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Ensr International


Submitted By alannahbird
Words 920
Pages 4
ENSR International

Which of the proposed solutions do you favour and why?

Of the 3 options provided, I would choose to implement Anderson’s key account program for several reasons: 1. It will help align employee compensation with overall corporate profit objectives. CSC managers are currently compensated based on their CSCs profit performance. This gives managers the incentives to employ their own CSC consultants on projects from the region, regardless if there are better-suited ENSR consultants working under different CSCs. Depending on the specific needs of a prospective client in the manager’s region, the CSC may or may not contain the necessary expertise to win a project. Implementing a key account program will allow the right expertise to be allocated to the right accounts. 2. Clients often need a certain type of expertise across a range of geographic locations outside the CSC’s area. Under the current system, the client would need to build new relationships with several CSCs dispersed geographically. This requires a great deal of company resources, including consultant time and money. Under a key account program, the relationship would be limited to one project team. This heightens the chance of building a strong relationship with the client. Relationships between clients and suppliers are becoming increasingly important, since there is a new industry trend where clients are limiting the number of suppliers/consultants employed by the firm. 3. By following Weber’s approach and implementing a BDO program, relationships would be less strong as the BDOs do not have as much business knowledge of this industry. In the case it states “The success of the seller doer in developing a relationship was high when the client engaged ENSR and required him to be part of the team (…) it is less common for this strong bond to manifest itself on projects

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