...http://www.homelandsecurity.org/journal/Articles/stahelski.html BATH SCHOOL TRAGEDY-1927-BATH MICHIGAN SCHOOL BOMBING/MASS... (n.d.). Retrieved april 19, 2011, from True Crime: http://cmm.lefora.com/2009/07/10/bath-school-tragedy-1927-bath-michigan-school-bomb/ Hezbollah, the 'Partyof God' - Isreal News, Ynetnews. (n.d.). Retrieved april 18, 2011, from http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3284023,00.html History of Hamas Murderous Attacks-Defense/MiddleEast-Isreal News-Isreal Nation... (n.d.). Retrieved april 18, 2011, from Arutz Sheva News: http://www.isrealnationalnews.com/News.aspx/97378 Osama bin Laden; Profile. (n.d.). Retrieved April 20, 2011, from ADL: http://www.adl.org/terrorism_ america/bin_1.asp Sniper Jonh Allen Muhammad executed = CNN. (n.d.). Retrieved april 20, 2011, from CNNJustice: http://articles.cnn.com/2009-11-10/justice/virginia.sniper.execution_1_sniper-jonh-allen-m... Suicide Bombers. (n.d.). Retrieved april 20, 2011, from Beyond Intractability.org: http;//www.beyondintractability.org/essay/suicide_bombers/ Survival Hezbollah Terrorist Attack On U.S. (n.d.). Retrieved april 18, 2011, from Secrets Survival: http://secretsofsurvival.com/survivalhezbollah.html USS Cole bombing. (n.d.). Retrieved april 20, 2011, from GlobalSecurity,org: http://www.globalsecurity.org/security/profiles/uss _cole_bombing.htm WashingtonPost.com:Oklahoma City Bombing Trial Report. (n.d.). Retrieved april 19, 2011, from washingtonpost.com:...
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...Briefing Report Ashley Jones SEC315 Professor Michael Tunick January 20, 2012 Abstract This essay investigates the security measures that are being undertaken by the Federal Protective Service to assure security to the general public. It evaluates these measures to determine if they are sufficiently comprehensive to combat a potential threat of a similar magnitude to the Oklahoma City bombing. In addition, the essay compares these security measures to those of the “John Hancock Tower” in Boston City. Further, it elucidates the weakness of Federal Protective Services in relation to security services provided at “John Hancock Tower”. According to the literature, the protocol of FPS usually has frequent security lapses that often leave the people vulnerable to bomb or terrorist attacks (Mearsheimer, J. J. 2007). Briefing Report The Federal Protection Service has been the people’s last hope against terror threat since the September 11. The police unit provides integrated security to federally owned buildings or properties. It is known to organize its security operations within the guiding principles of technical expertise, organizational excellence and proper stakeholder service. However, the recent trend of security lapses in their protocol has caused some panic among the general public as well as within the government quarters. For instance, only a few months ago in McNamara Federal Building that is situated Downtown Detroit, there was a serious bomb scare when it...
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...History and Transistor Count In: Computers and Technology History and Transistor Count 1. Search the Internet using keywords such as “Intel Processor Transistor Count.” 2. Create a table that presents the processor model, year and transistor count for Intel processors from 1971 to the present. 1982 Intel 286 Processor 134K Transistors 1982 Intel 286 Processor 134K Transistors 1978 Intel 8086 Processor 29K Transistors 1978 Intel 8086 Processor 29K Transistors 1974 Intel 8080 Processor 4500 Transistors 1974 Intel 8080 Processor 4500 Transistors 1972 Intel 8008 Processor 3500 Transistors 1972 Intel 8008 Processor 3500 Transistors 1971 Intel 4004 Processor 2300 Transistors 1971 Intel 4004 Processor 2300 Transistors 2003 Intel Pentium M Processor 55 Million Transistors 2003 Intel Pentium M Processor 55 Million Transistors 2001 Intel Xeon Processor 42 Million Transistors 2001 Intel Xeon Processor 42 Million Transistors 2000 Intel Pentium 4 Processor 42 Million Transistors 2000 Intel Pentium 4 Processor 42 Million Transistors 1999 Intel Pentium III Processor 9.5 Million Transistors 1999 Intel Pentium III Processor 9.5 Million Transistors 1998 Intel Celeron Processor 7.5 Million Transistors 1998 Intel Celeron Processor 7.5 Million Transistors 1995 Intel Pentium Pro Processor 5.5 Million Transistors 1995 Intel Pentium Pro Processor 5.5 Million Transistors 1997 Intel Pentium II Processor 7.5 Million...
