modified from residual income. Generally, it helps managers clarify how they create value. For Enager's, EVA is the most applicable approach, EVA allows all of the division's profit less a capital charge. The capital charge is a portion of the assets of the division. Usually capital charge equals to invested capital multiplied by WACC. By applying EVA , it works best for companies that tangible assets correlate with the market value of assets. With Enager, EVA would be a more appropriate way of measuring the profitability of each division.

Q5) What, if anything, should Randall do now with regard to his investment center measurement approach?
We recommend that Randall should continue using his investment center measurement approach. Nevertheless the firm should apply the economic value added (EVA) concept to evaluate divisions’ performance as well as new proposals instead of using return on assets (ROA). The EVA concept will indicate how much each division and proposals can generate benefit for the company as a whole. EVA concept is a financial performance method to calculate the true economic profit of a corporation. EVA can be calculated as Net Operating Profit After Tax (NOPAT) minus a charge for the opportunity cost of the capital invested (Capital * Cost of capital). This approach will allow the general manager to make a decision for the project that provided much more residual wealth rather than concentrate on making 15% return on the assets. Furthermore, contrary to the ROA concept, the EVA concept does not penalize divisions with high asset value. In addition, ROA and EVA only consider financial data, which is insufficient to evaluate a success of business strategy. Hence the company should also use non-financial measures as key success factors or key performance indicator (KPI). On non-financial measurement aspect, it suggests Randall use Balance scorecard for his investment center. This measurement system not only helps organization to achieve goals but also encourage communication between employees and presidents. This approach has four aspects. On financial side, company can set up the goal of a gross return. Then for customer side, it is better to use a suitable tool for company itself to monitor company’s customer satisfaction index or market share. After that, on internal business point, company can focus on the capability of employee retention and cycle time reduction. Finally, measure percentage of sales from new products can give a good feedback on innovation and learning aspect. As a multiple measurement tool on non-financial measurement, balance scorecard can reflect relationship between each division of the company accurately, and indicate the how to achieve company goals effectively.

Q7) What other advice do you have for Randall and Hubbard?
There are few advises Enager might find useful. First of all using of ROA approach (Return on Assets) might not be appropriate for Enager. Three different division work in very separate industries and setting same target gross ROA rate of 15 % is not reasonable. Each division has different amount of assets, profitability and nature of business. Professional services division has no assets and thus using ROA rate is seen more profitable than other divisions which have assets. On the other hand balance sheet values are used when calculating the fixed assets, the division containing more new assets (thus higher net value) showed ROA lower than for the division which uses older equipment (with lower net value due to higher accumulated depreciation). Also if the company insists on using investment centre approach, it at least can be enhanced their performance measurement by implementing ABC costing system within each division and separate overheads on cost drivers rather than adapting blanket allocation approach which does not give realistic results. Company might also look at it the project appraisal system and base it upon discounted cash flows rather than the target return on assets percentage which is only an accounting ratio not giving the clear value of project. Each division has different risks and that’s why should have different costs of capital and different target returns.

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Nothing Special - Free Term Papers, Essays and Research Documents The Research Paper Factory Join Search Browse Saved Papers Home Page » Business and Management Steel Industries of Bangladesh In: Business and Management Steel Industries of Bangladesh STEEL INDUSTRIES OF BANGLADESH REPORT ON FOCUS The report “Bangladesh on its way of becoming self sufficient in rod production, export is also a possibility” by Shuvankar karmakar, that was analyzed here, was published in the Daily Prothom Alo, on 17th November, 2012. BACKGROUND Bangladesh Steel industry is emerging as one of the major industrial sectors of the country. It consists of small up to the largest scale of steel melting and re-rolling factories across the country that mostly produce deformed bar rod of different grade (40, 60, 500), angel, channel and coil for the construction industry. Though the history of Steel Industry is not older one but it can make a glorious future. Before 1971 Bangladesh did not have any steel mill and even after the liberation there were only a few steel factories in the country. In 1990s the actual development began in this sector through a revolution. During that period the building constructing agencies or developer companies came forward to build modern infrastructure. Then with the increasing demand, new investors started investing in steel or rod production. In 2012 we have almost 400 mills across the country including Dhaka, Chittagong...

