...岛屿太平洋①环境史研究概述 [内容提要]岛屿太平洋环境史尚处初创阶段。相关研究主要从西方“他者”研究、殖民扩张需求,及二战后本土学者对西方“发展战略”反思的知识与现实基础中产生而来。20世纪90年代后,西方学者逐渐摆脱“他者研究”倾向。随着二战后,太平洋研究机构的建立,本土学者异军突起,在发觉自身历史独特性的同时,深刻反思西方“进步观念”、“发展战略”为岛屿未来的可持续发展提供借鉴。然而,初创中的研究仍存在“零散混乱”、欠缺对现实社会环境不公正的关注等问题。综上,未来的岛屿太平洋环境史有必要向中观综合区域性研究发展。 [关键词]岛屿太平洋 波利尼西亚 环境史学史 区域研究 本土研究 一、岛屿环境史研究的兴起 著名环境史学家约翰·麦克尼尔,在2001年出版的《太平洋世界环境史》论文集中曾用“正在形成中的领域”来形容当前的太平洋环境史研究。他亦坦诚指出:“当前,太平洋区域环境史其实并没有真正形成。”[1]( pxiii)尽管,其所谓“太平洋区域”是指包含东亚、澳洲、北美等更为广阔的区域,但仅就小范围的岛屿太平洋区域来说,能将环境史研究与日益博兴的太平洋区域研究相结合的岛屿太平洋环境史尚在草创之中。 尽管,相关研究尚未完全形成,但近现代相关考古学、博物学、历史学、人类学、自然科学等领域却成就辉煌;这为岛屿太平洋环境史研究提供了重要的知识基础。早在16世纪中期,伴随着太平洋航海探险的进行,欧洲人急需了解神秘瑰丽的太平洋岛屿区域。于是,早期的船长日记、探险家游记便成了西方人有关岛屿太平洋历史的最早记载。18世纪,卢梭的浪漫主义所谓的“高尚的野蛮”(noble savage)[2](p5),直接影响了西方人对热带岛屿的认识,并逐渐演化为《东方学》中揭示的:18世纪末19世纪初,欧洲对太平洋岛屿进行统治和改造的“殖民话语”。19世纪末20世纪初随着全球资本主义体系的形成,欧洲在太平洋地区为帝国主义霸权与商品市场展开激烈争夺,殖民帝国纷纷在太平洋岛屿上建立自己的海外殖民地并推广单一种植园等生产方式。同时,西方学者则大多从“他者”角度认识和编撰岛屿太平洋的历史。二战后,相关研究有了新进展。特别是20世纪90年代末,帮随着环境史研究的兴起岛屿太平洋历史研究出现了反话语霸权、反权力的后殖民、后现代倾向。一方面,西方著名环境史学家们,通过环境史研究视角考察当地人与自然互动的历史关系;更加尊重岛屿环境因素影响下文化和历史发展的特性;尽可能还原当地历史演变过程的连续性,并将“岛屿区域”放在全球范围内考察其间的复杂联系。另一方面,本土研究如雨后春笋般大量涌现。夏威夷、斐济等地纷纷建立起“波利尼西亚文化研究中心”以及“太平洋学术研究中心”等学术机构。本土学者纷纷成长起来,对欧洲殖民统治之下的历史认识、“进步观念”和“发展战略”进行深刻反思;并以著民视角重新审视历史上岛民与岛屿自然环境之间的互动关系,逐渐认识到岛屿特殊的地理、气候条件,在塑造岛国历史中所扮演的至关重要的角色。通过艰辛努力本土学者们的研究既发出了岛国历史“自己的声音”;又从更加整体、有机的角度,将西方传统上的“他者”研究,扩展为复杂联系的岛屿太平洋环境史。 值得注意的是:20世纪70-80年代,仍被西方人看作“人间天堂”、“世外桃园”的岛屿区域,并没有出现与西方相似的大规模环保运动。这也在一定程度上导致岛屿环境史研究对发展战略反思有待深入;相关研究对社会“环境不公正”等现象关注不够充分等问题。 二、岛屿环境史研究的相关成果 ...
