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...uuril rrlr rilurrlr lrfrififiiiiffirrr uil td ! lvl-L (zuoztgd sfStAUSS IAOddnS OllHC tO l_N3ylrUVdfC ACNSCV S3CIAA3S NVNNH ONV HIIV]H lrr unlrlrrrllrr o8oo sscc SfOIAUIS O-Al lO NOI-LVNll/,lUfI JO f CIION VINUOJIIVC IO ]IV.LS o^rleluosardey yoddns pll r.lC NVITSdVUVHE HSNII/TUV '[;eracurg '960?-669 (ggg)reqrunu AIl eql11ec eseeld 'slueurrredur qceeds ro buueeq qlrnn suosrod 'Zrze-t06 (gg8) le lceuuoCraulolsnC llec Jo ourl-uo ecuelsrsse.ro; no6'ec'lcouuoc -dnsplrqc'rramn4:dpq 'qa^ eql uo lcouuoCrauolsn3 llsl^ esee;d 'suorlsenb [ue eneq noA 11 '[1uo Oursseco:d lueuAed Jol eruJo1rleC Jo ele]S eq] q]!v\ uado ureuer [etu esec JnoA X 'lceuuoS Jeruolsnc lceluoc eseeld 'ssec poddns pg;qc rnoA Ourlpueq enurluoc ol sn elll plno^ nofi 11 'ZLZt-t06 (gg3) lB lcouuoC Jeuolsn3 Jo lB Joleilllce3 nnel {1ruel eq} lceluoc }snu noA peOueqc eq plnoLls ropro Unoc aLll a^orloq no[;g 'pe6ueqc sr rapJo aLl] ll]un Aed ol enur]uoc lsnu nofi '].roddns plrqc {ed o} peJopJo {11ue:rnc ere nofi 1; ']caJJe ur ureurer llr^ srepro Uoddns pllrl3 'socr^ras uollcelloc 6urprnord dols 11rrvr fcue6e Uoddns Hlr]c lecol eL{} leq} sueeru [;uo e.rnsolc ese3 vE330NV8 301HC VEffCNVE UfNVfUl V83fcNv8 VSIHS :^ olaq polsll (ue:)p11qc aql JoJ esec Uoddns aql pasol3 pue sou^Jes poddns p11qc paleur.urol Acue6e Uoddns plrr,,1c leool oql g tOZtZZtgO uo ler-{} oul no[ 1e1 ol sl Jegel qqj ^ :tcNt t)vN vNnlvJ reoo L869bLZA :JeqrxnN osBS unoc V8]]CNV8 ...
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...Innovation and internationalization through exports Author(s): Bruno Cassiman and Elena Golovko Source: Journal of International Business Studies, Vol. 42, No. 1 (January 2011), pp. 56-75 Published by: Palgrave Macmillan Journals Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/25790105 Accessed: 03-11-2015 10:14 UTC Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at http://www.jstor.org/page/ info/about/policies/terms.jsp JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact support@jstor.org. Palgrave Macmillan Journals is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Journal of International Business Studies. http://www.jstor.org This content downloaded from on Tue, 03 Nov 2015 10:14:08 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions of International Business Studies (2011) 42, 56-75 Sj? Journal HT* ? 2011 Academyof International reserved Business All rights 0047-2506 www.jibs.net Innovation through and exports Bruno Cassiman1,2,3 Elena Golovko4 and UESE Business School, Barcelona, Spain; Economics, Strategy 2Department of Managerial and Innovation, K.U. Leuven, Leuven, Belgium; 3CEPR...
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...HELLENIC GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Issue FirstSheet no: 163 September 21,2010 LAW under no. 3879 Development of lifelong leaning and other provisions. The President of the Hellenic Republic We issue the following law passed by the Parliament: CHAPTER A' GENERAL PROVISIONS Article 1 Objective – Scope of application The objective of the present law is to develop continuous learning, by acknowledging alternative educational routes, the networking of organizations offering continuous learning, and to assure transparency and quality, in order to achieve the connection between continuous learning and employment, the formation of an integrated personality for the students and in general, social and economic growth. The present law regulates the issues regarding continuous learning reaching outside of the standard educational system, including any issues concerning the continuous learning actions conducted by the organizations of the standard educational system. This informal learning is governed by the clauses of the present law only in regards to the aspect concerning the acknowledgment and certification of its results. In particular, the objectives of the present law are the following: […] Article 2 Definitions For the application of the present law, the following terms are used: “Continuous Learning”: Every type of learning activity during the life of a person, aiming to acquire or develop knowledge, skills, and abilities that contribute to the...
