...HIS 102: Paper # 1 Imperialism There are many different opinions about imperialism and the “Age of Imperialism.” From a variety of people, like economists, writers, soldiers, and senators, all vary in opinion and idea about imperialism. This essay compares and contrasts the views from a J. A. Hobson, Rudyard Kipling, Frederick Lugard, and Albert Beveridge. In J. A. Hobson’s document, “Imperialism,” Hobson argues that the motivation for imperialism was not driven by the well being and advantages for the nation, but by the interests and private gains of different social classes. By reading this document, you can get the impression that Hobson felt that imperialism was a result from demoralization of certain classes. According to Hobson, imperialism was not just inessential for a nation, but obscene as well. This clashes with why Hobson felt that the underdeveloped countries were so desirable to build their economic assets with. He summarizes that these desirable and fortunate investments appealed to the favored classes because it gave these classes more than what was needed in sources of income. Also, Hobson was one hundred percent against imperialism and argued that the impact of imperialism was negative. In the text he states, “It is the besetting sin of all successful States, and its penalty is unalterable in the order of nature” (456). That statement lets the reader know exactly how Hobson felt about imperialism and its impact as a whole. Hobson even mentions in the text...
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...This essay is aimed towards determining whether a relationship between cultural diversity and globalization is present or not, and if globalization does indeed pose a threat to cultural diversity. “The negative side to globalization is that it wipes out entire economic systems and in doing so wipes out the accompanying culture.” Peter L. Berger (American sociologist) Globalization is broken down into different categories, these being cultural, economical, political and technological globalization. It is due this process that barriers are broken down and interaction occurs between individuals of different races, nationalities and cultural back grounds. It is a movement towards an integrated global economy characterized by the free exchange of goods and capital. In popular discourse, Globalization is often related to the Internet revolution, free-market economies and the predominantly western political, economic and cultural lifestyle. This movement is supported by a large range of modern technologies. It is because of globalization that society believes that wealth and higher standards of living will strike developing nations. The above statement was supported by authors of the book, the effect of globalization on African countries: an over view of Nigeria. The two authors (C. R. Eze and J Nkwede) firmly believe that globalization is a strong enforcer of development and poverty reduction in Africa. Plenty agree with Eze and Nkwede as they have deemed the process as a positive...
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...Abdussalam, Ibrahim Khaleel. "Oil and British Imperialism in Nigeria." Oil and British Imperialism in Nigeria. Bayero University of Nigeria. Web. 26 Feb. 2016. . Ibrahim Abdussalam gives a substantial amount of information on British imperialism in Nigeria that stretches through the middle of the 20th Century. He is a reputable source coming from the University of Nigeria and it relates to the book Things Fall Apart and the Imperialism that occurs in the story. His essay was also a reliable source for figuring this out. Bays, Daniel H. "The Foreign Missionary Movement in the 19th and Early 20th Centuries, The Nineteenth Century, Divining America: Religion in American History, Teacher Serve, National Humanities Center." National Humanities Center. Web. 26 Feb. 2016. http://nationalhumanitiescenter.org/tserve/nineteen/nkeyinfo/fmmovement.htm. This site provided data on the missionary movement and mentality that...
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...3. Chinua Achebe's novel Things Fall Apart is a good portrayal of an African society in a pre-New Colonialism era. Focus your study on Okonkwo's relationship with his society, which formed his values and traditions. Compare those norms with the arrival of Christian missionaries and the introduction of the European laws and values. (In an essay explain with concrete examples the political, social, economic, judicial, and religious structures of the village of Umofia from Achebe’s book Things Fall Apart. Also, state why Europeans were so determined to bring changes to this society and what kind of action Okonkwo took to defend his village.) 4. Examine the decline of the Ottoman Empire. What factors explain this process? What attempts at reform did the Ottomans undertake? (Bentley & Ziegler, chap.31) 5. Learn how and why Japan became industrialized (make sure you review your notes on the movie; Meiji Transformation). Learn also about hollow modernization of the Latin American countries. (Also Bentley & Ziegler pp. 724-728, 634-636 & chapter 30) 6. Definition, causes, and geopolitical scope and the result of the New Imperialism. (Class notes and read also, Bentley & Ziegler, Chapter 32) 7. African and Asian responses to Western Imperialism: Armed resistance and modernizing efforts. (Class notes) 8. Learn about the causes of World War I. How was it a global and modern war? Major consequences of the war for both Europe and the wider world. (Class notes...
