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Essay On Morality In Eli Samuels And Dr. Wyatt

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Morality and Ethicality pertain to the right or wrong conduct of an individual or society. There were many characters in this book that show that their actions are either moral or immoral. Two characters who are the least and most moral are Eli Samuels and Dr. Wyatt. In this book, Dr. Wyatt’s actions were the most moral because he was trying to help people out by genetically manipulating humans to create healthy babies and Eli was the least moral because he destroyed precious life by smashing his and other mother’s experimental eggs from the freezer. Dr. Wyatt’s actions were the most moral because he was helping out struggling people. Ava just wanted to have a baby of her own but it was too risky to have a baby that could be tested positive or negative for Huntington’s disease. Ava Samuels would be feeling really guilty on her part if Eli turned out to be tested positive …show more content…
It is completely unacceptable to be destroying the eggs because those eggs would eventually become Eli’s brothers and sisters. By doing that, Eli had basically murdered his brothers and sisters through rage. “I did not know if I was doing right or wrong. Killing or preserving. Loving or hating. I do not care”(Werling 234). This quote from the book shows that Eli was feeling anger and mixed feelings when he went into the freezer and destroyed the contents. His actions in the freezer disapproved of his moral actions shown throught the book and also the definition of morality. In conclusion, Dr. Wyatt and Eli Samuels were opposites when it comes to morality and ethics. Dr. Wyatt, even though he was the antagonist of the book, was the character with the most morals because he was trying to help all the less fortunate. Eli Samuels, on the other hand, was the character with the least moral. However, they both showed some aspects of good morals and bad morals at some point in the

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