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...sEEE€ si;;;t;g:e8E$sE €'H lr) ro sflE!!t#EEEEss:5 :iEI: EF Fi EEi sgtCt II Eii 3{ i Fg $€ EEEEF +"i;iFiE:EEEilEEH g: ;FE6errgit#E'EtE ;€;T: EF a (-. a U .d a.) U g E i 1E $E;t.i: i;t;;ii:HEE giigB- I€ f;: EE 3:iEgELilgEI ilB'Fs:cEEgst ;+3F€*n;!Ef E ss bD o F a) 6 (n F.t a eE E; i=lti;g;i*EIili*rati ss;{i;*;;li;t; :iEf,€i i€ itl g$; gEcFiE€€itgFiiE€ .EdErf .oI oE I E HE 5d =[EhE $'Es;5b e g.r-P xr G-'5a' z : F" fiE _ 8s t r t r tr e I sH o 0) o .+ l c ) @ IU I(g v) I F a, l(,) u:a.E-e 5€ -. b.x rlr F €F" s 5 I c, x q.) LY t- lJh EEs*.E &E *'E€ EE I.s 'E.a 'H6o"'EFsgP ii15o.tr . E E F0- i = ! . ,^ q 3 tr Tb p Eb ! u 'E c = .gE fi ! g E 6 s3..e Hh 3t Eq e a E E " EE E.gS:i - E.H 'P 5n El s, F P h " o o I x ' ' F. 9 t E B hO(gobo=uocJ .ud:Eg t E o o a > .'x .9 aa.v iEETEii*E€= s ii i(o 'rF EAD F^h > 6";i 4; Eg TE EE o' fr. 3: i t -dd .tn *'i 6!! lu) Z,E o t!6 6r -rh ;6 g0J AL xe -68 cil ",H0)'u rE *F cg ^ x4 E' EH EE I€; u.o =1 3' t-jE - zE frer HUi F E =i t 3 F -'r tr h EC= P.=€ +.1 d1 n9 dr x9g r ; -- F e i ^ ,:,.Y d 6 ir > '-: tx Xr' i : = x , s+ HT 5 I >? .'F* =. l t b O r . : i r'x E fl.i Hg Ei o; E iq, bO: >'F rfi - v g ^ ! F o#i xIEfi.e EE5 A-P.2-q.",-.c o.U i9 b E^.9 bij5 ii€l-H bOp(!-c fitr 9.: d:/\;i E or .FU:i de2.YtrE-n'i S or4i o ...
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...C s Su y ae td ht:w wj a i . m t / w .mb jc c p/ a u eo S mmay u r Jmb Ji o Bkr e , hc o n a d p rtso r cl a ci s f a a uc f aes l w i w s n o eae fu l af nhs o e d h o r e te o uab t ro- u eea e n fo cmp n, uig rmpa h p p l et - r o b vrg a d o d o ayi s Tu is r ef y s n ’ b lS a d R o e reig onraeti-oe rffic y ru d e uk MS n Q cd makt t ic s i ns rt b ao n tn n e s t a p r n.s rslJmb Ji o Bkr e h sele a in cn ec t aeut a a uc f aes l a razd s i at e A , e d i g b ot i sl . o si t a s ns e C ae g h ln e l Motma t me im-zd uies n wtatreigoacs mes n g n rt g rffics’ ay ss lo du s e b s sk o htag t lclut ra d e eai t i t s, l i n n o n a ne ep c l wt moe n moe o ei re tr g h maktIin dff rn fra a uc o Bkr e , seil i ay h ra d rcmp tos nei te re.t o iee to Jmb Ji f aes l t n s e d arnhse fh p p l h a h o siu b vrg a d o d o ayw i isacig o a uc a d f ci o te o ua el cnc s eea e n fo cmp n, hc ser n fr q i n a e r t o h h k e et e a t cmmu i t wt lcl s e tt i rv i i-oe rfficS, ht ite d t b ot ff ci w yo o v nc e i oar i nsompoet ns rt .ow add h y o o o s a h ed s t a sl w i sl d eig o h ien reig u g t a s hl tl h r t te l makt b d e? e e ia n ra n S lt n oui o Jmb Ji o Bkr e ue Tu i icroaig bla d oi me imakt g h n e n t nyo a a uc f aes l sd rmpa nop rt mo i n sc l da rei ca n l o o lt e d , n e a n s e h ne utme sri - u a o o rae o vr t n a d e t nhp b t en h ba d n lcl n a c cs rev e b tl t c t cnes i s n rl i sis ew e te rn a doa o c s e ao ao cs mes ut r o . “ rmpa S makt...