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...spelled-out for us; "Small units, small weapons, usually don't wear uniforms, targets are state symbols, political opponents and public at large and the action is not recognized as a legal act”. (Barnett and Reynolds, slide-8). It seems that when a bombing, a mass shooting, or a suspected terrorist event happens and American leadership have agreed on the common elements of the terrorist event, a good number of American citizens are more concerned with the ethnic background of the alleged perpetrator and more specifically if they have a Muslim sounding name. So even though we know the general definition of "Terrorism", sometimes those elements are not the immediate focus and the actual definition varies even at the highest levels. Was the Boston marathon a terrorist action? According to the President of the United States it was. However, according to the agreed on definition as outlined by (Barnett and Reynolds, slide-8), the jury is still out. Another publically recognized domestic terrorism event was the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing by Timothy McVeigh. He clearly used a bomb that was large enough to decimate a large building, so the small weapons element that (Barnett and Reynolds slide-8), doesn't apply to the Oklahoma City bombing. However, the event is still recognized and classified as a domestic terrorism action. Explain the role media plays in terrorists acts. "Terrorism and the Media are...
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...grieving person may make bargains with God, asking, "If I do this, will you take away the loss?" 4. Depression: The person feels numb, although anger and sadness may remain underneath. 5. Acceptance: This is when the anger, sadness and mourning have tapered off. The person simply accepts the reality of the loss” (Kubler-Ross, E.2005) These stages have no set pattern or pace of occurrence and cannot be forced upon the griever. The griever may go one step forward then take two steps backward. Should a person remain stuck in one stage or the other, the process of grieving cannot be complete resulting in what has been coined by the Mayo Clinic as extreme or abnormal grief. In abnormal or extreme grief healing is not achieved. This essay will provide an overview of five forms of extreme or abnormal grief, covering the topics of chronic grief, delayed grief, disenfranchised grief, exaggerated grief, and sudden grief. Chronic Grief Of the five forms of extreme grief, chronic grief tops the list. Chronic grief occurs when a grieving person has trouble with closure. The chronic griever may find that it is extremely hard to return to...
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...New Terrorism? Predicting the Future of Terrorism Introduction/ Purpose Terrorism is an often controversial subject. “One man’s freedom fighter is another man’s terrorist.” This is a well known quote that is often used to allude to the complexity of terrorism. Terrorism, the word itself is a word that has possessed over a hundred definitions and a concept that has changed as the societies of the world have progressed. The use of the terms terrorism and terrorist are politically weighted, and are often used for a polarizing effect, where 'terrorism' becomes simply a relativist term for the violence committed by an enemy, from the point of view of the attacked. Because of the political nature of some struggles, 'terrorism' can become identified as simply any violence committed against established institutions. A terrorist is, strictly speaking, one who is personally involved in an act of terrorism. The term "terrorism" comes from the French 18th century word terrorisme (under their government's Reign of Terror), based on the Latin language verbs terrere (to tremble) and deterrere (to frighten from). The use of the term "terrorist" has had broader applications however, ranging in application from disgruntled citizens to common political dissidents. It is important to understand terrorism in our modern arena and under stand its effects on society. ‘Terrorism’, as a unified political and ideological motif did not arise spontaneously in response to particular instances...
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...The pie by Gary Soto essay Do you remember as a child stealing another's kid snack just because it seemed tasty? And then when the teacher told you to justify your actions you started to cry and felt like a piece of crap because you knew what you did was sinful and against your core values. This what Gary Soto did when he stole the pie from the German market and feels bad because he is over the top religious? Gary recreates the moment of his guilty six-year self, stealing the pie and become a sinner by using deep imagery, sharp word choice and biblical allusions that make sense. The story would be bland and would not have a point if Gary did not include these Soto’s skill of recreating the moment, using biblical allusions, makes its appearance...
