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Equal Pay Unfair

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Equal Pay Should Be The Only Way!
The issue of equal pay between genders is still a problem in today’s society. Not to mention the argument of equal pay between genders of different ethnicities and minorities. The unfairness in this is, no matter the age, a white man is paid much more than a black or Mexican man. A white woman is even paid more than both ethnic genders. A women of color is paid less than their male counterpart, not to mention the gaping wide wage gap between women of color and a white man. The many factors leading into why the wage gap exists or still exists is that men are stronger, and deserve bigger salaries. This is the main idea of sexism, and that women should earn less than then men. When in some cases, the women have …show more content…
President Kennedy noted the wage gap between men and women, but the bill did not pass due to skeptics not seeing the issue. But even though “ the number of women in the workplace has grown from 25 million in 1963 to 72 million in 2010, the national gender wage gap has dropped, but still persists” (Billitteri 39). What some people aren’t aware of, is that there was a second bill in 2014, the Paycheck Fairness Act, that was a common sense legislation that would reinforce and strengthen the Equal Pay Act. The act was passed over unfairly because the “Senate Republicans overwhelmingly blocked the Paycheck Fairness Act, preventing it from even receiving an honest debate, let alone a simple yes-or-no vote” (Obama). In Obama’s Statement on Senate Action To Block Wage Equality Legislation, he was saying how it was the Republicans who were being unmoving in their minds and voting against allowing the Paycheck Fairness Act pass. Republicans were making it very difficult to level the playing field for women and were being wrong and unlawful in their view of women and equal pay in the workforce. It's not necessarily any certain political party stopping equal pay from moving forward. It is the deeply rooted in the idea of sexism, the idea that men are seen as smarter, greater, more powerful than women, and that they should be paid more because of this. It is this idea that has been deeply engrained in today’s society’s mind. In an article titled “Unparallel Pay” a more detailed description of the Paycheck Fairness was act was that “ if enacted, the bill— an update to the Equal Pay Act of 1963— would’ve helped reduce the wage gap by forcing employers to show that factors other than gender are to blame” (Martin-Osuagwu 12). Also in a recent study by the American Association of University Women (AAUW), they had concluded that after graduation from

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...a disability within the meaning of the ADA. | Correct Answer: |    It is now easier for an individual seeking protection under the ADA to establish that he or she has a disability within the meaning of the ADA. | | | | | * Question 2 0 out of 3 points | | | Valid and reliable job evaluations result from which two conditions?Answer | | | | | Selected Answer: |    The results are consistent; data was taken under similar conditions. | Correct Answer: |    data from multiple sources; using multiple collection methods | | | | | * Question 3 3 out of 3 points | | | Universal compensable factors are derived from which federal Act?Answer | | | | | Selected Answer: |    Equal Pay Act | Correct Answer: |    Equal Pay Act | | | | | * Question 4 3 out of 3 points | | | These indicate the name of each job within a company's job structure.Answer | | | | | Selected Answer: |    job titles | Correct Answer: |    job titles | | | | | * Question 5 3 out of 3 points | | | Which job evaluation method entails ordering jobs on the...

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