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Definition Essay: What Is Love?

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What is love? Well, love gives, it is generous. It is a certain sensation of inner warmth that you will feel no other way, but to be encompassed by it. Love is not a necklace or a pair of nice shoes, but it is the thought you put behind that present. Love knows no boundaries or distance. Love can be a five minute drive, a phone call away, or even a plane ticket you buy for a big surprise. Love can be hours away, love can be states away, love can be in different countries.This is because love requires effort, without effort there would be no love. Love is the little things you do. Love is a kiss on the cheek or on the forehead. Love is giving up the last slice of buffalo chicken pizza because you know that it’s his favorite. Love is that movie …show more content…
Love is that song that somehow you both know all the words to. Love is that awkward first kiss in front of your friends that you’d never take back. It’s those pictures that you took of each other on vacation, those memories that you share together. It’s that spontaneous trip where you learned how fish, and subsequently caught nothing. Love is the dress you’ll always want to keep because it reminds you of him. Love is that oversized sweatshirt that you’ll wear proudly in public. Love is trying new things because it makes them happy. Love is calling someone up randomly just to hear them laugh, and thinking about how their cheeks crease when they smile, because you can’t be there to see it. Love is supporting them in all of the things they, especially the good. It’s letting them know that you’re proud of them. Love is understanding that your differences make you both stronger. Love is falling for a Republican even when you’re the opposite party. Love is that freezing cold hike you both took a long time ago, and hit it off immediately. It’s that favorite blanket that they’d only share with

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