...Assignment Title: Cultural Diversity Context The unit aims to introduce you to a range of beliefs held by individuals within our society. It will help you to understand and value the ways in which we are different. You will learn what is meant by cultural diversity and about the beliefs of individuals from a wide range of different religious and secular backgrounds. The unit covers the factors that influence the equality of opportunity within our society which will help you to promote the equality of opportunity for service users in health and social care environments if you move to a career in this area of work. Task Overview You are a Learning Disabilities Nurse at the Queens Medical Centre in Nottingham and as an additional responsibility you are responsible for the promotion of Equality and Diversity on the ward in which you work. This involves updating displays and leading staff training exercises related to equality, diversity and non-discriminatory practice. Date of issue: Date of submission: Learning outcomes On completion of this unit, you should: 1. Know diversity of individuals in society. 2. Understand beliefs and practices in different religious or secular groups. 3. Understand factors that influence the equality of opportunity for individuals in society. 4. Know the role of legislation, codes of practice and charters in promoting diversity. Refer to the assignment task sheet and the criteria...
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...Assignment: Learner information OCR Level 3 Health and Social Care Unit 2: Equality, Diversity and Rights in Health and Social Care Assessor: Important Dates | |Assessment Criteria |Issue Date |Formative Assessment |Summative Assessment | |Task 1 |P1, M1 and D1 | | | | |Task 2 |P2 and P3 | | | | |Task 3 |P4, M2, D2 | | | | |Task 4 |P5 and M3 | | | | CANDIDATE NAME: General Information for Learners Q Do I have to pass this assignment? A Yes. You must pass this assignment to achieve the full qualification. Q What help will I get? A Your tutor will help you when completing the OCR assignment and will make sure that you know what resources/facilities you need and are allowed to use. Q What if I don’t understand something? A It is your responsibility to read the assignment carefully and make sure you understand what you...
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...Assignment: Learner information OCR Level 3 Health and Social Care Unit 2: Equality, Diversity and Rights in Health and Social Care Assessor: Important Dates | |Assessment Criteria |Issue Date |Formative Assessment |Summative Assessment | |Task 1 |P1, M1 and D1 | | | | |Task 2 |P2 and P3 | | | | |Task 3 |P4, M2, D2 | | | | |Task 4 |P5 and M3 | | | | CANDIDATE NAME: General Information for Learners Q Do I have to pass this assignment? A Yes. You must pass this assignment to achieve the full qualification. Q What help will I get? A Your tutor will help you when completing the OCR assignment and will make sure that you know what resources/facilities you need and are allowed to use. Q What if I don’t understand something? A It is your responsibility to read the assignment carefully and make sure you understand what you...
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... |Equality, Diversity and Rights in Health and Social Care | | | | |Learner Name: | | |Issue Date: |Completion Date: | |6TH September 2012 |18TH October 2012 | |Checklist: | |Task: | |Task 1: P1 | |Task 2: P2 | |Task 3: P3 | |Task 4: M1 | |Task 5: P4 P5 M2 M3 ...
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...UNIT 2: EQUALITY, DIVERSITY AND RIGHTS IN HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE This unit investigates how equality, diversity and rights are central to the effective operation of health and social care services. The unit explores discriminatory practice and its potential effects on patients/service users; the promotion of anti discriminatory practice by, for example, legislation and codes of practice, and the application of this to the health or social care workplace. The knowledge and skills gained from this unit will underpin many of the other units in the qualification and it is essential in preparing you for your period of vocational experience. Summary of Learning Outcomes: To achieve this unit you must demonstrate that you: 1. Understand concepts of equality, diversity and rights in relation to health and social care 2. Understand discriminatory practice in health and social care 3. Understand how national initiatives promote anti-discriminatory practice in health and social care 4. Understand how anti-discriminatory practice is promoted in health and social care settings Unit 2: Equality, Diversity and Rights in Health and Social Care This assignment represents ALL the assessment criteria for the Unit TASK 1 (relevant criteria P1, P2 ) For this task, you need to produce a leaflet for a family from Poland who intend to live in Britain to explain the benefits of living in a culturally diverse society (P1). For P2. In your leaflet, you need to explain...
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...Citizenship and Diversity 1. Citizenship - the position or status of being a citizen of a particular country, granting you certain rights and responsibilities of the country 2. Racism & Racist - prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior 3. Discrimination - the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex OR recognition and understanding of the difference between one thing and another. 4. Prejudice - preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience. 5. Institutionalised racism - any kind of system of inequality based on race. It can occur in institutions such as public government bodies, private business corporations, and universities 6. Multiculturalism - the doctrine that several different cultures (rather than one national culture) can coexist peacefully and equitably in a single country 7. Ethnocentricity - Belief in the superiority of one's own ethnic group. 8. Sexism - prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women, on the basis of sex. 9. Heterosexist - a system of attitudes, bias, and discrimination in favour of opposite-sex sexuality and relationships. It can include the presumption that other people are heterosexual or that opposite-sex attractions and relationships are the only norm[2] and therefore superior ...
