Premium Essay

Eth125-Checkpoint-Asia-American According to the U-S-Cens...M


Submitted By itbann
Words 639
Pages 3
I placed each table side by side in order to compare and see what answers were similar. For the most part each list was distinctively different. However there were a few similar answers: both charts listed the Muslim and Arab Americans as being more oppressive to women, governed by the Qur’an, religion was part of government and we both considered them to be socially oppressed. We both listed the Christian Americans as: not being oppressive to women, we believed they had more conservative political values and they were flexible on moral values.
When it came to the combined list both my wife and I believe that both groups were good neighbors, family oriented, and women were the main homemaker. I was surprised to see that my wife only listed 15 descriptors’ while I listed 19.
Looking at the descriptors on both lists I would have to agree with the assumptions that Muslims, Arabs and Christian Americans do make good neighbors and are indeed family oriented. Race has nothing to do with if you are a good neighbor or family oriented; many races believe that family is and should be the main focus point of their lives. All three of these races believe in a strong community, they believe in helping their neighbors, visiting with them and enjoying community activities.
One area of my wife’s list that I would have to disagree with would be that Christian Americans are better educated than Muslim and Arab Americans. Education in the United States is not based on race. Each and every American citizen is allowed to get a free education, what we choose to make of this important opportunity is up to each individual.
Americans perceptions are heavily influenced by today’s media. When we sit down to watch the news we are often overwhelmed by news reports that show bombings and terrorist acts that are affecting our military. We seldom get to see pictures of the laughing children

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