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Models Of Antisocial Behavior

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Models of crime causation have been put forward by professionals in the field of criminology for a better understanding of the factors that lead to antisocial behavior which Moffitt (1993) subdivided into two categories: life course persistent and adolescence limited. Life course persistent shows that the offender starts offending at a very young age and they are usually hyperactive children with cognitive deficiency and a difficult temperament. Offending may continue in adult life. On the other hand, adolescence limited deals with individuals who start offending during adolescence as a result of socialization and stops during late adolescence. The different causal models are the developmental propensity model, prefrontal damage …show more content…
Children start learning from a very young age and are shaped by what they understand from the knowledge they acquire. A clear example would be a teacher slapping a student. That child may think that slapping someone is socially acceptable and whenever he has some clashes with someone else, he may react in the same aggressive way. However another student would think that slapping is wrong. The limitation in this study is that this model does not really show the relationship between early adverse experiences and antisocial …show more content…
However they are among the distant factors influencing antisocial behavior. If child neuropsychological vulnerabilities contribute causally to antisocial development, they probably do so in conjunction with ecological risk factors that lead to persistent offending (Farrington & Loeber, 2000; Patterson & Capaldi, 1991). It is suggested that these vulnerabilities make it difficult for people to get used to certain situations. One example of a neuropsychological vulnerability patient would be someone having mood swings. Nevertheless, these vulnerabilities have not been proved as the main factors contributing to antisocial behavior but argue that they make an individual more prone to offending if they are exposed to delinquent

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