Boomers Key to Economic Growth
Brian Dennison
Boomers Key to Economic Growth
The Baby Boomers that have become the fascination of most economic concerns in the United States were born between the years of 1946 and 1964. It is estimated that over 75 million people were born from all nationalities during this period. The Baby Boomers have been divided into two periods; leading edge which were born from 1946 to about 1955 and late boomers who were born from 1956 to about 1964. Baby boomers are more than just a group to be followed because of their potential to help the overall economy because of the size of the group (Hardy, 2013), but also for the potential perils that could happen as this group begins to pull on the resources of the United States. 1946 to 1964 has opened the doorway to the greatest potential for economic superiority for the United States through the birth of the Baby Boomer Generation.
Key Economic Issues for Baby Boomers The more than 75 million baby boomers were starting to be born in 1946 which meant that companies that sold items appropriate for babies and their parents were taking shape. One of the companies that were spawned during this period was Gerber Product Company sold baby items from 1927, but the huge birthrates during the baby boomer generation allowed the company to skyrocket in sales. The needs of the baby boomers have driven the direction that many companies have taken from the time they came upon the scene (Field, 2005). From the need for braces and clothing, to the need for piano lessons and drivers licenses, baby boomers have driven the economy by the needs that they have had. This is not going to change anytime soon as there has been one other baby boom and will undoubtedly keep the trend going as time passes. Baby boomers will need car insurance, jobs, retirement advice, clothing,