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Barack Obama Rhetorical Analysis Essay

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The upcoming election in November is approaching fast and many people still are questioning presidential candidate Barack Obama’s abilities and wants to do right by all people if he was to become the first African American president. There is a real possibility of the Illinois senator to become president of the United States and with that comes responsibility not every man or woman could handle the expectations you’ll be up against, and that's why his moral complace is being questioned by the people of the United States.Through speaking engagements, and public appearances senator Barack Obama will be able to engage and speak on any matters concerning his principles and moral view on the country he as an American love and respect with …show more content…
Although the perception may be that it was race that motivated his pastor words, he believes it was truly “the disordered view on America from those that have been deprieved and striped of their dignity due to racism for generations”. He uses diction to emphasize what he specifically believe’s about the views of his pastor comments. “The views of the country wasn't to speak on a perceived injustice in America, but explaining his view on the altered depiction of America due to systemic racism that has caused this epidemic in America toward African Americans and minorities . That strategy was extremely effective because of in order to build a bridge between Americans you have to have an understanding of how others have felt despite your personal views of their remarks. Presidential candidate Barack Obama makes it clear that he did not agree with all of his pastors political views, “just like the average spiritual or religious person does not agree with every sermon or remark that their pastor, priests or rabbis may have said despite race or gender”. The analogy used by senator Barack is extremely effective mainly because everyone can relate to it because many people have disagreed with what someone they have respect and or love for. Even if you may not agree with someone it is important to be willing to listen with an open ear to be able to move past the situation with an understanding whether you agree or disagree with their views or

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