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Best Home Care Marketing


Submitted By sunshine80
Words 4978
Pages 20
The Data Are In: Best Home Care Marketing Practices Revealed Part 2
White Paper 06-001


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Background Participant Agency Characteristics Outcomes Conversion Ratio Areas of Interest Written Marketing Plan Formal Marketing Budget Sales Team Training Specialty Programs Findings Interpretation Conclusion Side Bar: Action Plan for Sales and Marketing Success About the Authors Page 1 Pages 2-3 Pages 3-4 Pages 5-6 Page 6 Pages 6-7 Pages 7-9 Pages 9-10 Pages 11-12 Pages 12-14 Page 14 Pages 15-16 Page 16 Page 17 Page 17


The conclusion of a two-part series, this article provides the first look at the responses from a study evaluating the best marketing practices of home health agencies across the country. In Part 1, we profiled a few exemplary agencies with the goal of describing a set of common attributes that have lead to success. In Part 2 (below), we delve deeper into the component measures by exploring the first industry-specific benchmarks of marketing success!

With each passing day, sophisticated sales and marketing becomes a more important trait among the industry’s leading providers. Ninety percent of survey respondents indicated that they have experienced increased competition over the last three years. Only 51 percent reported that they had increased referrals over the same period with 33 percent citing decreases. The million dollar question, then, is, “What practices are prevalent and which are working?” The need for benchmarked data to determine the answers to these questions is great and we hope that these findings are helpful in planning your sales and marketing strategies. The data presented in this article was collected from a national survey of home health agencies conducted during the fall of 2005. The survey was designed by OCS (Outcome Concept Systems) and Home Care

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