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...Having lived in the state of Utah for my entire life and growing up playing many sports, especially football. I have been exposed to the Pacific Islander people. Whether I was socializing with them throughout my childhood schooling or playing with and/or against Pacific Islanders throughout my athletic career, the exposure that occurred between myself and Pacific Islander’s shaped my personal perspective on who Pacific Islanders are. In my perspective Pacific Islanders are: physically large, extremely family oriented, and very protective of their cultural ideals. Naturally I always saw Pacific Islanders as very intimidating because of their massive physical stature. This more than likely because the majority of my engagements with Pacific Island people was on a football field. The majority of Pacific Islanders that played football with or against me were very big and dominated the players that were more near the size of average high school kids. The Pacific Islander players were in most cases always the biggest players on the field. Pacific Islanders were taller, heavier, and stronger than the majority of the players they played with or against. It also seemed as if the best teams in the state always had the most Pacific Islander players, looking back on this claim it’s hard to believe that there was an authentic correlation between the amount of Pacific Islander players and the success of a team. I believe that my experiences with being extremely involved in sports and the...
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...Reflection Paper Mr. Anthony Stannard the counselor for the development of the Australian Government held a conference in APIA, Samoa on Feb. 16, 2014 to address some of services and programs that their Australians aid funds and supports. They specifically talked about the Pacific Gender Justice Knowledge Exchange and announced their new website which starts a new Pacific Gender Justice Network for Pacific islanders to cooperate and work together on gender justice. The Australian government has agreed to donate more than $20 million tala (currency of Samoa) over ten years. Over fifty percent of this financial aid goes to programs and policies that focus of empowering women and young girls in the Indo-Pacific region. The reason why the Australian government is providing financial aid to these undeveloped pacific islands is because the Australian government believes that when a there is equal rights and opportunities for both men and women that this enables development to progress. They also believe that because there is equal opportunities and rights for both men and women that economically its an advantage for a country to provide the means for this type of environment to upraise because in the long term the economy would grow at a rapid pace then it would if only men were to have these opportunities. It was also mentioned that there would be less corruption when there is equal rights and opportunities among men and women. I think that this program will contribute...
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...Chorus We can go all around the world We’ll visit every corner of this earth We’ll go all around the world You and I, we’ll visit everywhere Verse 1 I wanna go on a safari in Africa And visit Namibia and Zambia Lions and tigers and bears oh my Um..bears aren’t common in Africa Why? You ever take a stroll in a fur coat in really hot weather? No..well a bear wouldn’t wanna do it either OK..now let’s get back to the song So many places to go and we can start with Niger Benin, Burundi, and Botswana We’ll go there and then visit Ghana I bet you didn’t know English is the Official language of Nigeria Togo sits right below A country called Burkina Faso We should visit Maseru which is the capital of Lesotho Pre-Hook Kenya, Chad, Malawi, Congo, Zimbabwe, Sudan, Gabon, Morocco Mali, Uganda, and Comoros, Rwanda, Ethiopia--let’s go Cote d’ Ivoire, Mozambique, Central African Republic, Cameroon, South Africa, Sierra Leon, and Senegal So many places I wanna go And I hope that you’ll be coming along Chorus We can go all around the world We’ll visit every corner of this earth We’ll go all around the world You and I, we’ll visit everywhere Verse 2 Yep, still in Africa That’s right you guessed it It’s a huge continent Of course we haven’t left yet Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Equatorial Guinea Can’t wait to pay a visit to all three Cape Verde, Eritrea, and Djibouti, Madagascar I remember that movie Let’s see Tanzania and Swaziland Tunisia, Somalia, and...