Words: 253 - Pages: 2

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...Factor conditions are human resources, physical resources, knowledge resources, capital resources and infrastructure. Specialized resources are often specific for an industry and important for its competitiveness. Specific resources can be created to compensate for factor disadvantages. Demand conditions in the home market can help companies create a competitive advantage, when sophisticated home market buyers pressure firms to innovate faster and to create more advanced products than those of competitors. Related and supporting industries can produce inputs which are important for innovation and internationalization. These industries provide cost-effective inputs, but they also participate in the upgrading process, thus stimulating other companies in the chain to innovate.[2] Firm strategy, structure and rivalry constitute the fourth determinant of competitiveness. The way in which companies are created, set goals and are managed is important for success. But the presence of intense rivalry in the home base is also important; it creates pressure to innovate in order to upgrade competitiveness. Government can influence each of the above four determinants of competitiveness. Clearly government can influence the supply conditions of key production factors, demand conditions in the home market, and competition between firms. Government interventions can occur at local, regional, national or supranational level. Chance events are occurrences that are outside of control of a firm....

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Tugas Spm

...Metcalf & Associates Significantly Impacts Worthington Industries Bottom Line by Facilitating Successful ERP Transition by Maureen Metcalf Company Profile ‘One of the Most Admired Companies’ in its industry per Fortune magazine, Worthington Industries, founded in 1955, grew from humble beginnings to a multi-billion dollar metal processing company. Today, the firm employs 8,000 people in 67 facilities throughout 11 countries. The company’s success is credited to its customer-centered philosophy, based on the Golden Rule. This philosophy, in addition to an unwavering commitment to the customer, and one of the strongest employee/employer partnerships in American industry serve as the company’s foundation. Challenge and Vision With the continuing growth and diversification of Worthington Industries, inventories naturally grew as well. As with many manufacturing firms, inventory has a significant impact on revenue and cash flow. Maintaining inventories larger than necessary negatively impacts the bottom line. Thus, the firm wanted to gain better insight into their inventories and processes and increase their supply chain informationto a higher level of detail. The company had a vision of further improving the level of customer service, while using less working capital and inventory. In order to achieve this goal, every process that impacted supply chain management and inventory needed to be closely evaluated. Surfacing every issue that could be preventing the firm from providing...

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Strategic Organization Communications

...agenda that includes promoting the company brand. ("What Is Strategic Communications?”, 2011) Case Study: “The Power of Rewards at Industry International” The case study “The Power of Rewards at Industry International” located in chapter three of Strategic Organizational Communication in a Global Economy describes a manufacturing company. The company has a rewards system used to compensate employees but that system is in jeopardy of being eliminated due to economic challenges. The case study describes the situation, the challenges the employees and the company face, and the methods the employees are considering to resolve the issue to their satisfaction. The Organizational Structure The organizational structure of the flow of information with a company can be either centralized or decentralized. Centralized information flow means all decision making and power is reserved to central points within the company. ("Centralization And Decentralization", 2013) In a centralized company information is often altered by the time it reaches the lower ranking employees. Decentralizing the information flow is the exact opposite of centralized. In a company that is decentralized information flow is distributed equally through the company resulting in faster decision making and less alterations. The organizational structure of Industry International. Industry International is a decentralized company. Although decisions are made by a board of directors and information is not shared with...

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Unicorn Concrete

...Executive Summary Mr. Li has an opportunity with Unicon to direct it in a new, and focused direction. With its competitive advantage it has established with the Hong Kong Housing Authority (HKHA). I recommend pursuing the blanket approval process with HKHA. These efficiencies could prove beneficial for both parties as this will greatly reduce lead time and costs. Façade and slabs are the growing trends in the industry and will allow Unicon to take advantage of the cost savings that come with it. * No longer a need for engineered documents, saving on time and engineering costs. * Job security * Operational efficiencies * Holding inventory * Reduced lead times * Product standardization The tradeoffs that are implied with this move is worth the risk of this approval process. There is potential for savings upwards to HK150,000 per block. An approximate saving of over 1 million based upon the 179 blocks per year projection from the HKHA. Once this approval is agreed upon and the contracts awarded. I recommend a detail review of Unicon current product lines and completely outsourcing the stair production line. After a 6th month time, I recommend we review our production efficiencies and look into expanding our production facility as our three remaining products are now made-to-stock.   Issue Identification Concrete Construction Market: • Precast Concrete Products sold to General Contractors in Hong Kong • 2 Options for building, Traditional Method...

