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Personal Narrative: Valerie's Playing With Her Doll

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Words 847
Pages 4
Around the age of seven to eight, most of Valerie’s friends quit playing with dolls. Valerie is 12 now, and she still plays with her doll. She especially loves a doll that she found in the attic of our house when we first moved into it. She calls it Jasmine. She takes this doll everywhere. She even sleeps holding it at night. This makes the doll smell, because Valerie breaths her halitosis breath onto it. As her parent, I tell her that she should try to socialize with other kids her age, but she insists on only playing with her doll. All of her friends she used to have, don’t even want to talk to her any more. I’ve tried to involve her in school activities like volleyball or basketball, but she hates them. All she would do is complain, and tell me how much she hated it. I decided to contact a psychiatrist that would hopefully teach her to interact with other kids. I took Valerie to her yesterday. The psychiatrist said that she acted fine until the psychiatrist tried to take her doll away from her as a test. Valerie started twitching, and couldn’t take her eyes off of the doll. The psychiatrist said that Valerie’s only problem is that she is too connected to the doll. …show more content…
I hate the idea of spying on my daughter, but I have no other choice. While Valerie is in the bathroom, I set the camera down on a bookshelf in her room that she never uses. I hide the camera behind the book. I connect my camera to my computer through bluetooth. I go to the living room, sit beside the fire, and wait for Valerie to get back to her room. Valerie sets up a tea party at a round table in her room, and sets Jasmine in front of her. Valerie talks to her for a while, and obviously, Jasmine doesn’t say anything. After a few minutes of nothing abnormal, I get ready to close my computer, when Valerie starts to whisper to her

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