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...writing questions in the ieltshelpnow.com Academic Practice Tests. Some of these example essays were written by IELTS students and some were written by an IELTS examiner in order to give an example of a good answer. Please refer to the question papers while you are reading these answers so that you understand the question that is being answered. After each of the example answers, an IELTS examiner has written a short commentary analysing the good and bad points of the answer. We hope this will give you an insight into how the writing answers should be written for IELTS Academic module. Academic Writing Practice Test 1 Task 1 In this report I will describe a bar chart that shows the estimated world illiteracy rates by gender and region for the year 2000. First I will look at male illiteracy for the 6 areas shown. The lowest rates were in Developed Countries, Latin America/Caribbean and East Asia/Oceania with rates of 1% (approximately), 10% and 8% (approximately) respectively. The rates for the next three areas were much higher and quite similar to each other. Sub-Saharan Africa, the Arab States and South Asia had rates of approximately 31%, 29% and 34%. Female illiteracy was much higher relatively in each area except Latin America/Caribbean where it was only slightly higher. The lowest rates for female illiteracy were again Developed Countries, Latin America/Caribbean and East Asia/Oceania with rates of approximately 2%, 12% and 20%. Again the rates for the next three areas were...
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...Academic essay on Annie Proulx's "Job Story" Choices are something we all make. Not necessarily important choices, but there will always be a time to make them. It's not always good choices, but they have to be made. There will always be consequences, whether it's bad or good. Throughout the story, Leeland Lee has to make a lot of choices. Where to live, where to work and when to work. All the different choices he made, put him in the position he is now. Leeland Lee is an awkward-looking young boy. His face is heavily boned, which he has gotten from his mom, his neck is quite thick and he has red-gold hair. His eyes are as pouchy as a middle-aged alcoholic. His nose is broad and lays close to his face. Lori Bovee is Leeland Lee's wife. She has an undistinguished oval face, and hair of medium length. Leeland Lee is the protagonist of the story, because he is the main character. I would say Leeland is a flat and static character as he is an endless optimist. He doesn't give up when it comes to finding a new job, and despite his wife dying he still gets a job at Unique Eats. The reason he is a static character is because he doesn't change at all. After getting several different jobs he doesn't change anything, after his mom and wife dies he doesn't change one single thing except the fact he isn't listening to the radio anymore, but since that have been an important factor of the story all along, it can also show a lot about how he has changed. The story starts November...
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...Essay on “Job History” written by Annie Proulx In the short story “Job History” written by Annie Proulx, we follow Leeland Lee from the time of his birth, until he is about fifty years old. In the short story we follow Leeland through his harsh life, with ups and downs, in the form of thoughts, feelings, incidents, etc. Leeland is born in a ranch in Wyoming, and lives there with his wife Lori. Leeland does not look particularly good, in fact he is a very unattractive man; (page 91, line 12)“Leeland’s face shows heavy bones from his mother’s side. His neck is thick and his red-gold hair plastered down in bangs. Even as a child his eyes are as pouchy as those of a middle-age alcoholic, the brows rod-straight above wandering out-of-line eyes. His nose lies broad and close to his face, his mouth seems to have been cut with a single chisel blow into easy flesh” And in the top of that, we see how Leeland through his life, tries to find a successful career, but fails consistently. He moves various times from place to place, too seek occupation and good business. But it is hard when you’re a high school dropout, without a career. Leeland have to changes his job constantly, because of his lack of luck, and since he can’t get along white his bosses. He is never able to stay at one job or place for long, which lead to problems in the family. He has a hard time supporting his wife, and their children financially. Throughout the story the author, Annie Proulx manages...
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...An essay is a piece of writing which is often written from an author's personal[->0] point of view[->1]. Essays can consist of a number of elements, including: literary criticism[->2], political manifestos[->3], learned arguments[->4], observations of daily life, recollections, and reflections of the author. The definition of an essay is vague, overlapping with those of an article[->5] and a short story[->6]. Almost all modern essays are written in prose[->7], but works in verse[->8] have been dubbed essays (e.g. Alexander Pope[->9]'s An Essay on Criticism[->10] and An Essay on Man[->11]). While brevity usually defines an essay, voluminous works like John Locke[->12]'s An Essay Concerning Human Understanding[->13] and Thomas Malthus[->14]'s An Essay on the Principle of Population[->15] are counterexamples. In some countries (e.g., the United States and Canada), essays have become a major part of formal education[->16]. Secondary students are taught structured essay formats to improve their writing skills, and admission essays[->17] are often used by universities[->18] in selecting applicants and, in the humanities and social sciences, as a way of assessing the performance of students during final exams. The concept of an "essay" has been extended to other mediums beyond writing. A film essay is a movie that often incorporates documentary film making styles and which focuses more on the evolution of a theme or an idea. A photographic essay[->19] is an attempt to cover a topic...