Words: 1754 - Pages: 8

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Airbus vs Boein

...Airbus vs. Boeing Airbus and Boeing both compete in the highly competitive industry of manufacturing commercial aircraft. Over the years they have each controlled the market at differing times due to competitive advantages – an ability to create value through a company’s strategies and operations that its competitors cannot (ref – Strategic Management textbook , pg 22) Boeing, formed in 1916 by William Boeing and George Westervelt, dominated the industry until the 1970’s, when Airbus was organized through a collaboration between Britain, France and West Germany. Airbus began manufacturing the A-300 series which enabled them to capture 10% of the market share by 1975 (ref article), no small feat considering they were competing against the giant Boeing. Airbus’s ability to compete with Boeing and gain market share will be analyzed using the following business models: PESTEL Analysis, SWOT Analysis, Porter’s Five Forces, VRINE Analysis and Porter’s Model of Competitive Advantage. PESTEL ANALYSIS Political – Airbus was a product of a merger between three European countries; Britain, France and West Germany. In the 1970’s the political climates of all three were relatively stable. The three countries worked together in order to compete with the US. They did have to adhere to international trading policies and agreements (NAFTA, GATT). Economic – As they were competing largely in the US market, Airbus needed to constantly...

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Industrializtion in Nigeria

...CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY The ultimate aim of most developing countries in general is to industrialize. The reason for this are obvious. First, there is relationship between the degree of industrialization and the level of development. Secondly, the developed countries of the world are basically industrial countries. The higher the level of industrialization the higher the level of national income, standard of living and economic development. Prior to the discovery of crude oil in commercial quantum in Nigeria, agricultural primary produce has been the major sources through which Nigeria generate foreign exchange. Therefore, Nigeria constituted one major agrarian country in Africa. However, at the attainment of independence in 1960, the various governments took interest in industrialization. This can be noticed through series of development plan adopted by the succeeding government in Nigeria over the years. Though without keen interest, except till the nineteen – seventies. The need arose to adopt an import substitution industrialization policy to reduce the heavy dependence on the external sector for the supply of manufactured products, capital goods and equipment. Nigeria government in a bid to industrialize created some industrial incentive policy to encourage foreign investors to invest in Nigeria industrial sector. That is, foreign entrepreneurs were technically and strategically invite to champion Nigeria industrialization because of the...

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...Overview of real estate industry The real estate industry is one of the fastest growing industries in our economy, with a Compound Annual Growth Rate of approximately 30%..A US$ 16 billion industry at present, it is expected to touch US$ 60 billion in the next five years. The sustainability of growth in the real estate industry has its roots in strong demand fundamentals: a. Rapid expansion of the IT/ ITES and business outsourcing industry b. Rising demand in the residential sector, encouraged by rapidly increasing income levels; c. Acceptance of shopping malls as “one stop destinations” for consumers; and d. Growing popularity of Special Economics Zones as preferred destinations for both manufacturing and service industries. Ansal api Ansal Properties and Infrastructure Limited (APIL), promoted by the Delhi based Ansal Group, is one of the prominent real estate developers in Northern India. The Group, headed by brothers Sushil and Deepak Ansal, is engaged in developing integrated townships, IT cities and commercial and residential complexes. Ansal Group has been a major player in the real state sector in the country since 1967. It is now regarded as one of the top most real state group in the country. Sobha Developers Ltd. (SDL) formerly Sobha Developers Private Limited  It  is an Indian multinational real estate developer headquartered in Bangalore, India and engaged in the business of construction, development, sale, management and operation of all or any...

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Sme Report

...Introduction The development of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in developing countries is generally believed to be a desirable end in view of their perceived contribution to decentralized job creation and generation of output. SMEs constitute the dominant source of industrial employment in Bangladesh (80%), and about 90% of the industrial units fall into this category. The actual performance of SMEs, however, varies depending on the relative economic efficiency, the macro-economic policy environment and the specific promotion policies pursued for their benefit. For the JOBS Program, Zaid Bakht (1998) and Salahuddin Ahmad, et al. (1998) developed research papers that describe the policy environment within which SMEs in Bangladesh operate. The reports also discuss the accompanying legal, regulatory and administrative constraints to employment creation by SMEs. This paper attempts to highlight the findings of those two studies. To complement the issues discussed in those two papers, a summary of industrial problems, as perceived by entrepreneurs during the past one decade (HIID, 1988; MCCI 1992; World Bank 1994; JOBS 1998), is also presented in this report. In Bangladesh, SMEs playing a significant role for the development of our economy by creating employment opportunity and producing important alternative machines and machinery parts for saving huge foreign currency for our country. So as a part of our development strategy, we should intensify our efforts to...

