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Five Factor Model

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The medical model “proposes that it is useful to think of abnormal behavior as a disease” although it should be viewed as with more sympathy and less hate and rejection feelings (Psych textbook). Sympathy is one of the items lacking in those with the antisocial personality or behaviors of it. According to a journal written by Walters, he illustrated that those with comorbidity of antisocial behavior and crime or substance misuse people don’t have much of a social support (Walters, 2013). He experimented this by conducting a meta-analysis of research using the NEO-PI to “assess the five dimensions of the five-factor model of personality” and he analyzed samples of those with “comorbid antisocial personality disorder and substance use” with …show more content…
The five dimensions of the five factor model of personality include the traits of openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. There were 1,177 participants in the study and there were no significant differences between the participants. There were 4 different groups. These groups consisted of NCS, no crime or substance, CO, crime only, SO, substance misuse only, and C&S, both crime and substance misuse (all of them included the antisocial personality or behavior). In addition to finding that these participants lacked in social support they also found that there was a “significantly earlier age of onset of drinking or substance use in the crime and substance misuse group than the others,” as well as a more extensive history of crime (Walters, 2013). So, now one may ask which one causes the other; does the drug use worsen the antisocial behavior or does the antisocial behavior worsen the drug use? Studies and experiments cannot prove causation but they can show correlation. Correlation is a connection between two or more things that illustrate a relationship but does not illustrate a cause. But, studies or experiments can visualize how drug use, drugs also including alcohol, might bring out the disorder more …show more content…
Parental incarceration can most definitely be traumatizing for any child who has to watch their parent be taken away from them, in fact, if the child is younger it is more likely that it is going to affect them more than if they were older. Forty percent of parents who were arrested said that their children were there and had seen it happen, and in twenty-seven of those cases, “weapons were drawn” (Murray, 2012). There are 1.7 million children who have a parent in state or federal prison, which is “2.3% of the nation’s children” (Murray, 2012). Evidence that was found in an Australian study was that the risk of developing the antisocial personality disorder was higher for children with incarcerated fathers (Murray, 2012). This is ineffective because in an analysis, the relationship with a father is crucial. During interactions, children are likely to be influenced by their father by watching them interact with others. Showing how children are likely to mirror the father, furthermore, neuroticism is found in children whose father possessed the negative trait as well showing it is an observable trait (Dyer,

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