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Essay On Women Empowerment

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Women Empowerment through Self Help Groups: Issues and Challenges
RuchiraShukla*, Swati Sharma**, V.M. Thumar***, K.A. Patel****
Navsari Agricultural University
Email: Contact No.: 9725018793
Women are critical to a growing rural economy, especially in developing countries such as India. The empowerment of women is most important for the development and growth of the country. Motivating women and bringing them into the mainstream of development is a major concern for the Government of India. Women empowerment is a process in which women challenge the existing norms and culture, to effectively promote their wellbeing. Empowerment of women means developing them as more aware individuals, who are politically …show more content…
Domestic Violence: With the growth and development of social living standard domestic violence is a regular feature. This situation can be changed if women can be empowered and she can look after herself in the society.
Factors Influencing Women Empowerment
The following are some of the factor which influences women empowerment.(Panda, 2017)
1. Gender Discrimination: It is one of the major factors which influence women empowerment of our country. The ratio between male and female has been reduced to a great extent. The traditional belief of male child is the successor of the family is an asset and the female child is meant for other family and is a liability. This mentality affects the women empowerment situation in our country. 2. Ambition for achievement: There is general notation that women are less ambitious. Ambition in women is considered a social taboo. This character makes them to be dependent to male in the society.
3. Social status:The Indian society has been divided into different segments on the basis of caste, religion, economic status, culture,family background, status etc . On the basis of this social status, women suffer a lot due to social discrimination. It is a major factor for which women empowerment is necessary in our

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