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...SEC/460 Introduction The purpose of this essay is to review and calculate the risk for bombs, sniper attacks, biological weapons, and cyber viruses and identify existing countermeasures in the State of Florida. Being a highly susceptible region for illegal immigration coming across the border, Florida has a close watch for terroristic threats. The following pages will review the threats and measures taken in the State of Florida. Domestic Terrorism Domestic terrorism can be defined as a threatened use, or unlawful use, of violence or force by an individual or group that is operating without any foreign direction within the country and as an act that is violent and dangerous to human life and also against the jurisdiction of the country (Terrorism, 2005). Explosives, weapons, and chemicals are common means of violence in terrorist attacks. As the appendix lists, there are several types of terroristic attacks that must be watched for such as bombings, sniper attacks, biological weapons, and cyber viruses and counter action and safety measures must be planned. Victims can are defined as society. This includes civilians, government workers, the military, first responders, or any stakeholder within the region being terrorized. While reasons for attacks can vary, political motivations along with religious differences and social ideas are the main culprits. When terrorists are planning attacks...
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...Lutz, B. 2008). Thus, counterterrorism is a combination of multiple façades of government and law enforcement which interact to form a counterterror grand strategy. It is important to draw attention to the differences between a “strategy” and a “grand strategy”. A strategy requires a precisely specified political objective – strategy is a scheme for making the means produce the desired ends (Betts, 2000). A grand strategy on the other hand is far more complex. A grand strategy explains how a state’s full range of resources will be utilised to achieve security (identifying threats and how to minimise or eliminate them) - essentially a grand strategy is “complex, multifaceted, and directed toward a distant time horizon” (Crenshaw, 2004). This essay will explore and discuss the key issues considered while designing a counterterrorism grand strategy, and will provide relevant examples of these issues that have been applied in grand strategies. The major component of an effective counterterrorism grand strategy is the ability of law enforcement and the government to be flexible and adaptable - Wardlaw (1988) stated that “the idea of a general policy against terrorism is inherently faulty – terrorism has to be countered in a discriminating, case by case way”. Similarly, Simon (1994) agrees, declaring “do not declare any official ‘policy’ on terrorism”. What both these scholars are suggesting is that by creating a stringent culture of...
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...Is the Use of the Habeas Corpus Helping or Hurting the War on Terror Brandy Hudson POL201: American National Government Instructor: Spencer Walsh 08/04/2014 Habeas Corpus originated in English common law as a means to protect individuals from illegal detention. Modern day, habeas corpus is mainly used as a solution prior to conviction for state and federal prisoners who challenge the legality of the application of federal laws that were used in judicial proceedings that resulted in the detainment of the individual ( Kavarsky,2014). This essay will examine the evolution of habeas corpus in the United States, how it affects civil liberties, and its effects on the war on terror. The most famous habeas corpus case was that of slave Dred Scott, who attempted to sue for his freedom. Earlier another slave by the name of James Somersett ran away from his master while in England. He was later captured but supporters obtained a writ of habeas corpus that required his captors to produce Sommersett in court where he sued for his freedom. Almost a century later, Dred Scott petitioned the U.S Federal Courts for a writ of habeas corpus. It was granted and later upheld in a court of appeals in 1857, in one of the most controversial cases in American history. The Supreme Court ruled Scott Seven to Two. The court found that no slave or descendent of a slave could be an American citizen, and so Scott was not considered a “person” within the purview of the constitution. Therefore...
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...Year 10 Revision Timelines: The Roaring Twenties Women Before First World War * Women could not vote. * Middle/upper class women did not work but had the role of mothers and housewives. Working class women had low paid jobs such as factory work and cleaning. * Women usually wore full length dresses, wore no make up and had their hair tied back in buns. * Divorce was very rare and so was sex before marriage. * Women did not smoke or drink in public. * They had to go out with a chaperone (a family member) when they met their boyfriend. How did the First World War change the lives of women? * During the war, women began to work in areas like heavy industry. They proved they could work as well as men. By 1929, there were 10 million women workers; a rise of 24% since 1920. * Working gave women independence and they began smoking and drinking in public. * Women were given the vote in August 1920 but few were chosen to be actual politicians. * Production of consumer goods such as vacuum cleaners and washing machines meant women had more time for leisure activities. * Flappers emerged in the 1920’s = women from middle and upper class families from the Northern States. They cut their hair in short bobs, wore make up, short skirts and bright clothes. They also smoked and drank in public, went to speakeasies, danced the Charleston with men and listened to Jazz and drove cars and motorbikes. * BUT many groups, particularly...