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...30% of Africa’s population and most of African territory (5 million square miles) where under British control. By doing this Britain was able to gain the ‘Lion’s share’ over the other European powers which were competing for control in Africa. On the other hand by the end of the 20th century Britain’s influence in its African empire had shrinked dramatically. The process of colonization which mainly took part between 1870-1914 and decolonisation which started from the end of the Second World War until 1981 took place due to many and various reasons. Some of the reasons include Imperialistic and nationalistic feelings of the British people and of the Afrikaners , military conflicts, political actions and economic reasons. This essay will try to prove that the most important reason which influenced British relationship with its empire in Africa between 1870-1981 were economic reasons to a great extent as each and every action of the British leaders concerning Africa was either purely based on economic interest or had an indirect economic motive. To begin with before the 1870’s British policy towards its African empire was mainly focused on informal imperialism. This type of control was mainly focused on trading agreements as Britain did not establish territorial control. The primary purpose focused on purely economic interests. However everything changed during the period of the 1870s. The shift of British policy towards formal imperialism reflected a significant shift in Britain’s...
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...1. Review the timeline for the Literature of the Harlem Renaissance 1919-1940 on pp. 1377-1378 of the Norton Anthology of African American Literature and identify what you believe are three primary events that occurred and explain why you believe they had a significant impact on the period. The three primary event is: a. In 1919 W.E.B. Dubois organized first Pan American Congress in Paris. b. In 1920 ratification of the 19th Amendment granting women the right to vote. c. In 1923 – 33 the Harlem Renaissance The three events had a significant impact because women could not vote in the election as men could and vote their opinions on who they want as President. The Harlem Renaissance was a rebirth and express of African American culture as...
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...History always requires us to place things in their context and to avoid judging the past through the eyes of the present. But this is not true and it’s actually the opposite looking at the ideological forces that have shaped North (First World) and South (Third World) countries relations for half a century. In this essay one will be looking at the question of to what extend can the process of colonialism be blamed for the problems being experienced by developing countries today? Also matters pertaining to African migration, the spread of Islam, gold and slaves will be included in this essay as they are central to the process of colonialism. Towards the end of the last century, with a long history already behind it European colonization branched out in quite different forms according to the place and the interests of the metropolis. According to Thirlwell (1994:60) it was “a transitional period in which brutal power relations existed alongside paternalist feelings of responsibility towards natives who needed to be civilised” thus, great powers put the then dominant ideas into practice opening up the way to the so called “development” (Thirlwell, 1994). According to Rist (1997:100) “colonialism is a practice of domination, which involves the subjugation of one people to another”. The term colony comes from the Latin word colonus, meaning farmer. Thus, one believes that this root reminds us that the practice of colonialism usually involved the transfer of population to a new...
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...Q7. Discuss the Contribution of either Julius Nyerere or Kwame Nkrumah, in the promotion of Pan Africanism. Introduction Pan Africanism is an ideology and movement that encourages the solidarity of Africans world wide.It is based on the belief that unity is vital to economic, social, and political progress and aims to “unify and uplift” people of African descent. The ideology asserts that the fate of all African peoples and countries are intertwined. At its core Pan-Africanism is “a belief that African peoples, both on the continent and in the Diaspora, share not merely a common history, but a common destiny” The largest Pan-African organization is the African Union. Kwame Nkrumah “I’m not African because I was born in Africa; I’m an African because Africa’s born in me.” Kwame Nkrumah Early Life Education Kwame Nkrumah, was born in approximately 1909 in the town of Nkroful, in the Nzima region of present-day Ghana. His father was a goldsmith by trade and kept many wives, although Kwame Nkrumah was his mother’s only child. His early education was conducted at local missionary schools, and his aptitude enabled him to attend the Government Training College in Accra in 1926. At the Government Training College, Nkrumah was trained to become a teacher and graduated in 1930 (Adi, 2003: 144). He worked as a teacher for five years and although during this time period he also contemplated a move into the priesthood. In 1935 Nkrumah decided to take his studies abroad. After a shorter...
