The Canadian Shield is the largest region in North America, meaning that it takes a massive landmass of approximately 5 million square km in range, as well as up to 50 percent of Canada’s total landmass. It is located at the Eastern side of Canada but not always on the coastline.Ranging from Nunavut’s Ellesmere Island’s Eastern Coastline to the Baffin islands and then going Southward through the middle of central Canada then to go northward up to Quebec and to the coast of Newfoundland, it resembles a u pattern which explains why it is often referred to as the horseshoe of Canada. The Canadian shield has a rocky landscape and looks as if it is an exposed underlying crust that is covered by a layer of soil .However due to its massive size it’s terrain vastly varies as different locations…show more content… Also,back during when Canada was still developing the British empire had settled a deal stating, wherever there was water close to the coastline and central Canada would be given to the Hudson’s bay company meaning both northern Canada and central Canada would be disclosed.Therefore leading to why most of the significant cities in the Canadian shield are located close to the Eastern coastline.For example the Entirety of Quebec with massive cities like Montreal and Quebec city , and Labrador island with a few notable cities in central Canada like Winnipeg.All of these places have considerable amounts of industrialized modern cities and have a developed economy. Again places located inside the Canadian shield usually have a rocky outlook as it is mostly good quality metamorphic that makes up most of Canada’s