...SYLLABUS INDIAN BUSINESS ENIRONMENT MBA–2nd SEMESTER, M.D.U., ROHTAK External Marks : 70 Time : 3 hrs. Internal Marks : 30 UNIT-I Nature, components and determinatnts of business environment; basic nature of Indian economic system; relation size and growth of public and private corporate sector, social responsibility of business; broad features of India's now economic policy. UNIT-II Trend and pattern of industrial growth; review of industrial policy developments; industrial licensing policy; liberalisation of the private sector; trends and issues in corporate management; growth and problems of the small scale sector; public sector reforms and privatisation the problem of industrial sickness; MRTP Act, SICA and Industrial Disputes Act. UNIT-III Development banks for corporate Sector (IDBI, IFCI, ICICI) - trends pattern and policy; regulation of stock exchanges and the role of SEBI; banking sector reforms, challenges facing public sector banks; growth and changing structure of non bank financial institutions; problem of non performing assets in Indian Banks. UNIT-IV Trend and pattern of India's foreign trade and balance of payments; latest EXIM policy-main features; policy towards foreign direct investment; globalisation trends in Indian economy; role of MNC's; India's policy commitments to multilateral insitiutions - IMF, World Bank and WTO. NOTE : The question paper will be set by the external examiners. The external examiner will set 8 questions in all, selecting not more...
Words: 21473 - Pages: 86
...SYLLABUS INDIAN BUSINESS ENIRONMENT MBA–2nd SEMESTER, M.D.U., ROHTAK External Marks : 70 Time : 3 hrs. Internal Marks : 30 UNIT-I Nature, components and determinatnts of business environment; basic nature of Indian economic system; relation size and growth of public and private corporate sector, social responsibility of business; broad features of India's now economic policy. UNIT-II Trend and pattern of industrial growth; review of industrial policy developments; industrial licensing policy; liberalisation of the private sector; trends and issues in corporate management; growth and problems of the small scale sector; public sector reforms and privatisation the problem of industrial sickness; MRTP Act, SICA and Industrial Disputes Act. UNIT-III Development banks for corporate Sector (IDBI, IFCI, ICICI) - trends pattern and policy; regulation of stock exchanges and the role of SEBI; banking sector reforms, challenges facing public sector banks; growth and changing structure of non bank financial institutions; problem of non performing assets in Indian Banks. UNIT-IV Trend and pattern of India's foreign trade and balance of payments; latest EXIM policy-main features; policy towards foreign direct investment; globalisation trends in Indian economy; role of MNC's; India's policy commitments to multilateral insitiutions - IMF, World Bank and WTO. NOTE : The question paper will be set by the external examiners. The external examiner will set 8 questions...
Words: 21473 - Pages: 86
...EFFECTS OF MICROFINANCE CREDIT ON THE PERFORMANCE OF SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTEPRISES IN UASIN GISHU COUNTY, KENYA RESEARCH PROJECT SUBMITTED TO CUEA, GABA IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT FOR THE AWARD OF BACHELORS DEGREE EFFECTS OF MICRO FINANCE CREDIT ON THE PERFORMANCE OF SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTREPRISE IN UASIN GISHU COUNTY, KENYA BY KIBET K DENNIS BCOM/GC/543/11/12 RESEARCH PROJECT SUBMITTED TO CUEA, GABA IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT FOR THE AWARD OF BACHELORS DEGREE DECLARATION Declaration by the Student I, the undersigned, declare that this project is my original work and that it has not been presented in any other university or institution for academic credit. KIBET K DENNIS BCOM/ GC/543/11/12 Signature.................................................... Date.................................... Declaration by the Supervisors This research project has been submitted for examination with our approval as university supervisors. Dr. Gedion Omwono Catholic University of Eastern Africa, GABA Campus Signature.................................................... Date.................................... ABSTRACT This study discusses...
Words: 11350 - Pages: 46