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...Definition of Diversity It means understanding that each individual is unique, and recognizing our individual differences. These can be along. the dimensions of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age, physical abilities, religious beliefs, political beliefs, or other ideologies. P1 Racism First of all racism is a criminal offence that is extremely offensive and can be taken up for some serious jail time, racism is where someone has a form of hatred towards someone for the colour of their skin, they can show this by all kinds of ways. One of the many ways that people use nowadays is by telling jokes, although some people might find these quite ‘funny’ people can take extreme offence to this, they have a right to. Also they could assault someone because of their race, some are singled out, bullied because of it, which also leading the person to think they have something wrong with them and they could see themselves as different, therefore if they see themselves as different they’re whole family. Racist Getting off the subject of Racism, although Racism sounds quite similar to the word Racist they are quite different. A racist is someone who uses racism fairly often, if someone was a racist you would know about it, a racist isn’t someone who tells a racist joke every now and then a racist would probably have tattoo’s to show what they think they are superior against, such as someone who uses Racist words in most sentences. However the...
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...P4, M2, D2 for Unit 6 I have made some progress regarding my action plan. I have attended a university open day and completed my personal statement for my UCAS application. My first action plan was to get distinctions in all my assignments. So far I have achieved 4 distinctions and will continue on working hard to achieve my goal. In order to achieve distinctions in the rest of the year I am going to create myself a time table which enables me to manage time effectively, therefore managing my time so I am able to complete all distinction criteria and get them handed in on time. This will help me to be more responsible and organised. To ensure that all my assignments are completed to the best of my ability I will need to attend all my sessions so that I do not miss any important information, take down brief key notes so that I can include everything which I have been taught in my assignments. I will make sure that my assignments are presentable by making sure that they include a front cover, page numbers and a reference page so they are aware from where I got my information from. During the study of my BTEC Health and Social Care programme I have gained knowledge. I have learnt to research topics and gather lots of information from different resources in order to complete my assignments. These will both be valuable skills when I go to university. Setting my own action plan has helped me to apply for university. I have realised how determined I am to finish my BTEC Extended...
Words: 728 - Pages: 3
...------------------------------------------------- Diversity is more than just a tick-box exercise. Discuss how people resourcing can facilitate and promote the development of positive diversity values in organisations. Diversity - recognising it, managing it and understanding it, is a relatively new concept within the realm of HR and People Resourcing. Owing to demographic shifts and the composition of the international workforce, the need for its positive promotion within the workplace is now seen to be imperative. More commonly, the implementation of diversity initiatives are ultimately becoming the sole responsibility for HR and typically involve employee recruitment and promotion strategies targeting underrepresented groups and tools to both use the hidden perspectives within organisations and, ultimately, bring them to bear on organisational policy decisions and be reflected in positive diversity values. This essay will continually discuss the concept, background and management of diversity in a business context, the business case for diversity – that being the ‘need’ and its impact on People Resourcing. With the advent of diversity featuring more in business and legislative literature, it will question if organisations are merely responding in being reactive because they have to or being proactive because they want to? Studies by the CIPD and Social Scientists alike conclude that diversity and its implementation within companies and organisations should be more than...
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...P4 Describe, with examples, the impact of government policies on different public services: EXAMPLES OF POLICIES AFFECTING DIFFERENT PUBLIC SERVICES POLICIES THAT INFLUENCE ALL SERVICES: Financial and Environmental The government has a positive role within the public services and the military as the government give the services a set amount of money that need to be managed and used carefully. Taxes are spent on the training that is needed to care and protect people in the community. And buying updated resources for the public services and the taxes also pay for the recruits. Due to the country being in a recession the government has cut down on public services annual spending. The impact that the public services have on the environment is that the services use fuel for transport for example within the police force they need to catch criminals to prevent further issues; this increases air pollution which creates global warming. Also in the armed forces they create noise pollution by firing the guns; this has an impact on the wildlife that lives in the environment. The services work around the carbon footprint to prevent Policies Affecting the Military Service Declarations of War and Increased Use of Reserve Forces Declaration of war means that money will be lost but turned into good use by paying the soldiers and their training to succeed in fighting for the country. This creates more job opportunities for the country who want to become a soldier. Also it means that there...