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...2824 NON-ENGINEERED CONSTRUCTION IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES –AN APPROACH TOWARD EARTHQUAKE RISK PREDUCTION Anand S ARYA1 SUMMARY The paper first discusses some issues in regard to earthquake risk reduction of Non-engineered buildings, such as : Earthquake risk in developing countries and its management, the IDNDR – Yokoyama message emphasising on pre-disaster mitigation and preparedness, earthquake damage reduction initiatives taken such as preparation of building codes and guidelines and disaster mitigation for sustainable development. Then, the major causes of severe damage observed in nonengineered buildings in the past earthquakes are presently briefly and critical elements to be incorporated in new constructions are highlighted. Methodology for seismic retrofitting of stone houses developed, implemented and verified by the author in the field is introduced. Next, costs and benefits of earthquake prevention measures are indicated. Finally a practically feasible and economically viable scheme of earthquake resistant new building construction and seismicretrofitting of existing unsafe buildings is outlined. INTRODUCTION The non-engineered buildings considered in this paper are those which are spontaneously and informally constructed in various countries in the traditional manner without any or little intervention by qualified architects and engineers in their design. Such buildings involve field stone, fired brick, concrete blocks, adobe or rammed earth, wood...
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...CHAPTER 15 INVESTMENTS CONTENT ANALYSIS OF EXERCISES AND PROBLEMS Time Range (minutes) 10-15 10-15 10-15 15-20 15-20 10-15 Number E15-1 E15-2 E15-3 E15-4 E15-5 E15-6 Content Trading Securities. (Easy) Journal entries. Unrealized holding gain. Balance sheet disclosure. Trading Securities. (Moderate) Journal entries. Income statement and balance sheet disclosures. Long-Term Investments. (Easy) Securities available for sale. Purchase and adjusting entries. Available-for-Sale Securities. (Easy) Journal entries. Compute unrealized increase/decrease balance. Available-for-Sale Securities. (Easy) Journal entries. Balance sheet disclosure. Held-to-Maturity Bond Investment. (Easy) Premium, straight-line amortization, journal entries. Error in recording interest at acquisition. Held-to-Maturity Bond Investment. (Easy) Discount, semiannual interest receipts, straight-line and effective interest methods of amortization, journal entries. Held-to-Maturity Bond Investment. (Moderate) Discount, semiannual interest receipts, sale at gain. Effective interest method. Journal entries. Bond Investment. (Moderate) Discount, semiannual interest receipts, amortization schedule using effective interest method, journal entries. Bond Investment. (Moderate) Premium, semiannual interest receipts, amortization schedule using effective interest method, journal entries. Bond Investment. (Moderate) Premium, semiannual interest receipts, sale at loss. Effective interest method. Journal entries. Transfer...
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...onaryDictionary of Ònìchà Igbo 2nd edition of the Igbo dictionary, Kay Williamson, Ethiope Press, 1972. Kay Williamson (†) This version prepared and edited by Roger Blench Roger Blench Mallam Dendo 8, Guest Road Cambridge CB1 2AL United Kingdom Voice/ Fax. 0044-(0)1223-560687 Mobile worldwide (00-44)-(0)7967-696804 E-mail R.Blench@odi.org.uk http://www.rogerblench.info/RBOP.htm To whom all correspondence should be addressed. This printout: November 16, 2006 TABLE OF CONTENTS Abbreviations: ................................................................................................................................................. 2 Editor’s Preface............................................................................................................................................... 1 Editor’s note: The Echeruo (1997) and Igwe (1999) Igbo dictionaries ...................................................... 2 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................... 4 1. Earlier lexicographical work on Igbo........................................................................................................ 4 2. The development of the present work ....................................................................................................... 6 3. Onitsha Igbo ...................................................................................................
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