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Submitted By mabel000
Words 10254
Pages 42
General View of World Economy
The world economy changed especially after the global crisis in 2008 . Advanced economies known as the giant economies of western countries affected very deeply by the crisis. The results of the crisis affected particularly in Europe.Today, many European countries came to the brink of collapsefinancially especially Greece and Portugal.On the other hand, China and India continued to grow without experiencing any problem. For about 10 years, these two giant countries continues to grow were successful in the crisis period. According to official data from 2010,China became the world's second largest economy. India became one of the top 10 economy.In addition to this, Far Eastern countries such as Korea, Thailand, Vietnam were not affected by the crisis as much as European countries .
According to IMF Report, In 2009 the total global GDP at current prices fell from $ 61.2 trillion to $ 57.9 trillion. Contraction in the world economy remained in a low level with 0.6% in constant prices. Downsizing is mainly originated from developed countries. In 2009, economies of developed countries shrank 3.2%, developing countries grew 2.4%.The growth of developing countries were originated by mostly Asian countries. Asian countries grew 6.6%.Middle and Eastern European countries shrank by 3.7%. The growth of China 8% and India 5.7% pulled down the global recession. European heavyweights, Germany's growth fell from estimate 1.5% to 1.2% and Italy's growth rate fell from %1 to %0.8.
Employment was affected by the global crisis deeply.Unemployment emerged as the most important problem in whole world,also the number of unemployed people worldwide reflected in the reports as 50-60 million.

General View of Turkish Economy
Turkey’s Economy affected by global crisis mainly in the first quarter of this year entered

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