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...Riordan Manufacturing Team A University of Phoenix Strategic Management MGT\498 William Etherton July 17, 2013 Riordan Manufacturing Riordan Manufacturing is a worldwide plastics manufacturer employing 550 persons with projected yearly earnings of $46 million. The company is entirely owned by Riordan Manufacturing Industries, a Fortune 1000 enterprise with revenues in excess of $1 billion. Riordan is well established locally and nation-wide, although they are based out of San Jose Riordan has a manufacturing plants in China, Georgia and Michigan. Every company no matter how well it is doing professionally as well as financially always has room to grow and better themselves. Riordan has thought of different ways to remain competitive in an ever-dynamic environment, Riordan Manufacturing must stay current with the latest technology, recent developments in the industry, and attend to the needs of its customers. After telecommunications and data networking systems require an upgrade to a better support of the company’s recent and future growth needs, long-term relationships will be required by maintaining rigorous quality controls, innovative solutions, reasonable pricing, and a responsive business attitude. (B, 2009) Riordan Manufacturing will strive to be a solution provider for their customers and not be a part of theirs customer’s challenges. Future is must be focused in maintaining and achieving reasonable profitability to assure that the human capital and financial...

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Virtual Organization Strategy

...Riordan obtained venture capital to expand the company. The corporate headquarters is located in San Jose, California with additional manufacturing plants in Georgia, Michigan, and China. Products include plastic beverage containers, custom plastic parts, and plastic fan parts. The company is a leader in the industry of plastic injection molding. (Virtual Organization Portal, 2012) Riordan Manufacturing wants to expand operations and they have three options when considering expansion. The three options are going public via IPO, acquiring another organization in the same industry, or merging with another organization. The company must consider the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of each option before making a final decision on how to expand. Additionally, considerations on the financial effects of globalization, exchange rate risks, and mitigating the exchange rate risks should be analyzed if the company decides to go international. Strengths Riordan manufacturing is looking for ways to expand their business. They narrowed it down to three options which are going public through an IPO, acquisition of another organization in the same industry, or merging with another organization. Riordan executives are taking in consideration the strengths of each option. If Riordan chose to go public through an IPO they will be able to generate revenue that can be used to fund growth plans. In addition, this will create liquidity for owners and potential investors...

Words: 1625 - Pages: 7

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Forest Hill Case Analyse

...further processing. Due to their small size in comparison to many of their competitors in the industry, FHPC would be classified as a niche company as stated in the case. Part of FHPCs strategy, which will be looked at further below, is to create a niche based on service and rapid customer response that the larger manufacturing companies are too large to be able to do successfully. Competitive Environment The environment in which Forest Hill Paper Company operates in is a cyclical environment with upswings every three to four years. Due to the cyclical nature of the industry, customers try to anticipate times when they would not be able to get paper by ordering large quantities of paper at certain times and none at others. Because of this, FHPC has times when they are flushed with orders and cannot meet them with their production capabilities, and times when they are not running at optimal levels due to lack of demand. Along with this issue, the market share for domestic paperboard has been steadily declining. The most significant reason there is a decline in market share is the moving trend toward plastic and more environmentally friendly forms of paperboard. In general throughout the industry, companies have made little effort to expand capacities of the production facilities. At times the demand greatly exceeds the capacity of any one production plant. In boom times the industry as a whole experiences great increases in selling price for the paperboard products for most...

Words: 279 - Pages: 2

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Costing Methods

...Costing Methods Paper Erica Rice ACC/561 18 February 2013 Edward Hastings Costing Methods Paper What strategies did the management of Super Bakery, Inc. use? Super Bakery’s challenges are to control cost by reducing the overhead for serving their customers in different parts of the country, and by doing this they can use the ABC method; Activity-Based Costing System to enhance control over overhead costs and under ABC, the company can trace many overhead costs directly to activities by allowing some indirect costs to be identified as direct costs like the customer’s order cost for every individual customer that seems to be the same amount. The managers can become more aware of their responsibility to control the activities that generate those costs. The second reason that Super Bakery’s went with ABC was because of trying to control cost in the business part of the company like, manufacturing, sales, warehousing, and shipping. By taking control of the product cost this should contribute to settling selling prices that can help them achieve desired product success. With a more precise cost data the managers could decide on whether to buy or make a product part or piece, and whether to remove a product. ABC helps the managers to minimize the amount of overhead that is payable to their product. If the overhead is payable based upon the amount of direct labor used, then the managers can minimize the amount of overhead payable to their product by minimizing the amount of...

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