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Essay On Racial Profiling

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For my reflection letter I have chosen three essays; Racial Profiling Argumentative Paper, Bullying Research Paper, Brave New World Literary Analysis and three pieces of process work; annotated articles, peer editing, and evidence charts, as the basis for my personal evaluation. From this work, I will reflect on what I learned about create a claim or thesis, find evidence to support my claim, write topic sentences, write relevant commentary or analysis, create a first draft that I have developed, and my strengths; MLA, evidence. I will address my academic essays, create works cited skill that I have learned, grammar and commentary where I need to improve, and I want to improve on write a relevant commentary or analysis and integrate quotes …show more content…
The first essay that I’m going to talk about is Does Racial Profiling Help to Maintain Security? the first argumentative paper that we write in the ERWC class. This assignment intent “to develop an argument on one of the various issues relating to Racial Profiling”. To get a good grade for this paper I need to find an evidence that powerful that could prove my claim, so that readers will believe in my claim. The second essay is Technology Abuse of Modern Society, the first research paper that we write in the class. This research essay is intent to research one of the various types of bullying and how those bullying affect the society. Because this assignment is Research paper, so we don’t need much commentary on the paper, but to get a good grade “we need clear and powerful topic sentences that relate to the thesis”. For this assignment I choose cyberbullying because this types of bullying mostly happen to most of teenagers in the United States. The third essay is literary analysis from Brave New World, New Society in Modern World. This essay intent “to compare the similarities and differences between Brave New World and our society and make a clear stand whether our society have more similarities or differences from Brave New World.” To get a good grade on this paper I need to find evidence from the text and write commentary for the textual

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