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...We all know love. We have all loved in some kind of way. We love our parents, significant others and even our friends. But we can also love other things like animals or material things. But what is the difference between loving and liking? And is it better not to love and feel pain or to love and be hurt in the progress? Jonathan Franzen seeks to answer these questions in his essay “Liking Is for Cowards. Go for What Hurts”. The essay “Liking Is for Cowards. Go for What Hurts” is, as mentioned, written by Jonathan Franzen and published in The New York Times, May 28, 2011. Jonathan Franzen is born in 1959, and he is an acclaimed American novelist and essayist. The essay is based on the commencement speech he delivered at Kenyon College in Ohio, USA. “Our technology has become extremely adept in creating products that correspond to our fantasy ideal of an erotic relationship, in which the beloved object asks for nothing and gives everything, instantly. (…)” As Franzen claims in his essay, many people can feel like they love their technological object. It gives them a satisfaction, which human interaction maybe wouldn’t. Franzen however thinks, that people in general don’t love material things: they like them. There is a major difference between loving and liking – even though it might appear small. “Liking, in general, is commercial culture’s substitute for loving.” Products are made to be likeable, but if that concept in transferred to a person, you would instantly see...
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...Reaction – “Salvation” The nonfiction short essay “Salvation” written by Langston Hughes in 1940, presents a theme on the literal and often manipulated perception of children. Hughes narrates the essay as he recounts his disappointing attempt at salvation. Hughes aunt told him that when she was saved by Jesus she saw a light, and felt something happen within herself. As children will do, Hughes took her story literally and was heartbroken as he sat in front of the church and watched other children “saved” while he was not. He believed that Jesus must not want him because he did not see or feel anything. In the end, Hughes is forced to lie about accepting Jesus and in turn rejects the Christian faith all together. I related to Hughes story on many accounts. I am a mother of three young children who perceive everything in life literally, and as a young girl I was raised in a very religious environment. I could visualize and almost feel Hughes devastation as he sat at the front of the church crushed by the thoughts of God not wanting him. “Still I kept waiting to see Jesus” (Barnet, Cain, & Burto, 2011, pp. 351). One of the churches that my family attended for a short time during my childhood practiced speaking in tongs. I specifically remember feeling just like Hughes during a service when other children were speaking in unnatural languages perceived to be sent from God himself. I could not understand why I was not chosen to talk for God and intern was hurt and...
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...write an essay on drugs for this topic. Drugs are very harmful and keep the capability of dragging an individual towards death and destruction. People all over the world want to eradicate the adverse situation of drug addiction from this world and this is the reason why they are busy in writing essays on drugs. Essays on drugs are of many types such as war on drugs essay, essay on performance enhancing drugs in sports, essay on drug abuse, essay on illegal drugs, essay on drug addiction, essay on drug use, essay on drugs and alcohol and essay on drug testing, etc. The essays on drugs should be initiated by bringing in the information related to the topic of the essay on drug. You should know what drugs are. In an essay on drugs, you will have to write about drugs, their affects and the reasons due to which people use them, you have to include the information about why the drugs are so famous and how harmful are they. A persuasive essay on drugs will be one, which will be according to the topic of the essay on drugs. It should have a full-fledged introduction, which should introduce the topic completely. The introduction should also have a thesis statement that should be the main idea of the essay on drugs. A thesis statement should be based on the essay question to which your essay on drugs is an answer. A thesis statement of an essay on drugs can be one sentence or more than one sentence but it is suggested that it should be only one sentence. Essays on drug abuse or essays on drug...
