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Telehealth Research Paper

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eHealth Global Development
1. Introduction
Telemedicine as a health care approach was fundamentally born during the 'space race' between the USA and the former USSR. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the USA military and USA government funded the first telemedicine projects. NASA was keen on building a distant monitoring system to manage the health of American astronauts in space (Sullivan, 2001). Today, due to the technological advancements of communication, several applications and internet based software are already developed to provide health care access to those living in remote areas. Before reviewing the literature related to the recent developments of e-health, it is important to clarify the definition of telemedicine. …show more content…
‘eHealth’ term bridges both the clinical and nonclinical sectors of delivering medical, care, and health check services. It includes both individual and population health-oriented tools (Eng, 2001). The coverage and functions of eHealth services are rapidly expanding, so it is difficult to accurately define eHealth. For the hospital as an organization, eHealth utilizes electronic patient administration systems; laboratory and testing information databases, electronic communication systems, as well as telemedicine, teleconsultations, telepathology, teledermatology etc. In case of the home care setting, examples of providing eHealth services include teleconsultations and the use of remote vital signs monitoring systems for patients with long term conditions. As an example, diabetes medicine, asthma monitoring and home dialysis systems can all be managed through eHealth tools. In primary care, eHealth consists of computer systems used by general practitioners, nurses, pharmacists and administrations for patient management, medical records maintenance, and generating prescriptions. The utilization and implementation / monitoring of Electronic Health Record systems can be considered to be a foundation every part of the application network. It allows the sharing of necessary information among various health care …show more content…
Few programs have been scaled out, and their implementation has typically been fragmented and uncoordinated. Until now, the literature eHealth in low- and middle-income countries has mainly consisted of studies focusing on single uses of technology in delivering services, as well as theoretical reviews and frameworks related to the proposed of eHealth applications, programs and related policies. Some research papers and articles examine the global landscape of these programs, but they fail to provide an implementation framework for developing countries' regulatory, social, and political environments. After a careful analysis of related literature, the author has encountered a white paper commissioned by Advanced Development for Africa that features a series of case studies, and provides best-practice recommendations from eHealth experts that are applicable for African countries that have restricted budgets and underdeveloped infrastructures. Another paper reviews the evidence on the impact of eHealth in low- and middle-income countries. The aforementioned WHO survey of Member States’ utilization of m-health presents a systematic landscaping of health programs; nevertheless, the survey relies on local government knowledge, which is often limited when

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