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...integration of public relations and marketing communications Business-to-business communication The cases examined in this book demonstrate the breadth of contemporary public relations practice and the increasing importance of the public relations function in both public and private sector organizations worldwide. Danny Moss is Co-Director of the Centre for Corporate and Public Affairs at the Manchester Metropolitan University, and Course Leader for the University’s Master’s Degree in Public Relations. His previous publications include Perspectives on Public Relations Research (1999), co-edited with Dejan Vercic and Gary Warnaby, also published by Routledge. Barbara DeSanto is Assistant Professor at the School of Journalism and Broadcasting, Oklahoma State University, where she teaches graduate and...
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...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Counter-terrorism Counter-terrorism (also spelled counterterrorism) is the practices, tactics, techniques, and strategies that governments, militaries, police departments and corporations adopt to prevent or in response to terrorist threats and/or acts, both real and imputed. The tactic of terrorism is available to insurgents and governments. Not all insurgents use terror as a tactic, and some choose not to use it because other tactics work better for them in a particular context. Individuals, such as Timothy McVeigh, may also engage in terrorist acts such as the Oklahoma City bombing. If the terrorism is part of a broader insurgency, counter-terrorism may also form a part of a counter-insurgency doctrine, but political, economic, and other measures may focus more on the insurgency than the specific acts of terror. Foreign internal defense (FID) is a term used by several countries[citation needed] for programs either to suppress insurgency, or reduce the conditions under which insurgency could develop. Counter-terrorism includes both the detection of potential acts and the response to related events. Anti-terrorism versus counter-terrorism Further information: Detentions following the September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attack The concept of anti-terrorism emerges from a thorough examining of the concept of terrorism as well as an attempt to understand and articulate what constitutes terrorism in Western terms. In military contexts, terrorism is a...
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...Warfare Evolution War is a never ending, yet historical event. It is supposed to be used to solve conflicts. It is supposed to determine which nation will be considered the more superior nation and to determine which nation would be considered to be the weakest. Although war is supposed to be used to solve conflicts, often times instead of solving conflicts it either makes matters worse or creates new problems. According to the Merriam Webster’s dictionary, war is defined as, “a state or period of fighting between countries or groups. It is also defined as an organized effort by a government or other large organization to stop or defeat something that is viewed as dangerous or bad (War, 2016).” War consists of a lot of violence, and unfortunately we as a society, think that is the best way to get our point across and the best way to solve problems. It is a situation that affects so many people. Not just those involved in the actual fighting in the war, but their families, their friends, and each country included in the war. When we send soldiers in to fight a battle, a lot of them will not make it back home to see their loved ones again. They may not even understand or agree with the reason behind the war. They just know they were called to serve their country and that’s what they will do. Based on the history of the United States of America, we have been at war for about 90% of the time since 1776. Some of the wars that have been instrumental within our history and that I...
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...Unit 10 The Teacher Who Changed My Life Warm-up I. The pictures below show three of the world’s great teachers. Match each picture with the right name and description. |( ( ( | |[pic] [pic] [pic] | 1. Confucius 2. Anne Sullivan Macy 3. Socrates A B C |Helen Keller’s teacher, who taught |A philosopher and Plato’s teacher, who |A philosopher and a teacher, who believed | |Keller how to spell and read, and thus|encouraged his students to think and responded |that education should be available to | |made Keller long for learning. |to their questions by asking more questions. |everyone and who adopted various teaching | | | |methods to inspire his students. | II. To you, which of the three is the greatest? Share your opinion with the class. Reading ( Reading Tip: What did the teacher do that changed the author’s life? The person who set the course of my life was a schoolteacher named Marjorie Hurd. When I stepped off a ship in New York Harbor in 1949, I was a nine-year-old war refugee, who had lost his mother and was coming...
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