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Eng 155


Submitted By itlqt1234
Words 1469
Pages 6
University of Phoenix Material

Cosmic Myth Worksheet

Choose two myths from each of the following myth categories: creation, flood, afterlife, and apocalypse. Answer the following questions for all eight myths.

Creation Myths

|Myth 1: In the beginning was Chaos. Then came Earth |Religion or culture of origin: |
|which produced Sky. Covering Earth each night, Sky |Greek Creation |
|fathered children upon her. Earth was personified as | |
|Gaia/Terra and sky was Ouranos (Uranus). | |
|Myth 2: |Religion or culture of origin: |
|Their children included the Titan parents of most of |Greek Creation |
|the Olympian gods and goddesses, as well as many other| |
|creatures, including the Cyclopes, Giants, | |
|Hecatonchires, Erinyes, and more. Aphrodite was the | |
|offspring of Ouranos. | |

• Who created the world?

o Myth 1: The earth created the sky and the sky created the world.

o Myth 2: The Olympian Gods, Cyclopes, Giants, Hecatonchires, Erinyes, and more.

• Who were the main characters involved? What was the process?

o Myth 1: The main characters were the gods and goddesses. The process is the creation of earth.

o Myth 2: The

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