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Essay On The Differences Between North And South Carolina

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Northern and southern Carolina are very different. In the Low Country they have big plantations, and in the Up Country there are small subsistence farms. In the Up Country they grew corn, beans, sweet potatoes, squash, and pumpkins. In the Low Country they mainly grew rice. In the Low Country they had a lot of Indian slaves that knew how to grow the rice, work on the plantations. In the Up Country they didn’t have as many slaves because they didn’t have big farms. They had different ports, in the Low country they had ports because they were close to the coast and needed to ship rice to the English. In the northern part they didn’t need ports because they didn’t have a cash crop until much later. The education level for the two colonies was much different. The Low Country were much more …show more content…
These are only some of the many differences between northern and southern Carolina. Next, Carolina faced many problems. In the 1680s the proprietors stopped granting free land to settlers. The proprietors had the settlers sign an official agreement requiring them to pay a rent on the land, but the colonists wanted the land rent free. The problems over free land grew worse and worse, because there were factions among the colonists. A faction is a small united group within a bigger group. Another problem occurred when more Dissenters moved into the colony. Dissenters are Protestants who are not Anglicans. The Dissenters generally disagreed with colonial leadership. The early colonists were known as the “Goose Creek men” because they were from the Goose Creek area, and most of the men were Anglicans. The men were determined to keep things as they were and not change anything. They didn’t want to pay quitrents, but still wanted to trade with the Indians. They also wanted to keep the Dissenters from gaining any power. If they keep the colony the same meant that the Goose Creek men would remain in control of the colony. In the 1680s to

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