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...contemporary Africa's greatest writers. He is also one of the continent's most imaginative advocates of native culture and of the humane social order it embodies. Born in Western Nigeria in 1934, Soyinka grew up in an Anglican mission compound in Aké. A precocious student, he first attended the parsonage's primary school, where his father was headmaster, and then a nearby grammar school in Abeokuta, where an uncle was principal. Though raised in a colonial, English-speaking environment, Soyinka's ethnic heritage was Yoruba, and his parents balanced Christian training with regular visits to the father's ancestral home in `Isarà, a small Yoruba community secure in its traditions. Soyinka recalls his father's world in `Isarà, A Voyage Around "Essay" (1989) and recounts his own early life in Aké: The Years of Childhood (1981), two of his several autobiographical books. Aké ends in 1945 when Soyinka is eleven, with his induction into the protest movement that during the next decade won Nigeria's freedom from British rule. The political turbulence of these years framed Soyinka's adolescence and early adulthood, which he chronicles in his most recent autobiographical work, Ibadan, The Penkelemes Years, A Memoir: 1946-1965 (1994). At twelve Soyinka left Aké for Ibadan to attend that city's elite Government College and at 18 entered its new university. But in 1954, his ambition focused on a career in theater, Soyinka traveled to England to complete a degree in drama at Leeds, under the well-known...
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...World History Dr. Mahdavi History 101 Fall 2015 Study Guide For Final Examination The examination will consist of 6 essay questions of and you may choose any four questions to write about (25 points each.) You will receive both a numerical score and a letter grade. In reviewing for the examination, focus your study on the following general topics: 1. Examine the process and the transition from the more traditional "putting-out" system to the rise of the factory system (make sure you learn all about the spinning and weaving machines.) What would be the economic and social implications of this change? (Class notes and Bentley & Ziegler, chapter 29) 2. Discuss the population explosion, urbanization, and other demographic factors of the industrial Revolution. Also, discuss the growth of huge industrial cities during the 19th Century. (Bentley & Ziegler, chap.29) 3. Chinua Achebe's novel Things Fall Apart is a good portrayal of an African society in a pre-New Colonialism era. Focus your study on Okonkwo's relationship with his society, which formed his values and traditions. Compare those norms with the arrival of Christian missionaries and the introduction of the European laws and values. (In an essay explain with concrete examples the political, social, economic, judicial, and religious structures of the village of Umofia from Achebe’s book Things Fall Apart. Also, state why Europeans were so determined to bring changes to this...
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...Definition of Postcolonialism Postcolonialism is the study of the legacy of the era of European, and sometimes American, direct global domination, which ended roughly in the mid-20th century, and the residual political, socio-economic, and psychological effects of that colonial history. Postcolonialism examines the manner in which emerging societies grapple with the challenges of self-determination and how they incorporate or reject the Western norms and conventions, such as legal or political systems, left in place after direct administration by colonial powers ended. Ironically, much early postcolonial theory, with its emphasis on overt rejection of imposed Western norms, was tied to Marxist theory, which also originated in Europe. Contemporary studies focus more on the effects of postcolonial globalization and the development of indigenous solutions to local needs. INTRODUCTION (Enote) By definition, postcolonialism is a period of time after colonialism, and postcolonial literature is typically characterized by its opposition to the colonial. However, some critics have argued that any literature that expresses an opposition to colonialism, even if it is produced during a colonial period, may be defined as postcolonial, primarily due to its oppositional nature. Postcolonial literature often focuses on race relations and the effects of racism and usually indicts white and/or colonial societies. Despite a basic consensus on the general themes of postcolonial writing, however...
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...choice is W.E.B Du Bois, because he laid down the foundation for the study of black sociology and the work of scholars such as E. Franklin Frazier (Vissing, 2011). In this paper I will discuss why I feel that W.E.B Du Bois views align with my personal views. W.E.B Du Bois real name is William Edwards Burghardt and was born February 23, 1868 in Great Barrington, Massachusetts. Du bois was an American sociologist, historian, civil rights activist, Pan-Africanist, author and editor. Du Bois grew up in a tolerant community and experienced little racism as a child. He was the first African American to earn a doctorate at Harvard University. Karl Marx, Max Weber and Emile Durkheim were widely recognized as the trinity of sociological theory. These three were trailblazing social theorists, who enhance the study of human behavior and its relationships to social institutions. There was one more scholar that they didn’t mention by the name W.E.B Du Bois. Du Bois was a political and literary giant of the 20th century. Du Bois also published over twenty books and thousands of essay and articles throughout his life. Phil Zuckerman was the editor of The Social Theory of W.E.B Du Bois assembles. Du Bois work from a wide variety of source, putting Du Bois in the newspaper, speeches he done, selections from well-known classics such as The Souls of Black Folk and Darkwater. Theorists of Choices W.E.B Du Bois Du Bois was the first sociologist of race,...