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...Dog Food Fried, Flipped and Devoured Eating dog food may not be seen as the easiest thing to stomach because the smell, texture and by-products found within the mixture are thought of as awful and revolting. In Ann Hodgman’s “No Wonder They Call Me a Bitch”, although the title may suggest otherwise, different types of dog food are discussed. In this essay, Hodgman aims to inform her readers about the inequality in different types of dog food, as well as to entertain and amuse. Hodgman is writing to a broad audience, one of dog lovers and owners, as well as those that may be curious as to what is really in dog food, or more generally the packaging and processing of mass-produced food of any kind. Language, description and humor are techniques Hodgman skillfully uses to create a strong, convincing essay. Within this essay, Hodgman continually uses diction and syntax that a diverse audience can understand and relate to. In the beginning, the reader feels repulsed by what is written. However, through a light tone of voice and sentence structure, the levity of the experiences and feelings occurring throughout the experiment is conveyed. The personal anecdotes and thoughts make the tone feel less formal and much more story-like. In this way, Hodgman produces a piece that connects the information and readers Shortly after capturing interest through stating questions, Hodgman begins using large amounts of description. Each type of dog food is explained and illustrated so well that...
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...Business Essay Format and its Structure What Makes Business Essay Format? Those students, who study different business courses, for example management, marketing, have to write many different business essays. This type of essay as well as the others (argumentative essay, classification essay, cause and effect essay, persuasive essay, comparative essay, etc) has peculiar features that should be observed carefully in order to produce an essay in conformity with all instructions of research paper writing. One of these features to be observed at writing is business essay format as there is no doubt that format of the essay plays the same important role as the content of business essay. When student has made comprehensive research of the object and has found interesting ideas and sources to support hisher position, it does not mean that heshe has coped with a writing task. The writer should make the next step that is to organize hisher research paper writing in a proper way. It means that attention should be paid to the business essay format. In general, there are different formats of research paper – ChicagoTurabian, Harvard, APA, AMA, MLA format paper; which of them suits you the most depends on the business essay topic, subject, requirements set by the professor. When the student has chosen the format of the business essay it is very important to follow it and not use any elements of the other essay format. In case when you do not get any instruction as for the business...
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...is comprised of two parts: Part A has six questions; you are to answer four (4) questions only. Each question is worth 8 marks (total of 32 marks). Each answer should be approximately half to one page long. Part B has two essay questions; you are to answer one (1) question only. This question is worth 18 marks. Each answer should be two to three pages long. It will be a closed book examination- NO MATERIAL (other than Foreign Language Dictionaries) shall be allowed inside the Exam Venue. You may wish to take a calculator into the exam if you wish. This Exam provides you with an opportunity to demonstrate knowledge application. Although diagrams, analytical modelling and calculations may help to support your answer, this will not be a key focus of the questions. PART A For Part A – Short Answer Questions - while all topics are examinable you should focus on the following themes/chapters: * Operations Management, Performance and Strategy * The Nature of Planning and Control * Capacity Planning * ERP * People, Jobs and Organisation * Lean Synchronisation * Operations Improvement Each answer should be approximately half to one page long. Using relevant examples will help support your answer. PART B For Part B – Essay Question This question will enable you to use the themes listed in Part A and additional material that you have learnt in the course more broadly to write a comprehensive answer to the question. Each answer should be approximately...
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...Mennesker i verden. How can I write a critical essay? Actually, writing such an article is very simple if you know the main characteristics of an essay. For sure, you have learned how to write the introduction, the body and the conclusion parts. Now, it is time to get familiar with the critical essay which considerably differs from other types of writing that are likely to be assigned during the studying process. Actually, its main goal is to provide an analysis of the article that you wish to work with in the future. Let us summarize the main steps in writing a critical essay and learn a tip or two to perfect your writing skills. 1. Study your topic interest. This gives you an edge to prepare in writing an essay because you can learn more about the article that you wish to “criticize”. In any case, you are still going to read an article before writing a critique about it so you might as well understand clearly what the subject is all about. 2. Look for information. Writing an essay will always involve the search for information. At the very least, looking for other sources of knowledge that are to affirm a notion in an essay is always necessary. 3. Create a thesis statement. Once you have finished with the article in reference, you can create a thesis statement that will serve as the guiding medium for you to write your critical essay. The main philosophy behind it is to make a thesis statement that will present a notion of either you agree with the author’s discussions...
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