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End Of Life Care: A Case Study

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End-of-life care, and making medical treatment decisions is a complex and emotionally charged topic that APRNs must be knowledgeable about. It is essential that APRNs are familiar and comfortable with taking a Values History, as this form can ethically assist patients and assist them in making well-informed decisions that are in accordance with personal preferences and values. Similar to the Values History, Fischer, Min, Sauaia, & Kutner (2012) highlight the fact that advanced directives may include various documents, including a “broader more comprehensive document outlining goals, values, and preferences for care in the event of decisional incapacity” (p. 3).
Questions from various areas of a patient’s life are addressed with this tool; therefore I believe this form is an excellent way to explore personal feelings and attitudes that patients may not have taken the time to think about. However, after reviewing the Values History form, my concern is that it is not a legal document. It would be …show more content…
242). Furthermore, Sanders & Robinson (2017) state, “Advance care planning is a critical part of health care; however, engaging individuals in end-of-life planning is difficult, as many contemplate death only when a life-threatening event or illness occurs” (p. 329). A major benefit of using the Values History form is that it is simple and easy to understand, yet explores a multitude of aspects of life. This form not only increases awareness to issues that may not have been thought about, and also encourages a person to reflect on their core feelings before a medical crisis occurs. In addition, the open-ended questions promote rich and descriptive answers that may make others feel more confident in fulfilling desired wishes, as they can be pre-determined by the patients

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