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Eth 316 Week 3


Submitted By cusefan21
Words 818
Pages 4
The Responsibility Project

The Responsibility Project
As a foodie and lover of bread I really got to this short five minute and 46-second video and thoroughly enjoyed it. The clip Avalon is definitely inspiring. The issues in the video clip involve the city of Detroit, but it is happening everywhere in towns and cities across the United States. The issues in this video are important because in order for the United States of America to bounce back we need people like these around that took the initiative to find a way to help out and improve their surroundings. Stuff like this is happening across the United States not just in Detroit. It gives people hope of ways to improve their lives. This was all started by the aspirations of two women embarked on an endeavored to start a new small business in the city of Detroit. Their business is baking breads for their community, but it has reached by word of mouth within the city limits not just their neighborhood. These ladies showed how daring they are and that healing a city can happen when mindsets are put ahead of personal gain. They demonstrated how to use ethical principles to address the organizational issues.
The organizational ethics depicted in this short clip are astounding. The city of Detroit experienced a huge downfall that started decades before the crash of the economy in the late 2000s. When the auto companies started shuttering plants and moving jobs overseas for profit and cheaper labor fewer jobs meant people had to move to find work. When those people move less people are around to pay taxes which in turn degraded the local city government to pipeline money where it needs to be allocated.. Education loses money as people who moved took their children with them. The lack of a proper educational system and the much needed tax money they rely on lead to joblessness and little hope for

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