Premium Essay

Engelsk B Synopsis


Submitted By duniakader
Words 408
Pages 2
Anna Wintour
”To be in ’Vogue’ has to mean something. It’s an endorsement. It’s a validation”
These words were spoken by the one and only Anna Wintour, and she truly spoke the truth. The English Anna Wintour have since 1983 taken over the American Vogue, and surely has with her bob hair and sun glasses made an impression in the fashion industry.
Ever since she was a child, it seemed as if she was destined to become a part of the magazine industry. Her family, her career building, and everything else surrounding her life, such as connections pointed out her future in fashion very clearly.
Her work in Vogue became highly famous after her first issue as an editor in chief, her motto at that, and to this day is “A fashion magazine is about change”, and surely she proved her point, by using models that weren’t skinny, but were healthy. She made the cover wear a pair of $50 jeans, instead of an expensive designer gown, and it was a success.
However living your dream isn’t always a treat. Anna Wintour had to deal with a lot of criticism; most of the criticism was pointed towards her personality. Many had described Wintour as ruthless and rude. Many workers at Vogue and former assistants in particular had spoken about Wintour being superior to all, and that even the slightest contact with her, was a mistake.
But not only was it her personality that bothered many, but also her choice of wardrobe. The animal’s rights organizations such as PETA had been having a lot of issues with Wintour’s use of fur in the magazines. But not only had organizations been against her, many activists had physically attacked Wintour, she even spoke out that she had lost count of her being attacked by activists.
The issues with Wintour didn’t stop there, after Wintour had told Oprah Winfrey that she should lose weight before her cover shoot at Vogue, many people began criticizing her

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