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Essay About Animal Abuse

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The constant problem of animal abuse is at hand. There is many different reason that it occurs, none of them being acceptable. Animal abusers come in all walks of life, from all professions, and all classes. Many times animal abuse is not as easily plain and shown out making it an obvious problem,as it would be with pet owners who viciously beat their pets. An abused animal can turn on a human in an instant, even it being an innocent children and/or a innocent bystanders that can be attacked by an animal if it feels threatened,they wouldn’t know any better if this human is going to hurt them. When abused, animals are not the only ones in danger, the family is also at risk because of the dog,or other animal in the home.
There is three main …show more content…
One dog who was described as a particularly successful fighter will come close to earning $100,000 in a single year. Female dogs are strapped down on “rape stands” to prevent fighting while males impregnate them. Many of the dogs who do not fight or who lose fights are used as “bait” animals. ( PETA, dogfighting) A “bait” animal is, Dog-baiting is the setting of game dogs against a chained or confined animal. The dogs bite and tear at this dog to weaken the opposing animal killing it or putting it close to it ,meaning basically it prepares this dog that is about to fight how to act, during the real deal. Dog fighting is illegal in most countries with varying levels of enforcement.That way this owner has a dog that is prepared to get him/her the most money possible. Puppy mills are another way of cruelty to dogs,they are based upon, pure greed,where profit is the given priority over the well-being of the dogs. These puppies are cramped up in a “large” scale breeding facility. There is an estimated 10,000 puppy mills in the U.S, once the puppy turns eight weeks, the facilities can begin to sell them for

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