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Isis: Salem Witch Hunts By Persecuting Muslims

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Date: 4-29-16 Research Essay By:Diego Que 7th Have you ever been judged or insulted for something as simple as your own beliefs? When paid close attention, you realize that is exactly what Isis is doing. Here I will compare how Isis has created a situation similar to that of the salem witch hunts. After going through lots of research, I have come to the conclusion that, the way Isis is being similar to the witch hunts is because they are persecuting Muslims. Here are some of the reason to believe that Isis is being similar to the witch hunts by persecuting Muslim, is a quote found in my first source. The quote says “Isis’s real war is with Muslims.” (“Bring The United Nations to the fight with Isis.” [Toronto, Ontario] 9 Oct 2014). This quote is quite interesting, because if you look up the victims that Isis has targeted, you’d noticed that most of the, unfortunate victims are Muslims. This is a piece of evidence that makes me believe that, Isis targeting Muslims, is quite similar to the witch hunts because, a lot of people in the trials, were innocent people, with certain beliefs, yet they were accused. My second piece of evidence is an article that talks about how three different countries are coming …show more content…
This reminds me a lot

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