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Entrepreneurial Leadership Paper


Submitted By ADEJAYAN
Words 1519
Pages 7

A short analysis of the entrepreneurial approaches of Samuel Walton and Christopher Zorich |

Profit oriented entrepreneurial approaches of Samuel Moore Walton.
Sam Walton, the man
Samuel Moore Walton, the founder of Wal-Mart, was archetypal leader with some level of consistencies in his lifetime that stayed with him until his death. Sam was a servant-leader who listened quietly to the customers and sought to please them. He believed in hard work, worked hard and had fun doing it.
His leadership style
If ever there was a true born leader, Samuel Walton was one. Sam, as he was popularly called, was born the first child of his parents, Thomas and Nancy Walton on March 29, 1918. By virtue of his birth, he took some amount of responsibility for his only sibling, J.L. "Bud" Walton. Maybe, this helped him in developing very strong leadership skills early in life. Sam attended Hickman High School in Columbia, Missouri where he served as class president. He played football in the school’s team which had no defeats as long as Sam was the quarterback.
Sam attended the University of Missouri at Columbia where he got a degree in business and he was about to commence graduate studies in insurance when he decided for engagement in retail business. I personally believe that Sam deduced from his exposure to business studies that he had some of the qualities that success in retail business demands.

After college, Sam had the opportunity to join either Sears Roebuck & Co. or the J.C. Penney Co, he ended up with J.C. Penney Co which had surpassed Sears Roebuck in number of stores owned and it’s financial worth. This is another pointer that Sam’s success came by as a result of calculated business and relationship decisions. Sam started his career as a

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