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Essay On Police Brutality

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Police Brutality
Throughout the several decades, there have been lots of issues between police and citizens. Many conflicts are between races, mainly African Americans. Police are abusing citizens, killing them, and shoot them several times to the point where the victim is on the ground in a pool of blood. An officer pulling a gun on a citizen causes the rate to go up, destruction in the community (riots), and the history of brutality, is common. The family of the victim has lost their loved ones. The main question is what causes the police to react this way? Is it fear? Could it be hatred?
With the police killing innocent victims, the brutality rate continues to rise, with unwanted gun use. “This has led to 5,986 reports of misconduct, …show more content…
In March of 1991, Rodney King was a victim of police brutality. Once the trial was over the officers were found not guilty. After the riot broke out in the city of LA, the Department of Justice had the officers trialed again. Many thought it was unfair for the officers to be charged again, but the officers were then found guilty. A few years after Rodney King, OJ Simpson was on trial for the murder of his wife, Nicole Brown Simpson. During the trial, there were lots of police accusations because he was an African American famous football player, who was loved by many fans but hated by many. Being a wealth African American during this time was a crime, basically, him and his lawyer, Johnnie Cochran, were harassed by the police for the color of their skin. Another victim of police brutality following the OJ Simpson trial was Amadou Diallo in 1999, he came to American in pursuit of his dream. Sadly, his dream came to an end in 1999, when the police had mistaken him reaching for a gun and ended his life. Should an innocent man die for a false statement? “Slaves did not have civil or political rights, so they were not entitled, as others were, to a fair trial or the right to be considered innocent until proven guilty.” (African American Eras: Contemporary Times. p 546) This is evidence that African Americans have had this issue throughout U.S.

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