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...IGOROTS * Home * IGOROT SONGS * IGOROT DANCE * IGOROT TRADITIONS * MONEY ON THE MOUNTAIN IGOROT TRADITIONS IGOROT TRADITIONS When we talk about Igorot identity and culture, we also have to consider the time. My point is that: what I am going to share in this article concerning the Igorot culture might not be the same practiced by the Igorots of today. It has made variations by the passing of time, which is also normally happening to many other cultures, but the main core of respect and reverence to ancestors and to those who had just passed is still there. The Igorot culture that I like to share is about our practices and beliefs during the "time of Death". Death is part of the cycle of life. Igorots practice this part of life cycle with a great meaning and importance. Before the advent of Christianity in the Igorotlandia, the Igorots or the people of the Cordilleran region in the Philippines were animist or pagans. Our reverence or the importance of giving honor to our ancestors is a part of our daily activities. We consider our ancestors still to be with us, only that they exist in another world or dimension. Whenever we have some special feasts (e.g., occasions during death, wedding, family gathering, etc.), when we undertake something special (like going somewhere to look for a job or during thanksgiving), we perform some special offer. We call this "Menpalti/ Menkanyaw", an act of butchering and offering animals. During these times we call them...
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...Crystal Wooten American Intercontinental University – Online March 3, 2013 Abstract In gaining an understanding of how early civilizations lived, we can see what impact they have had as they migrated to the New World. By examining what they left behind we can also see the impact they have had on many diverse cultures and societies today. Cultural Syncretism and its Impact Introduction Cultural syncretism occurs when two opposite cultures mix and blend their cultural beliefs, whether they be political or religious, to produce or to start a new culture or religion. Historically, syncretism has been seen as an attempt to reconcile disparities between various cultures. Africa and the Americas both had help with other factors like weapons, religion, and technological advancements. When it came to cultural beliefs, China and India’s values were very different. They would operate from outside of the traditional beliefs, which made them much more resistant to syncretism. Compare and contrast the legacies of cultural syncretism in Africa and the Americas with the resistance to cultural change Westerners encountered in China and India. When different aspects of cultural philosophies or religions blend together and disparities are compromised, cultural syncretism occurs. According to the 1830 American census 2.3 million people were of African descent and there was only 12.8 million in the country (Joyner, 2003). Also of that 12.8 million 2.44% were free Africans, 15.56% were...
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...Down the House and White chicks will bring a closer view about the difference between “white” and “un-white” character be described. Also, the introduction and chapter one of “Unthinking Eurocentrism: Multiculturalism and the Media” has provide a broad, critical overview of film primarily from and about the “Third World”. In chapter one “From Eurocentrism to Polycentrism”, they reviewed standard criticism of view in literary in cinematic work. This essay is aims defined the stereotypical images and roles of African Americans in films. First of all, the movie “Tarzan, The Ape Man” is the fairly easy target for people interested in the perpetuation of anti-black stereotypes. Tarzan is presented as a naked savage who doesn’t learn to wear clothes. It’s racist when in the movie, when Tarzan warning Jane and her father that Tarzan, the owner of the jungles has killed beasts and many black men. He pelts animals with thrown objects to torment them. He kills animals for pleasure. To Tarzan all blacks are lower. Besides, in the movie, the Africans of the Mbongan tribe are cannibalism, superstitious, contemptible and debased. Here it come the love of Tarzan, Jane a “white” woman is defined as beautiful, and apparently resourceful and intelligent. However, Esmeralda is presented as a black nanny stereotype. Her character old dialogue is an affront to all women and to all black. The positive attributes of the 'whiteness “and the negative attributes of the 'black” in this movie represent an interpretation...
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