Premium Essay

Epilogue To Master Cake's Mistake

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Words 1149
Pages 5
A mysterious package arrived at Master Cake’s bakery one afternoon. It was a huge box that towered over Danny.
“What is it?” Danny asked curiously looking at the box.
Master Cake smiled, “You’ll see.” He said, opening the box.
Danny looked with wide eyes as the box opened, revealing a shiny chrome color robot.
“Cool! You got us a robot!” Danny shouted, hardly containing his excitement.
Master Cake laughed, “Not just a robot, a robot chef.” he said, feeling as excited as Danny.
Danny walked around the robot and spotted the many buttons on its back. His eyes were drawn to a big red button, right on the center.
“Oooh, what does this button do?” he exclaimed as his index finger got closer and closer to the button.
Master Cake wrapped his fingers …show more content…
The robot’s arms wiggled. Its legs took a few steps, almost stepping on Copy’s tail and made her meow and jump on Danny’s head. His eyes blinked twice and glowed bright blue. Then, his head wobbled to face Danny and Master Cake. Bowing, it said, “I’m Robochef, at your service!”
“Awesome!” Danny exclaimed excitedly, then turned to Master Cake, asking, “Can I play with it? Can I please?”
Master Cake shook his head, “Robochef is not a toy.”
Danny sighed disappointed and walked out the door.
Seconds later, he returned, Hammy and Suzy after him.
Robochef was alone in the kitchen, frosting a few …show more content…
“I have an idea.” Whispered Danny as they stood behind a shelf of canned fruits.
Suzy looked at him with a questioning look.
Danny whispered in her ear, keeping an eye on Robochef, who was being chased by a hungry Hammy.
“On my mark.” Murmured Danny, grabbing hold of the shelf.
Suzy nodded and grabbed the other side of the shelf.
“One… two… three!” they shouted and flipped the shelf when Robochef walked by, sending cans, jars of syrup and flour crashing to the floor.
Robochef’s feet tangled on the rolling cans and he went skating around the kitchen. On his way he took down baskets of bread, muffins, bananas, cherries and took the fridge off its hinges, sending it crashing to the floor too.
“Ruuuun!” shouted Hammy. “Mad robot on the loos!”
Danny and Suzy ran after him, towards the front of the bakery.
Robochef noticed them again and moving stiffly, went after them.
But the floor was slippery with syrup, milk and runny eggs. As soon as Robochef set foot in the slippery mess, he went down like a sack of potatoes.
He tried getting up, but every time, he either spun like a spinning top, flapped like a chicken, or fell face first into the

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