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Essay On California Drought

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Even though some would argue that one of the reasons for the California’s drought 2014-2015 is not global warming, Stanford Research proved that the abnormal atmospheric conditions connected with California’s current critical drought have most chances to occur under today’s global warming conditions rather than in the climate that existed before human released large amounts of gases and pollution due to industrialization.
B) California’s drought 2014-2015- “man-made disaster”.
Unarguably, human actions impact natural water resources, and this section will illustrate that drought that California experiences in 2014-2015 is a “man-made disaster”.
According to Zimmerman, M. (2015), misguided environmental policies were one of the causes of California’s …show more content…
(2015) continues, one of the issues California has is that vast majority of dams and reservoirs were built before the 1980s, and construction of new water storage has been stopped by environmentalists through political and legal actions. Also, in order to boost fish populations and dilute the salinity of the delta, environmentalist fought to make sure that captured water is released into oceans and streams rather than in the delivery systems. Releasing the water is supposed to save the endangered fish population, including the Delta Smelt, Longfin Smelt, four runs of Chinook Salmon, the Steelhead, Green and White Sturgeon, Splittail and the Sacramento hitch, but so far the fish population has decreased, according to experts. A state survey in March found just 6 Delta Smelt – four females and two males – prompting wildlife experts to estimate the species' population has dropped to 5,000 or fewer from the millions in the last 40 years (Zimmerman, M, 2015). Many officials were devastated and protested because environmentalists stopped construction of reservoirs and dams in order to preserve endangered fish. For these officials, the well-being of California’s population is more important than sustainability of endangered fish. On one side, they are right by being concerned about people’s lives and well-being; on the other side, it is essential to preserve species and ensure their sustainability, for human actions caused extinctions of large number of species

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