Words: 1972 - Pages: 8
...UNIT 6 PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE Unit abstract The aim of this unit is to act as a focal point for all other units in the programme and embed the vocational nature of the qualification. In addition to the requirement for work experience and the opportunity to relate theory to practice, the unit will enable you to bring together your learning from other units. You will initially explore factors that affect learning, then plan and monitor your own personal and professional development and reflect on it. You will also gain key understanding of the health and social care sectors, including aspects of service delivery, and the fundamentals of research methodology. This unit explores the different ways in which learning can take place and how learning from individual experience can be used to enhance the quality of knowledge, skills and practice. You will initially explore your own knowledge, skills, practice, values and beliefs in relation to working in health and social care. You will then draw up a personal plan for self-development over the duration of the programme. The unit also introduces you to health and social care service provision. A minimum of 100 hours work experience is required for successful completion of this unit. Learning Outcomes On completion of this unit you should: 1. Understand the learning process 2. Be able to plan for, monitor and reflect on own development 3. Understand service...
Words: 1925 - Pages: 8
...UNIT 6 PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE Unit abstract The aim of this unit is to act as a focal point for all other units in the programme and embed the vocational nature of the qualification. In addition to the requirement for work experience and the opportunity to relate theory to practice, the unit will enable you to bring together your learning from other units. You will initially explore factors that affect learning, then plan and monitor your own personal and professional development and reflect on it. You will also gain key understanding of the health and social care sectors, including aspects of service delivery, and the fundamentals of research methodology. This unit explores the different ways in which learning can take place and how learning from individual experience can be used to enhance the quality of knowledge, skills and practice. You will initially explore your own knowledge, skills, practice, values and beliefs in relation to working in health and social care. You will then draw up a personal plan for self-development over the duration of the programme. The unit also introduces you to health and social care service provision. A minimum of 100 hours work experience is required for successful completion of this unit. Learning Outcomes On completion of this unit you should: 1. Understand the learning process 2. Be able to plan for, monitor and reflect on own development 3. Understand service...
Words: 1925 - Pages: 8
...INFORMATION BOOKLET V Patel P4 Explain how national initiatives promote anti discriminatory practices. Legislation is set by the government to regulate how care services are run nationally. Each service has a different charter or set of responsibilities that enable it to understand its roles and responsibilities. The client’s rights are also set in law. This way the client knows his/her rights and can complain if services are not up to standard. General Social Care Council The council has codes of practice that are written in law to help those in need of care understand the way that social care workers need to perform their tasks. These are rules that regulate conduct and training for the care worker. The same rules educate the clients to know what to expect from the care worker. This way the client has a right to complain about services if needed. The GSCC has rules that apply to England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Rules and guidelines are set out and organised as follows: Legislation The law of the governing country set by convention Conventions These are usually legal standards drawn up by governing bodies that set out principles and rights in the HSC setting. These are international in nature and are binding to countries. For example UNICEF is the worldwide body that governs conventions on the rights of a child. (Ref Unicef.org.uk) Charters These are documents defining the formal organisation of a formal body, for example The United Nations has a charter. (Ref...
Words: 1878 - Pages: 8
...organization.This report will be discussed by Australian public organization that named Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT)in several aspects. 1. Introduce the background of DFAT, including background of the organization, the organization goals and strategy; 2. Link with DFAT to analyze five theories about training and development, which are cross-culture training, training design, development and managing diversity; 3. Summarize the performance in training and development and make a result that whether DFAT has a good performance in HRM; 4. Make some recommendations to promote the organization. BACKGROUND Background of the organization The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade is a department of the government of Australia charged with advancing the Australian interests and the international representation of Australians. DFAT employs over 2000 permanent employees including 1140 of which were policy officers. In these policy offers, 49 per cent were working with the department in Australia, 35 per cent were overseas and 16 per cent were off-line (DFAT 2012, P4).In order to provide the Australian community and the government with the high quality foreign and trade policy results, the department tries to attract and retain the right skilled staffs. Organization goals & strategy Within their Enterprise Agreement (DFAT, 2011), the department states the objectives of their organization, including: 1. Encouraging employees and supervisors to manage the working hours appropriately; ...
Words: 2732 - Pages: 11
...[pic] 本科生毕业论文文献综述 (2012届) |论文题目 |A Study on Racial Discrimination in Crash | | | | | | |学生姓名 |谢薇 |学 号 |0808031004 | |专 业 |英语 |班 级 |085 | |指导教师 |颜钟祜 |职 称 |教授 | 杭州师范大学外国语学院 文献综述基本要求 |一、文献综述 | |含本选题国内外研究现状、研究主要成果、发展趋势、存在问题等内容,字数不少于3000字,力求内容切题,具综合归纳性。 | |综述正文须用本专业语种撰写。 | |二、查阅中外文献资料目录 | |所查阅的中外文献资料不得少于15篇(其中外文资料至少8篇),含作者、书名或论文题目、出版社或刊名、出版年月或期号及页码等,未经本人查阅的文献 | |资料目录不得列上。 | | ...
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